

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Rural/urban redux: Conceptual problems and material effects

Concepts are the basic building blocks of all knowledge, while the strength of the theories that guide any societal project is dependent on the quality those concepts. Contrarily, the utilization of questionable concepts will result in questionable material effects. As two of the oldest geographical concepts still in widespread use, ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ stand in stark contrast to the immense change

Status of the soft X-ray laser (SXL) project at the Max IV laboratory

A Soft X-ray Laser project (the SXL) aiming to produce FEL radiation in the range of 1 to 5 nm is currently in a conceptual design phase and a report on the design is expected to be delivered by March 2021. The FEL will be driven by the existing 3 GeV linac at MAX IV laboratory, which also serves as injector for the two storage rings. The science case has been pushed by a large group of mainly Swe

Tillit eller tvång? : Konsumenters förtroende för handelns datainsamling

I denna undersökning har vi i juni 2020 frågat ett representativt urval om strax över 2000 svenskar om hur de förhåller sig till handelns användning av deras personliga information. Urvalet har viktats och efterstratifierats så att det ska representera den svenska allmänheten 18-79 år. Syftet har varit att bättre förstå i vilken mån allmänheten tycker att utbytet mellan vad de får i termer av exem

Comparatively low attendance during Human Papillomavirus catch-up vaccination among teenage girls in the Netherlands : Insights from a behavioral survey among parents

Background: The Dutch Human Papillomavirus (HPV) catch-up vaccination program in 2009 appeared less successful than expected. We aimed to identify the most important determinants of refusing the vaccination. Methods: Two thousand parents of girls born in 1996 targeted for HPV vaccination received an invitation letter to participate in a questionnaire study. Two study groups were defined: the first

Gallery construction and oviposition of the bark beetle Ips typographus (Coleoptera : Scolytidae) at different breeding densities

Abstract. 1. The bole of a Norway spruce, Picea abies(L.) Karst., was cut in 25 cm sections and infested in the laboratory with 2 or 8 females/dm2 of Ips typographus (L.) and an equal number of males. 2. One log of each beetle density was dissected every second day, beginning 2 days after female introduction. 3. The oviposition rate was highest at the beginning of the breeding period for both dens

Causes and effects of individual quality in bark beetles

A summary of the present knowledge of variation in individual quality within a bark beetle population is given, with emphasis on the spruce bark beetle Ips typogrophus, A major causal factor is density, mediated by competition during larval development. Density negatively influences individual quality measured as weight, fat content and pheromone production. Together with decreasing mean values at

Intraspecific competition affecting parents and offspring in the bark beetle Ips typographus.

Parents re-emerged sooner at higher densities but the total proportion that re-emerged was independent of density. Over 20 offspring per female were produced at the lowest density (0.5/100 cm2) but only 0.6 per female at the highest density (31/100 cm2). Offspring from the lowest density were about 50% heavier than those from the highest density and also the fat content increased with decreasing d

Sweden - 2020

Swedish Country Profile, ILO Legal Database on Industrial Relations, IRLex

Strain partitioning and back-stress evaluation in harmonic-structure materials

Heterogenous bimodal harmonic-structure (HS) materials are interesting because of excellent structural efficiency. In this work, we present a simple yet powerful analytical model allowing to evaluate strain partitioning between coarse- and ultrafine- grain (CG and UFG, respectively) structure components in HS materials and to estimate the magnitude of back-stress forming at their interphases. The

Innovation Region Sweden

Älska Skog educational competition (Gothenburg, Sweden)Gothenburg-based educational institute Universeum is running annual design competitions on forest topics for primary school pupils, starting in 2016. Based on various activities in which pupils gain knowledge about forest-related challenges and opportunities as well as forestry, they would design plans to deal with those problems. After a firs

Value of information-based inspection, monitoring, and damage detection system planning

Inspections, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), and Damage Detection System (DDS) are integral parts of structural integrity management (SIM) to ensure the structural performance and the required safety. This paper describes novel approaches on how the outcomes of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) can be modeled, predicted, and combined with inspection planning in the frame of pre-posterior deci

Intermedial Strategies of Memory in Contemporary Novels

In her article "Intermedial Strategies and Memory in Contemporary Novels" Sara Tanderup discusses a tendency in contemporary literature towards combining intermedial experiments with a thematic preoccupation with memory and trauma. Analyzing selected works by Steven Hall, Jonathan Safran Foer, and Judd Morrissey and drawing on the theoretical perspectives of N. Katherine Hayles (media studies) and

No title

Recently, several literary works have appeared which use formal experiments and intermedial strategies to thematize memory and history. Authors such as Alexander Kluge, W.G. Sebald, Daniel Mendelsohn, Monica Maron, Jonathan Safran Foer, Don DeLillo and Aleksandar Hemon include other, primarily visual, media such as film, photographs and drawings, in their works while dealing with historical events

A Model for Evaluating Therapeutic Response of Combined Cancer Treatment Modalities : Applied to Treatment of Subcutaneously Implanted Brain Tumors (N32 and N29) in Fischer Rats with Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) and 60Co-gamma Radiation (RT)

The aim of the present study is to develop a mathematical model for evaluating therapeutic response of combined treatment modalities. The study was performed in rats of the Fischer-344 strain with rat glioma N32 or N29 tumors implanted subcutaneously on the thigh of the hind leg. Pulsed electric fields, PEF, with 16 exponentially decaying pulses with a maximum electric field strength of 140 V/mm a

Introducing micro-finance in Sweden

The case describes the first year of efforts to introduce microfinance as a tool to work with vulnerable groups in Sweden, more particularly ex-convicts, former drug-addicts and long-term unemployed women of immigrant background. The teaching objective is to discuss whether micro-finance can be seen as a tool to catalyze social change in developed welfare states such as Sweden, or if it rather rei