

Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar

Cyanobacterial chemical warfare alters zooplankton commuinty composition

1) Toxic algal blooms widely affect our use of water resources both with respect to drinking water and recreation. However, it is not only humans, but also organisms living in freshwater and marine ecosystems, that may be affected by algal toxins. 2) In order to assess if cyanobacterial toxins affect the composition of natural zooplankton communities, we quantified the temporal fluctuations in mi

Repressing NOx and N2O emissions in a fluidized bed biomass combustor

The emission of NOx and-N2O were studied experimentally in a fluidized bed biomass combustor. To investigate effectively the influence of different parameters on the NOx formation with a limited number of experiments, an orthogonal experimental design was adapted. Four biomass fuels, three NOx-repressing additives, four bed materials, and four alkali-capturing additives were tested in a temperatur

Testing for Periodicity and Trend in Long-Memory Processes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om tes av periodicitet och trend inom långminne-processer. Med hjälp av diskret wavelet transform och periodogram presenteras vi två test för periodicitet och tre test för trend. Vi utvärderar vår test samt studerar deras egenskaper delvis genom att använda oss av datorintensiva metoder såsom Monte Carlo och delvis genom att jämföra dem med andra liThis thesis presents methods of testing the periodicity and trend for the time series, which exhibit dependence over long periods of time. Many such processes can be modeled by a class of models called fractionally differenced processes. The first approach we consider to analyse such processes is by using the band periodogram, which divides the periodogram into different intervals or bands, matchi

The influence of technical testing methods on perceptions of constructions

In principle, methods of testing the reliability and safety of constructions are designed with the aim of representing critical conditions for their use. Because of variations within technical systems, including the one for which a certain test was once developed, the validity of the method also varies. The adoption of a standardized test for different applications had to be based on the assumptio

Cerebral function monitoring in rats with a critical hepatic injury treated with pneumatic antishock garment and infusion

Twenty-nine rats were subjected to a severe standardized hepatic injury and divided into four groups. In addition to controls, the animals were treated with PASG inflated to 40 mm Hg, PASG and infusion of Ringer's acetate, or PASG and infusion of Ringer's acetate and Dextran 70 in combination. The aim of the infusion therapy was to stabilize the mean aortic blood pressure at 60 mm Hg. PASG signifi

Purification of His(6)-organophosphate hydrolase using monolithic supermacroporous polyacrylamide cryogels developed for immobilized metal affinity chromatography

Organophosphate hydrolase containing hexahistidine tag at the N-terminus of recombinant protein (His(6)-OPH) and expressed in Escherichia coli cells was purified using supermacroporous polyacrylamide-based monolith columns with immobilized metal affinity matrices [Me2+-iminodiacetic acid (IDA)-polyacrylamide cryogel (PAA) and Me2+-N,N,N'-tris (carboxymethyl) ethylendiamine (TED)-PAA]. Enzyme prepa

Respondent burden and patient-perceived validity of the PDQ-39.

Evaluation of various methods in clinical practice is often based on interpretations by two or more observers. Such data need to be analysed with correct statistics, or the results and conclusions may be misleading. In this study, the use of measures of agreement for ordinal data in five international nursing journals is reviewed and various methods for measuring agreement are presented and discus


The gene responsible for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) has been recently identified to code for a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase (Bruton's agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase, BTK), required for normal B cell development. BTK, like many other cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases, contains Src homology domains (SH2 and SH3), and catalytic kinase domain. SH3 domains are important for the targeting of signal

Stepwise Disintegration of the Photosynthetic Oxygen-Evolving Complex

Photosynthetic water oxidation catalyzed by Photosystem II takes place at a site that comprises a redox-active tyrosine, YZ, a tetramanganese cluster, and, in addition to its redox components, two inorganic cofactors, calcium and chloride. Recent work suggests that YZ and the metal site are intimately linked in the oxidation and deprotonation reactions of substrate water. The metal cluster stores

Broadband attosecond pulse shaping

We use semiconductor (Si) and metallic (Al, Zr) transmission filters to shape, in amplitude and phase, high-order harmonics generated from the interaction of an intense titanium sapphire laser field with a pulsed neon gas target. Depending on the properties of the filter, the emitted attosecond pulses can be optimized in bandwidth and/or pulse length. We demonstrate the generation of attosecond pu

Consumption patterns and excretion in aquatic food websenrichment,

This thesis links biogeochemical cycling to classical ecology. Predictions derived from food chain theory, based on Lotka-Volterra type of interactions, were tested in aquatic environments with the main hypothesis that consumers affect lower levels of organization by both predation and excretion of limiting nutrients. From tank experiments it was concluded that predation may affect prey populatio

Subtle sequence differences in a turnour-associated peptide epitope translate into major changes in antigenicity

Antigenicity, the ability to bind to members of repertoire of diverse immune receptors, is a concept that is poorly characterised with respect to its defining parameters. To learn more about its makeup, we have investigated the ability of two peptides with highly related sequences, derived from the tumour-associated antigen mucin-1, to recruit in vitro members from a large naive repertoire of synt

Extreme value theory for queues via cycle maxima

The present state of extreme value theory for queues is surveyed. The exposition focuses on the regenerative properties of queueing systems, which reduces the problem to the study of the tail of the maximum $overline X( au)$ of the queueing process ${X(t)}$ during a regenerative cycle $ au$. For simple queues, methods for obtaining the distribution of $overline X( au)$ both explicitly and asymptot

Calculation of glomerular filtration rate expressed in mL/min from plasma cystatin C values in mg/L

The Cockcroft-Gault formula is often used to calculate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) from plasma creatinine results. In Sweden this calculation is not usually done in the laboratory, but locally in the wards. These manual calculations could cause erroneous results. In several studies plasma cystatin C has been shown to be superior to plasma creatinine for estimation of GFR. One limitation o

Characterization of a PEO-PPO-PEO block copolymer system

The investigated EO27-PO39-EO27 triblock copolymer, Pluronics P-85, is a nonionic surface-active agent which has a monomeric molecular weight of 4600, of which 500% corresponds to the PEO component. P-85 exist in complex states of aggregation in aqueous solution. Monomers, micelles and larger aggregates (clusters) coexist at lower concentrations in relative proportions which depend on temperature.