

Din sökning på "*" gav 534164 sökträffar

SSR markers distinguish critically endangered Acer campestre populations from cryptic invading gene pools

Garden escapes of Acer campestre spread as a cryptic invading gene pools and challenge the conservation of a unique ancient population in southern Scandinavia. The native gene pool consists of just 34 individuals and is listed as critically endangered. This population is more than 150 years old and represents a unique diorama into an almost extinct genetic diversity of the early 19th century. That

Real-time data processing in the ALICE High Level Trigger at the LHC

At the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, atomic nuclei are collided at ultra-relativistic energies. Many final-state particles are produced in each collision and their properties are measured by the ALICE detector. The detector signals induced by the produced particles are digitized leading to data rates that are in excess of 48 GB/s. The ALICE High Level Trigger (HLT) system p

Three Agricultural Revolutions

Attempts to imagine a shift beyond capitalism often tend to fixate on the terms of the old socialist calculation debate: plan versus market. At its deepest level, though, capitalism is not fundamentally a matter of the distribution of goods, for underlying this is the possession of land. In thinking about the end of capitalism it is thus useful to return to the question of its origin as the second

Intergenerational care in Sweden : A biographical approach

Practices of care between grandparents, adult children and grandchildren are the hub of intergenerational relationships. To care for an elderly parent, or for a grandchild, is an engagement that can be a necessity coming out of lack of other care providers, or it can be an engagement you voluntarily take upon yourself. It can feel like an obligation, and/or as something you do out of love for your

The HIV Man, Alexandra Man and Hotboy : Swedish News Coverage of Rape as a Folklore of Fear

The chapter analyses three cases that all began as rape reports, but where seemingly greater dangers, such as “the HIV virus” and “the Internet”, were identified and prioritised over rape in the news. Consequently, the news media figures the HIV Man, Alexandra Man and Hotboy were introduced. Based on the overarching question “How is rape portrayed in the news media?” the objective is to analyse ho

Airborne environmental DNA metabarcoding for the monitoring of terrestrial insects—A proof of concept from the field

Biodiversity is in decline due to human-induced pressures on ecosystems around the world. To be able to counteract this alarming trend, it is paramount to closely monitor biodiversity at global scales. Because this is practically impossible with traditional methods, the last decade has seen a strong push for new solutions. In aquatic ecosystems, the monitoring of species from environmental DNA (eD

Causation Identification and Control Measures of Deformation by Integrated Dewatering-Excavation Process Simulation of a T-Shaped Deep Foundation Pit

Construction of subway line intersection stations will become more and more popular in the future. Research on the deformation characteristics in the construction process is the best way to ensure the safety of the foundation pit itself, the surrounding buildings, and adjacent subway stations. In this paper, the deformation characteristics of a T-shaped subway foundation pit during construction ar

Novel Laboratory-Scale In Situ Methods for Studying Mg Alloy Degradation

Magnesium metal and its alloys are lightweight and environment-friendly with tunable complex of structural and functional properties. However, significant gaps in understanding and assessing the degradation of these materials still remain, largely due to the limitations of existing experimental methods. Our novel laboratory-scale instrument combining isothermal calorimetry with pressure measuremen

Initial floral visitor identity and foraging time strongly influence blueberry reproductive success

Priority effects occur when the order of species arrival affects subsequent ecological processes. The order that pollinator species visit flowers may affect pollination through a priority effect, whereby the first visitor reduces or modifies the contribution of subsequent visits. We observed floral visitation to blueberry flowers from honeybees, stingless bees or a mixture of both species and inve

‘All Signs Indicate that Gestapo Agents Murdered Him’: Soviet Disinformation, the Katyn massacre and the Raoul Wallenberg Case, 1945–7

In the years 194552, that is, between Raoul Wallenberg’s incarceration in theLubianka prison in Moscow (6 February 1945) and the first Swedish demand forhis return (11 February 1952), more than fifty people provided the SwedishForeign Ministry with diffuse and often contradictory information about hiswhereabouts. This article argues that a number of these testimonies may havebeen part of a Soviet In the years 1945–52, that is, between Raoul Wallenberg's incarceration in the Lubianka prison in Moscow (6 February 1945) and the first Swedish demand for his return (11 February 1952), more than fifty people provided the Swedish Foreign Ministry with diffuse and often contradictory information about his whereabouts. This article argues that a number of these testimonies may have been part of a S

Barbastelles in a Production Landscape : Where Do They Roost?

Extensive areas of old forests have declined all over the temperate regions of Europe mainly due to extensive forestry. This is likely to have negative impact on bats that roost in trees, such as the western barbastelle Barbastella barbastellus. We investigated its selection of summer roosts in a commercially used landscape in southern Sweden. We captured and radio-tracked 14 bats and found 17 occ

Spiral av inflammation och koagulopati bakom svår covid-19

Severe Covid-19 has a high mortality rate. Vital organ dysfunction results from pathophysiological self-amplifying loops of innate immunological hyperactivation, cytokine release, complement deposition, endothelial damage, and macro- and microvascular thromboembolism. Resulting alveolar exudation and pulmonary capillary thromboembolism lead to ventilation-perfusion mismatch, considered to be a pri

Excited States and Their Dynamics in CdSe Quantum Dots Studied by Two-Color 2D Spectroscopy

Quantum dots (QDs) form a promising family of nanomaterials for various applications in optoelectronics. Understanding the details of the excited-state dynamics in QDs is vital for optimizing their function. We apply two-color 2D electronic spectroscopy to investigate CdSe QDs at 77 K within a broad spectral range. Analysis of the electronic dynamics during the population time allows us to identif