

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Butiksutformningens påverkan på organisationskulturen – En fallstudie av hur förändringar i Däckias butiksutformning kan påverka organisationskulturen

Title: The store layouts affect on organizational culture - A case study about how changes in store layout at Däckia can affect their organizational culture Date: May 25, 2010 Level: One year master degree in Service Management, 15 credits Authors: Katarina Johansson, Nina Lemic and Elaine Wendt Advisors: Birgitta Olsson and Pia Siljeklint Key words: Store layout, organizational culture, employee

Användandet av Japanskans Tredjepersonspronomen Kare och Kanojo Inom Film

It is the purpose of this thesis to, firstly, give a brief introduction to the Japanese third person pronouns kare and kanojo where the historical aspect of the pronouns will also be reviewed. The second part of the thesis is also the main focus, namely an analysis of present day use of third person pronouns in a specific media. The media chosen is film and the analysis is carried out in the shape

Samtal om hälsa - En utvärdering av ersättningsmodellen för samtal om hälsas effekt på läkares beteende

I dagens samhälle är bristen på fysisk aktivitet, ohälsosamma matvanor, tobaksbruk och bruk av alkohol de största orsakerna till ohälsa. Livsstilsrelaterad ohälsa förorsakar stora kostnader för hälso- och sjukvården och är en stor belastning för sjukvårdspersonal. Genom att röra på sig, äta nyttig mat, undvika tobak och stora mängder alkohol skulle alla individer bli mer hälsosamma. Hälsosamt leva

Creating coherence in a public sector organization - A study of the common value system in a municipality

Abstract Purpose: The main purpose with this thesis was to describe the complexities involved when public sector organizations initiate changes in their organizational culture. This research also aims to depict how managers in a public organization interpret the implementation of two separate “shared value systems”, that originates from different parts of the organization. Research design: This th

Assessing the Competitiveness in Mozambique

Mozambique has benefited from very high economic growth the last decade and is a large receiver of foreign aid. In spite of these high growth rates and foreign aid the population living in absolute poverty is still extremely high. The reason for this is that the growth rates have been driven by capital intensive foreign owned megaprojects that do not provide many jobs for the Mozambicans. This s

Near and intermediate field evolution of a negatively buoyant jet. Laboratory experiments and mathematical modeling

The purpose of this study is to explore the behavior of a dense jet and bottom plume, composed of brine water, discharged into a receiving body of lighter fresh water. This situation is common in connection with freshwater production from sea water (desalination), which produces a brine waste stream, usually discharged into sea water. The increasing interest in desalination processes requires inve

Electrophysiological correlates of generation induced forgetting: Manipulating retrieval success

Although memory serves numerous functions, it is often not reflected upon until it fails us. Previous research has shown that both retrieval and generation of information may lead to forgetting of related items sharing the same cues and is referred to as retrieval induced forgetting (Anderson, Bjork & Bjork 1994; Bäuml 2002). The aim of this study was to investigate the electrophysiological co

Towards Coherence in International Law: The Right of Everyone to Take Part in Cultural Life and 'Library' Exceptions from Copyright

Sammanfattning In the discussion on the relations between human rights and intellectual property a myriad of human rights are brought up, both directly and remotely connected to IP, but the right to cultural participation, which seems so relevant is, however, mentioned very rarely and even then - only superficially. The present paper is aimed at giving this neglected right a proper attention with

Författaren som varumärke : en studie rörande författarprofiler och hur de framställs i den mediala offentligheten

Avsikten med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka några författares marknadsföring och analysera hur bilden av dem i media uppfattas utifrån ett marknadsföringsperspektiv. Genom deras olika författarroller placeras de i mediala forum där de framställs enligt den förutbestämda och förväntade rollen. Marknadsföring i media bidrar till att en offentlig person skapas, vilket ofta grundar sig i ett ko

Självförsvar vid överfall - Nödvärn och nödvärnsexcess

Denna uppsats har via en rättsdogmatisk metod undersökt gällande rätt avseende nödvärn och nödvärnsexcess vid överfall. Den faktiska rättstillämpningen i underrätterna har inte berörts. Rätten till försvarsvåld gentemot brottsliga angrepp tillkommer dels den angripne, dels envar som befinner sig på platsen för angreppet. Denna rätt regleras i nödvärnsstadgandet i 24 kap. 1 § BrB. Skulle omfattninThis paper is, using a legal dogmatic method, analyzing established law regarding self-defence and excessive self-defence. The actual application of the laws in this field is not analyzed. The right of defence against violent criminal attacks is granted to the person being attacked, as well as anyone else nearby. This right is prescribed by 24 chapter 1 § Brottsbalken (the Swedish criminal code)

Är bredplogen ett effektivt hjälpmedel vid snöröjning?

In the Swedish winter snow removal and de-icing is an important part of the operations and maintenance work on Sweden´s roads. They are short term but necessary measures for accessibility and safety during the winter months. The snow plows used are one in front, one on the right side of the vehicle and sometimes one under the vehicle. On highways and 2+1-ways a wider side plow is used to make a mo