

Din sökning på "*" gav 532950 sökträffar

Energy performance and Climate impact of different prefabricated façade system

The objective of the degree project was to assess the average thermal transmittance and the climate impact of the façade. The studied prefabricated façade panels were the aluminium frame one, the insulated concrete sandwich and the wooden frame panel. The research approach consisted of five steps: the physical and thermal requirement of the panel was established; then the initial U-Value of each p

Låt oss prata om den rosa elefanten — en kvalitativ intervjustudie om familjebehandlarens upplevda hinder och möjligheter samt använda kunskapsformer i arbetet med familjer där en förälder har psykisk sjukdom

The purpose of the study has been to investigate family therapists experience of working with families where a parent has mental illness. More specifically, how they experience obstacles and opportunities in this work and which forms of knowledge that get expressed when they describe their work with these families. The study has a qualitative approach, and six semi-structured interviews were condu

Exploring LGBTQ+ Well-being in Toiletscapes: A Case Study of Lund University

This thesis aims to critically investigate how a service organization’s physical spaces, particularly the toilet areas, impact LGBTQ+ individuals’ well-being. More particularly, this research focuses on Lund University in Sweden, a service organization with significant international and societal influence. As service organizations face pressures to become more socially and environmentally sustaina

Development of a Forecasting Model for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Components - A Design Science Study at Tetra Pak

Title: Development of a Forecasting Model for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Components. A Design Science Study at Tetra Pak. Authors: Faruk Kodzaga & Giacomo Daniele Supervisor: Jan Olhager, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics Background: The importance of accurate demand forecast is set due to the drivers of short lead-times, just-in-time-deliveries and cost effective

Horisontalstabilisering av småhus i trä: en jämförelse av dimensioneringsmetoder

De senaste tio åren har antalet sökta bygglov för småhus med träregelstomme mer än fördubblats. I dagsläget finns inget allmänt krav att säkerställa horisontalkapacitet för småhus men är något som beställaren kan efterfråga och som många konstruktörer någon gång upplevt problematiskt. Projekteringsfasen kan bli tidskrävande där lösningar för att fastställa kapacitet mot vindlast blir dyra och kompIn the last ten years, the number of building permits applied for houses with timber frame structure has more than doubled. Today, there is no general requirement to establish horizontal capacity, but is something that can be demanded and that many structural engineers have occasionally experienced as problematic. The design phase can then be time-consuming, where solutions for determining capacit

Energy justice for members only? A study of German energy cooperatives’ contributions to energy justice

Energy cooperatives are seen as a way to achieve energy democracy in both academic and activist circles, with often an implicit expectation that they also contribute to energy justice. These assumptions are increasingly being questioned, often on the grounds of the limited diversity of energy cooperative membership. I conducted semi-structured interviews with four German energy cooperatives in ord

Hållbara dryckesval - Växtbaserad dryck/komjölk och hur konsumenter kan påverkas till att välja ärtdryck

Handla hållbart – välj ärtdryck Speglar konsumenters hållbarhetsattityd deras inköpsval i livsmedelsbutiker? Kan konsumenter påverkas till hållbar konsumtion? Denna studie visar att konsumenters hållbarhetsattityd inte speglar deras dryckesval (komjölk eller växtbaserad dryck). Däremot finns skillnader avseende varför konsumenten väljer drycken. Studien visar även att de fyra nudgingverktyg som tFood consumption is a big part of the global emissions, which we need to address to increase the pace in the climate transition. In order to prevent further increase in greenhouse gas emissions a shift in milk consumption towards more plant- based options is needed. The aim of this study is to increase the understanding of how the relationship between consumers attitudes towards sustainability and

Om socialt stöds betydelse för socialsekreterare vid arbete med barns placering i familjehem

The purpose of this study was to investigate how child and family social workers on the basis of a specific mentor model express their discretion in their professional role. The data was collected by using qualitative interviews with five social workers from the same workplace.The benchmark of the municipality was determinative for the social embeddedness, the social climate and the social network

Optimerad kemisk efterfällning för låga fosforutsläpp och reduktion av DOC

Behovet av avancerad rening genom till exempel ozonering eller aktivt kol på avloppsrenings-verk blir tydligare i världen som följd av höga uppmätta nivåer av läkemedelsrester i recipienter. I länder som Schweiz är implementeringen redan idag lagstadgad och också i Sverige förväntas inom en överskådlig framtid krav införas på avlägsning av organiska mikroföreoreningar från avloppsvatten. I dagslägThe need for advanced wastewater treatment using for example ozonation or activated carbon is becoming exceedingly apparent because of high measured concentrations of pharmaceutical res-idues in recipients all over the world. In Switzerland for example there is legal requirements for the implementation of advanced treatment and within the foreseeable future also in Sweden the demands on the remova

Stabilizing oat residue by fermentation with Lactic Acid Bacteria

Produktion av växtbaserade livsmedel resulterar idag i stora mängder restprodukter, och för att göra industrin mer miljövänlig behöver man hitta nya tillämpningar för att ta till vara på restprodukterna – som ofta har ett högt näringsvärde. När Oatly tillverkar sina havre-produkter bildas en fiberrik restprodukt med potentiellt högt näringsvärde. I dagsläget används restprodukten till djurfoder elThe production of plant-based food is a growing industry, and to be able to make the industry more sustainable, the handling of the large amounts of by-products needs to be improved. When Oatly produces oat products, a fibre-rich oat residue is formed. Today, the oat residue is unstable, and difficult to use for further applications. This project aimed to stabilize the oat residue by fermentation.

Aktivitetsengagemang och dess inverkan på återhämtning hos vuxna med svår psykisk ohälsa - En litteraturöversikt.

Bakgrund: Aktivitetsengagemang är centralt för hälsa och välbefinnande, dock har personer med svår psykisk ohälsa svårt att engagera sig i aktiviteter. Inom dagens psykiatri arbetar arbetsterapeuter med aktivitetsengagemang, där det börjar läggas ett större fokus på att arbeta återhämtningsinriktat. Tidigare forskning visar på att aktivitetsengagemang kan kopplas till återhämtning, men trots dettaBackground: Occupational engagement is central for health and well-being, yet people with severe mental illness have difficulties engaging in activities. In modern psychiatric care, occupational therapists aim to improve occupational engagement, with an increasing focus on recovery-oriented interventions. Research shows that occupational engagement can be linked to recovery, however, there are few

Sport, pregnancy, and fixed-term contracts: Is sports a blanket exception in labour law?

This thesis concerns the successive use of fixed-term contracts under Clause 5 of the Framework Agreement in the sector of sports and whether such usage provides protection from dismissal for pregnant workers. This was done by using a legal dogmatic method in the field of EU law. The paper starts with identifying the role of sports in EU labour law. It was held that sports have a special standing

Preparing for Generation Z: Evidence of How a New Working Generation is Motivated and How Management Can Respond Accordingly

This thesis examines a generation taking over the workforce: Generation Z. The purpose is to assess how Gen Z is motivated, how that differs cross-culturally, and ways in which management can respond to maximise job satisfaction and motivation, thereby increasing top talent. Gen Z is a strongly intrinsically motivated group of young professionals who are changing the workforce. We found subtle dif

Sharing is Caring - A Qualitative Case Study on The Relational Dynamic of Job Sharing Tandems

This study is aimed at developing a deeper understanding of the relational dynamic of tandem partners. Job sharing is a unique workplace arrangement that involves two individuals of equal standing who are closely collaborating and continuously interacting, each with accountability and responsibility to the tandem. The purpose of this study is to discover how the partners perceive their relatio

Obligatorisk sexualitet - Hur medikaliserande diskurs konstruerar (a)sexualitet som avvikande

Forskning kring asexualitet är fortfarande skral till sin mängd och bredd jämfört med forskning kring andra sexuella minoriteter och har dessutom till stor del uppehållit sig vid definition av asexualitet snarare än fördjupad förståelse av exempelvis asexuella narrativ. Denna uppsats ämnar utforska hur medikaliserande diskurs konstruerar (a)sexualitet som avvikande och vad sådan diskurs kan säga oResearch on asexuality is still sparse in its quantity and breadth compared to research on other sexual minorities and has also largely dwelled on the definition of asexuality rather than in-depth understanding of, for example, asexual narratives. This essay aims to explore how medicalizing discourse constructs (a)sexuality as deviant and what such discourse can say about sexuality in general thro

Floods and landslides in the Bakokwe catchment, Rwanda: Causes, consequences, and future challenges

Vid floden Bakokwe i sydvästra Rwanda, mitt ute på landsbygden, tog vår fältstudie en plötslig vändning - punktering på vänster bakhjul. Där stod vi, mitt i landskapet som är lika vackert och iögonfallande som det är svårtillgängligt. Vägen som gett oss punktering bestod av sand, lera och stenar, och hade skadats av erosion som orsakats av kraftiga regn. Det blev för oss tydligt att både erosion oRwanda is highly exposed to floods and landslides due to intense precipitation, rapid population growth, varied topography and agricultural growth. One of the most vulnerable areas is the Nyabarongo catchment. A subcatchment of the Nyabarongo catchment, Bakokwe, was chosen as a case study for this thesis. The aim was to evaluate the causes, consequences and future challenges of floods and landslid

Designing Rush Orders’ Surcharge and Discount Scheme in Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) by Using Game Theory

Background: Despite the surcharge for the rush orders and discounts for the normal orders, some dealers of Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) in the EU region frequently make rush orders. Currently, there are three types of orders implemented by Volvo CE: Emergency Order (EO) which is processed at the same day the order is received by the Distribution Centre (DC), Day Order (DO) which is pro

Avenanthramides as a means to slow rancidity development in oats

Cereal grains are an important staple in many diets across the globe. Being one of the most cultivated cereal crops worldwide, especially in Nordic countries, oats are known to have a high dietary fibre content and a nutritional value that makes them highly beneficial for human health. Avenanthramides are a group of phenolic compounds that, among other cereal grains, are only produced in oats. Ave

Kvalitetssäkring och digitalisering

Bygg utgör världens största industri och branschen står därför inför stora utmaningar, då projekten förväntas färdigställas med god vinstmarginal samtidigt som det ska levereras med kortare byggtider, byggas med rätt kvalitet och helst till lägre kostnader. Detta ledde till ökade krav på branschen som utvecklades för att säkerställa att alla byggprojekt uppfyller samhällets och beställarens krav p