

Din sökning på "*" gav 533373 sökträffar

WHY HAVE VOTES OF NO CONFIDENCE BECOME COMMON IN SWEDEN? A theory-generating analysis of the increasing frequency of votes of no confidence in Sweden

After the Swedish parliamentary election in 2014, votes of no confidence became considerably more frequent; While they used to occur once or twice per decade, after the 2014 election, six votes of no confidence occurred within seven years. The purpose of this study is to explain why this happened. Furthermore, it develops a new theory for explaining by combining two existing theoretical approaches

Organiserad brottslighet som straffskärpningsgrund - Leder skärpta straff för brott i kriminella nätverk till minskad brottslighet?

Organiserad brottslighet har under de senaste åren varit en viktig kriminalpolitisk fråga och är det än idag. Media rapporterar frekvent om skjutningar kopplade till hämndaktioner i den kriminella miljön, problem i de utsatta områdena, mord som inte går att klara upp samt företag som förskingrat miljonbelopp. Det ska nämnas att den organiserade brottsligheten har bytt skepnad genom tiderna. MångsiOrganized crime has been an important criminal policy issue in recent years and remains an important issue today. The media frequently reports on shootings linked to retaliation in the criminal environment, problems in the vulnerable areas, murders that cannot be solved and companies that have cheated millions of dollars. It is said that organized crime is a phenomenon that has changed shape over

Rättigheter för ovaccinerad hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal - En utredning av förhållandet mellan vaccinationskrav och individens fri- och rättigheter under covid-19 pandemin

Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal har varit en av de yrkesgrupper som först fick vaccinera sig mot covid-19. Smittspridningen inom yrkesgruppen har dock fortsatt varit stor. För att minska smittspridning och trygga patientsäkerheten har regioner i Sverige infört vaccinationskrav för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Med stöd av den rättsdogmatiska metoden utreder uppsatsen följderna beslutet att inte vacciHealthcare professionals have been one of the first occupational groups that got vaccinated against covid-19. Nevertheless, the spread of infection within the occupational group have continued to be high. To reduce the spread of infection and to safeguard patient safety regions in Sweden have introduced vaccine mandates towards its healthcare professionals. With support from the legal dogmatic met

The Construction of (Un)Desired Migrants in Policy: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum

This thesis investigates the aspirations for the European Union’s future population composition through the European Commission’s proposal of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. By examining six policy documents, this thesis investigates the migrant and citizen categories that are constructed and the technologies of biopower that will be employed to achieve the expressed aspirations. The researc

Minoritetsstress på grund av etnisk bakgrund: en undersökning av relationerna mellan minoritetsstress, anknytningsstil, coping och allmän stress

Minoritetsstress på grund av etnisk bakgrund är ett nytt område inom forskningsfältet minoritetsstress. Det saknas ett mätinstrument för denna typ av stress. Denna studie syftade till att utifrån Meyers (2003) koncept minoritetsstress, konstruera ett mätinstrument för mätning av etnisk minoritetstress (EMS); samt se minoritetsstressens relation till allmän stress, anknytning och coping för att undMinority stress due to ethnic background is a new area in the research field. Based on Meyer's (2003) concept of minority stress, this study aimed to construct an instrument for measuring ethnic minority stress (EMS); and study minority stress and its relation to general stress, attachment and coping to investigate whether attachment and coping can become dimensions that can be used to disting

Sustainability and Venture Success: A study on European start-ups in the food industry

In common discourse it is often assumed that sustainability and business are opposing dials, where increasing the level of sustainability, decreases the financial benefits. However, many researchers have demonstrated that for established businesses there is a positive relation between the implementation of sustainability and financial performance. However, it cannot be assumed that this relationsh

Imagining Europe: Constructing Railways And Place Identity

Railways have played a significant role in the development of national identity. In the context of the European Union, I argue that it could play a similar role in supranational identity building. Currently, the European railways resemble a patchwork of incompatible standards and working practices. This thesis aims to investigate the roles efforts to harmonize this patchwork play in the cultural l

Ett hållbart friluftsliv i Höga Kusten

Har ditt intresse för friluftsliv och att vistas ute i naturen ökat under Covid-19 pandemin? Har du ”hemestrat” eller naturtturistat i Sverige istället för att åka till Grekland under sommaren? Du är inte ensam om det utan del av en ny global trend där allt fler väljer att upptäcka de naturvärden som finns hemma. Till följd av reserestriktioner och rekommendationer att socialisera utomhus har intDuring the spring of 2020 the world was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic which led to unpredicted and interesting effects in the domestic tourism sector. As a result of travel restrictions and social distancing recommendations there was an increase in visitors to national parks, hiking trails and other recreational areas in Sweden. The amount of visitors to the High Coast trail located in the east of

"Do we care more when we think differently?" - On the relationship between Ideological Polarisation and Voter Turnout

Polarisation is a hotly discussed and eagerly researched topic these days. This research specifically examines the effects of one type of polarisation: Ideological Polarisation on voter turnout. It does so by measuring the average ideological distance between all parties in European multiparty systems between 1999-2021 and correlating this to voter turnout in elections. Two of the ideological meas

"Sossarna har svikit oss"

With the growing number of migrants, could a populist migrant party succeed in Sweden just like the party Denk in the Netherlands? By applying Akkermans populism scale and the immigrant hypothesis this study strives to begin to answer this question by looking into one of the country’s largest migrant populations: Arab-Swedes. Through a survey (N=333) three aspects are measured (1) How populist are

Den svenska neutralitetens existens - En studie av Sveriges säkerhetspolitiska doktrinutveckling från 1990 fram till idag

This essay intends to study the development of the official Swedish security doctrine between 1990-2022. The theoretical framework is based on Katarina Brodin's and Wilhelm Agrell's research on doctrinal analyzes. The theoretical framework is created based on a mixture of Agrell and Brodin's definitions and research. Thus, the variables examined are: worldview, goals and actions. Based

“Det är inte så här superroligt men det är ändå viktigt att lära sig"

We live in what some call the “post-truth era”. Post-truth was appointed word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries in 2016. This thesis is a study on what significance different types of engagement on social media has on teenagers' knowledge about Swedish politics. This is important to understand because a great deal of the public debate concerning national politics nowadays takes place online.

Internationell politik och fotboll- Hur fotboll kan bidra till förändring

The aim of this paper is to study the international soccer and politics from an theoretical standpoint and try two different theoretical approaches that has been developed and see if they can answer why a large international aid organization like UNHCR would like to collaborate with the Swedish soccer team Malmö FF. In this paper the theory of Sport-diplomacy and The Global Football Field will be

Estlands framgångsrika demokrati: Från ett kommunistiskt Sovjetunionen till en konsoliderad liberal demokrati, hur gick det till?

The purpose of this thesis has been to explain and investigate Estonia’s democratization by studying the country to find the factors that contributed to the outcome of a democratic state. Estonia gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1992 and quickly transitioned towards a stable democratic state, and 13 years later the country joined the European Union, which proved the ultimate consolidat

TOLERANT PIONJÄR OCH FRÄMLINGSFIENTLIG MÖRDARE? en komparativ studie om Akbar och Aurangzebs behandling av hinduer

The way in which the Mughal rulers Akbar and Aurangzeb are commonly represented perpetuates a misleading and occasionally dangerous depiction. Akbar is described as a liberal and tolerant leader, whose only goal was to bring eternal peace to Hindus and Muslims. Aurangzeb on the other hand is characterized as a dogmatic and fiercly conservative Muslim whose main objective was the subjugation and ha

Ett ensamt problem: Hur Storbritannien gjorde ensamhet politiskt.

In January 2018 the British government made a commitment to tackle the growing issue of loneliness. This thesis investigates how the problem of loneliness is represented within the British strategy to counteract this issue. This is done with help from Carol Bacchis’ theoretical and methodological WPR or “What’s the problem represented to be?” approach. The approach proposes analysing policy as an

Södra Sofielund i förändring(ar) - En kvalitativ fallstudie om föreningen BID Sofielund: drivkrafter samt potentiella risker ur ett gentrifieringsperspektiv

The aim of this bachelor thesis was to research the Business Improvement District (BID)-inspired property owner collaboration (BID Sofielund) in Södra Sofielund, by conducting a small qualitative case study with four key stakeholders. This essay explores their experiences with the implementation of the program as well as the potential effect of gentrification in Södra Sofielund. The informants’ pe

Svenska friskolor och dess aktörer, vad är problemet?

The Swedish school system is highly influenced by the charter school reforms that was introduced in 1992 by Carl Bildt. Because of the charter school reform, a market was created where venture capitalist could profit from education. The main aim was to create a freedom of choice and to create competition in order to increase the quality of Swedish schools. The current debate regarding charter scho

Hållbart företagande för börsnoterade bolag - Hur hållbara är hållbarhetskraven?

I januari 2022 trädde taxanomiförordningen i kraft. Förordningen är en del av en hållbarhetssatsning, den gröna given, som just nu pågår inom EU för att efterleva kraven i FN:s Agenda 2030 och Parisavtalet. Genom taxanomiförordningen införs ett klassificeringssystem, vilket definierar om en verksamhet är att betrakta som miljömässigt hållbar. Förordningen föreslås kompletteras av två ytterligare dIn January 2022, the Taxonomy Regulation entered into force. The regulation is part of the sustainability initiative, The European Green Deal, which is currently progressed within the EU to comply with the requirements of the UN Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement. The Taxonomy introduces a classification system, which establishes a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities. The Taxa

Mapping edge vegetation in connection to beech forest to locate potential habitats for red-listed beetles in Scania, Sweden

The number of species classified as red-listed has increased by 11% between 2015 and 2020, with beetles and butterflies being especially affected. Among these are the vulnerable longhorned beetle (Stictoleptura scutellata) and the endangered false blister beetle (Ischnomera sanguinicollis). Forty percent of all known species in Sweden are dependent on hostplants, indicating the value in mapping po