

Din sökning på "*" gav 526835 sökträffar

Volatility forecasting for cryptocurrencies under a heavy-tailed distribution

In the recent years, cryptocurrencies have gained popularity and have experienced high price volatility. This essay pretends to examine how the multivariate GARCH models predict the volatility of these digital currencies and what implications exist if we consider the correlations among them to forecast their volatility. Using a bivariate Diagonal VECH and bivariate Diagonal BEKK this thesis checks

”Tills hjärtat slutat slå” En kvalitativ intervjustudie om anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda avlidna organdonatorer

BAKGRUND: För att en organdonation ska bli aktuell är det många kriterier som måste uppfyllas och noggranna tester genomförs för att konstatera hjärndöd. Tidigare omvårdnadsorienterad forskning har i huvudsak adresserat IVA-sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda organdonatorer. SYFTE: Att belysa anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter kring vårdandet av en avliden organdonator i samband med organut

Development of Spectroscopic Measurements for Raman and Thomson Scattering Diagnostics ——Applications in Combustion and Plasma

This thesis work concerns methods for improved spectroscopy including stray-light suppression, dynamic range improvement and signal enhancement. These methods were applied in Raman and Thomson- scattering spectroscopy in combustion and plasma. First, the stray-light suppression method Periodic Shadowing (PS) is implemented in an experimental setup with a high-power high repetition rate laser syste

Understanding the Process of Memory Politics in Västra Hamnen’s Redevelopment

The research aims to understand and explore the process of memory politics that has underpinned the redevelopment of Vӓstra Hamnen’s built environment, and the extent to which these considerations have actively shaped the urban design of the area, for better or worse, in relation to the values Malmö Stad have sought to express through the area’s narrative shift. The research has endeavoured to ach

“What is the alternative? Not trying to mix? Nah.” A case study on housing and social mix policies within physical planning in Malmö, Sweden

Residential segregation is seen as a growing problem within many urban areas today. Segregation is assumed to hamper social integration and the life-chances of disadvantaged as well as creating instability in society. One policy measure to deal with residential segregation is to increase the variation in the housing structure. This is assumed to create a social mix, that in turn will generate posi

Overcoming obstacles to Lund University’s sustainability goals: a case study on the use of behavioral insights in canteen settings

Universities are in a unique position to lead society through a sustainability transition. Still, there is an unexploited potential, even of low-effort, low-investment measures, for improving environmental sustainability at Lund University. This raises the question of what obstacles lead to suboptimal environmental management in universities. Through a literature review, I identified thirteen obst

Farväl till Libor

Efter finanskrisen 2008 och Liborskandalen 2012 har dagens referensräntor ifrågasatts och omdiskuterats. Det har lett till det pågående arbetet världen över med att byta ut de traditionella IBOR-räntorna och ersätta de med nya, transaktionsbaserade referensräntor. Redan år 2021 planerar både England och USA att fasa ut IBOR och övergå till nya, alternativa referensräntor. Det finns stora skillnadeAfter the financial crisis in 2008 and the Libor scandal 2012 today’s reference rates have been questioned and debated. This has led to the ongoing work around the world; replacing the traditional IBOR’s with new, transaction-based reference rates. In 2021, both UK and the US plan to phase out IBOR and move to new, alternative reference rates (ARR). There are major differences between IBOR and the

Återvinning med ringa risk?

Det finns en risk att återvinningen av schaktmassor sprider gifter i miljön Ett överskott av schaktmassor är resultatet av många byggprojekt. Samtidigt behövs schaktmassor på många andra håll i samhället, som när vägar, järnvägar och bullervallar ska byggas. Att återvinna schaktmassor minskar uttaget av naturresurser och leder ofta till kortare transporter. Problemet är att massorna som återvinnsExcess soil can be a product of construction, roadwork and other types of infra-structure projects. This soil can be polluted to a greater or lesser degree, but still be suitable for recycling in different types of constructions. This study investigated what knowledge the regulatory authorities have of the pollution content in the recycled soil. Further, this study investigated opportunities and o

Samverkan i Tullverkets lokala ANDT-förebyggande arbete

In recent years the role of partnerships has become a popular approach in the crime prevention area where it is argued that crime is a multifaceted problem that requires work from several actors to be solved effectively. However, despite the increasing popularity of partnerships there is a lack of research that explains the effects that comes from this work. This paper is written in collaboration

Att bryta mot samhällets grundläggande normer: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys kring genusnormer i LVU-domar

The aim of this study was to investigate how gender norms are represented in formal court decisions regarding the taking into compulsory care of young persons according to 3§ LVU (Care of Young Persons Special Provisions Act). The empirical material consisted of 30 court cases, whereof 15 cases concerned girls and 15 concerned boys. The method used was a qualitative content analysis. This method f

Asymmetric Information in the European Banking Sector? - Abnormal stock returns in connection to information disclosure

This thesis investigates the overall market reaction in connection to the stress test and transparency exercise conducted by the European Banking Authority in 2018. For this we apply an event study that adjusts for event clustering, something that is widely neglected in previous literature. This approach has a big impact on decreasing the statistical significance of the results. The results show a

Information overload - Ett problem för näringslivet och folkhälsan

Digitaliseringen har medfört en förändring av näringslivet och hur information sprids. Detta har medfört förändringar i informationssystemsmiljön som anställda arbetar i. Detta har i sint tur gjort information mer tillgänglig samt ökat mängden. Resultatet av detta har blivit att anställda har mer information som måste bearbetas, men förutsättningarna för det är densamma som tidigare. Mobila enhete

National Culture and Gender: Effects on Compensation Gap and Company Performance

The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of gender and national culture on the compensation gap between CEOs and other members of top management and the company performance. The theoretical framework consists of previous research on gender differences, national culture and the effects of compensation gaps on company performance. Furthermore, it is based on theories such as tournament theor

Competitive Intelligence in Immuno-Oncology

Konkurrensanalys hjälper företag att förutspå risker Varje år dör 9,6 miljoner människor av cancer, och ännu fler drabbas. Det är en av de folksjukdomar som skördar mest liv världen över, och innebär lidande för flera miljoner människor. Behovet av botemedel är därför enormt, och miljarder kronor läggs varje år på att ta fram nya läkemedel. Konkurrensanalys behövs i denna djungel av läkemedelsutvIt is central for a pharmaceutical company to map their research and development field of interest and systematically collect information among its competitors. This is called competitive intelligence (CI), and is a useful tool that can affect plans, decisions, and operations at a company. This Master Thesis has answered questions regarding the clinical pipeline of drug development at BioInvent, w

Women’s Intrasexual Signaling through Luxury Products and the Effect of Benevolent Sexism

Building on the idea that luxury goods can signal information about the self, such as wealth and status, to others, several attempts have been made to discover whether luxury goods have signaling functions specific to relationships. Past research showed that women’s luxury products might signal their partners’ devotion to them. The current research tested this devotion signaling function of luxury

Work to home interference and work-related ICT after regular work hours

The working life have changed due to higher demands, increased digitization and individualization. Therefore the purpose of this study was to investigate employees perceptions of the following concepts related to the new working life and potential correlational relationships amongst these constructs: Negative work life interference (negative WHI), Technology-assisted supplemental work (TASW), Job

Ökad plaståtervinning vs giftfria materialflöden - En analys av ändringen av POPs-förordningen

För att realisera övergången från en linjär till en cirkulär ekonomi, har EU utvecklat ett antal miljöpolitiska målsättningar som kommer till uttryck genom ett ökat fokus på produkters hela livscykel. Två viktiga principer som kommer till uttryck genom policyer är ökad återvinning och minskad användning av farliga kemikalier med särskilt fokus på utfasning av långlivade organiska föroreningar, somTo realize the transition from a linear to a circular economy within the EU, the union has developed environmental-political goals and implemented them through policies that take a product’s whole life cycle into account. Two important objectives that are expressed through these policies are increased recycling and the phasing out of hazardous chemicals such as persistent organic pollutants which

Chinese outward foreign direct investment in Africa. Its determinants and the impact of the One Belt, One Road initiative.

In the past two decades, African countries have become the destination of increasing investments of Chinese multinational enterprises. This phenomenon is supposed to be strengthened under China’s One Belt, One Road, a strategy announced in 2013 with the aim of stimulating commercial relations among Asia, Europe, and Africa. Research, however, has not kept up with these developments. This study att

Ingen återvändo? En studie om kommuners möjligheter att hantera återvändare från jihadistiska miljöer

This study aims to clarify the conditions for swedish municipalities to handle returnees from radical islamic environments. This has been done through a study of the legal conditions, a literature review focused on programs and methods combined with qualitative interviews with representatives from two municipalities. A theoretical framework that describes a norm- forming process and an analytical

Parkering och centrumhandel - En studie om hur parkeringsreglering påverkar centrumhandeln i medelstora svenska städer

Många menar att reglering av parkerings-platser och då främst parkeringsavgifterna påverkar var konsumenter väljer att handla. Eftersom större handelsplatser utanför städerna, så kallade externa handelsplatser, byggs ut och ökar i antal leder det till en ökad konkurrens med handeln i centrum. I värsta fall kan det innebära att centrum blir tomt både på affärer och på människor, inte minst pga att The building of more external shopping malls creates an increased competition for city centre business. The purpose of this study is to synoptically obtain the factors that affect the customer’s choice of trading site and its attractiveness according to previous studies. Furthermore, the purpose is specifically to study the effect of parking regulation on parking turnover and the effect on busines