

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Mainstream Parties reacting to Right-Wing Populism: An analysis of final speeches during the 2017 federal elections in Germany

Right-wing populist parties are on the rise all over Europe. While academia pays a lot of attention to well-established populist parties in France, Austria and Italy, new competitors such as the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in Germany are mostly disregarded. Specifically, the impact those new parties have before entering power on a federal level has been neglected. The present research concen

The trend of being vegetarian: A comparative case study of how social norms affect meat-consuming behavior

This thesis examines the way social norms affect meat-consuming behavior, through using dietary habits as a way of expressing a political identity. A theoretical framework of social psychological theories will explain the connection between social norms and meat-consumption, by conceptualizing identity as a fundamentally social construction, created within the social context. Theories will further

”Samförståndsavtalet om värdlandsstöd” En processpårning av policyprocessen som ledde till Sveriges samförståndsavtal med Nato

In May of 2016, the Swedish parliament voted yes to a Memorandum of Understanding between NATO and Sweden. The agreement was criticized by its opponents, who claimed that there was no public debate leading up to its acceptance, and that it changes the Swedish approach to defense politics, which has traditionally been one of neutrality. Both ruling parties in Sweden at the time of the vote, the Soc

A 'recipe' for municipal climate action?

Given Sweden’s reputation as a frontrunner in sustainable development, its problems of implementing its own environmental strategy is somewhat surprising. In any attempt to mitigate climate change, involving the local level will be absolutely crucial – both in Swedish efforts to achieve its climate policy, and to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally. Swedish municipalities are central im

En styrelses agerande under ett uppköpserbjudande: en studie av uppköpserbjudandet i Haldex

Uppsatsen undersöker ur ett aktiemarknadsrättsligt och ett aktiebolagsrättsligt perspektiv hur styrelsen i Haldex Aktiebolag, Haldex, agerade i samband med ett uppköpserbjudande. I samband med uppköpserbjudandet bestämde sig styrelsen efter viss tid att inte längre samarbeta med budgivaren eftersom bolaget led skada i och med uppköpserbjudandet. Det fick budgivaren att kalla till bolagsstämma där This essay explores, from a securities law and company law perspective, how the board of Haldex Aktiebolag, Haldex, acted in connection with a public offer. In connection with the public offer, after a certain time, the board of directors decided not to cooperate with the bidder because the company suffered damage due to the public offer. The board’s new attitude towards the public offer made the

Directly Cooled Windings - Conjugate heat transfer assessment of air-cooled hollow conductor

The torque capabilities of electrical machines are today limited by magnetic saturation and the ability to transfer thermal loads away from the machine. A solution to thermal management in power turbo-generators involves hollow conductors allowing direct cooling of the heat source thus increasing the power density significantly. The work done in this master thesis investigates the pos- sibilities

Stand-alone music creation using machine learning

Creating music have always been a hard thing to do, as time have passed there have been much research done on the topic of creating high quality music. New approaches and theories are appearing on how to generate music, the latest one (as writing this paper) is based on deep neural networks. In this paper Nottinghams abc notation database will be the main training set used as training data for the

Creating a customer-oriented distribution offer in the business-to-business market

Problem description: Mature industrial enterprises stand before the challenge of developing strategies and competitive advantage through their logistics services. The business development within logistics and distribution services is fast and rapidly changing as the customer experience is becoming increasingly important and the additional services are becoming an integrated part of the product off

Goodwill Börsnoterade företags efterlevnad av IFRS 3 och IAS 36

Abstract Title: Goodwill - Publicly listed companies’ compliance with IFRS 3 and IAS 36 Seminar date: 2018-01-11 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS-­‐‑cr) Authors: Alexander Bjerborn, Atle Nilsson, Adam Rodin Advisor: Peter Jönsson Key words: Goodwill, IFRS 3, IAS 36, Disclosure, Compli

Impacts of forage availability on bumblebee colony development and reproduction

Svälter Kaliforniens humlor? Bin är viktiga pollinatörer, de hjälper växter att föröka sig inom både jordbruket och i naturen. Tyvärr minskar många bipopulationer i storlek, vilket kan innebära ett hot för matproduktion och naturliv. Jag vill med mitt arbete undersöka om en vanlig Kalifornisk humla är begränsad av tillgången på blommor som finns i landskapet kring deras kolonier, eftersom blommorGlobal pollinator populations are declining. One of the causes is land use change, which results in reduced flower resources in the landscape. Bumblebees have small stores of nectar and pollen and are therefore vulnerable to loss of flower resources. I test if forbs plantings, which enhance forage resources, can support colony development and reproductive success of bumblebee colonies in Californi

Rb-Sr sphalerite data and implications for the source and timing of Pb-Zn deposits at the Caledonian margin in Sweden

Längs Kaledonidernas östra erosionsfront finns den världskända bly- och zinkfyndigheten vid Laisvall (totalt 64 miljoner ton bruten malm) och mineraliseringen vid Granberget samt flertalet mindre malmkroppar av impregnationstyp bestående av blyglans och zinkblände som kristalliserat i klastiska bergarter. I äldre litteratur har mineraliseringsprocesserna och tidsspannet för mineralisationen diskutThe eastern Caledonian erosional front hosts the world-class Pb-Zn deposit at Laisvall (64 Mt mined) and Granberget mineralization, northern Sweden, along with several other smaller, related types of deposits consisting of impregnation mineralization of galena and sphalerite in clastic host rocks. Previous work have discussed the nature of the ore-forming processes and constraints for the timing o

Modeling the Weibull shape parameter to improve estimates of the annual wind energy potential in Sweden

Wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energies in Sweden. To support this growth, it is essential to give stakeholders, such as investors, municipalities and policy planers, access to high accuracy and high-resolution wind speed data. Essential components for an accurate wind energy potential prediction are the average long-term wind speed and the probability of occurrence of wind

SVenX: A highly parallelized pipeline for structural variation detection using linked read whole genome sequencing data

Genomic rearrangements larger than 50 bp are called structural variants. As a group, they affect the phenotypic diversity among humans and have been associated with many human disorders including neurodevelopmental disorder and cancer. Recent advances in whole genome sequencing (WGS) technologies have made it possible to identify many more disease-causing genetic variants relevant in clinical diag

The social construction of the female athlete’s identity: A case study of the Dutch national women’s volleyball team.

Looking from a PR perspective, sport can be seen as a microcosm of social life, and be used to reveal underlying values as power relations in society. This qualitative case study concerned itself with the social identity construction of female athletes and the effect of social change on this identity, in order to analyse gender issues in society. While taking a constructionist approach, the theore

Trade and Economic Growth - Is trade with large trading partners beneficial for growth?

Trade and economic growth have boomed over the latest centuries, and trade has for long been seen as an engine of economic growth. Research over the years has been consistent of the fact that there is a relationship between the two but it has not been established how this relationship works. This study contributes to earlier research by examining whether it is beneficial for domestic economic grow

Comparison between three landscape analysis tools to aid conservation efforts

Habitatminskning är ett stort hot mot den biologiska mångfalden, som ofta orsakar sämre spridning mellan habitat. I och med att kunskapen om landskapssamband har växt, har GIS-verktyg för att rumsligt analysera landskapssamband för olika arter blivit allt vanligare. Idag finns flera programvaruverktyg, men få studier har jämfört deras skillnader och hur de kan användas inom naturvårdsplanering. I Habitat loss is a major threat to biodiversity, and often causes decreased connectivity between habitats. Geographical Information System (GIS) tools for spatially analysing landscape connectivity for different species have become increasingly common with the expansion of the field of landscape connectivity. Today several software tools are available, but few studies have compared their difference

Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you : on the typological similarities of object-initial languages

The thesis examined typological similarities across the fifteen languages listed on the World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) website as having object-initial constituent orders in transitive clauses. Based on previous work by Derbyshire (1981, 1987) and Andersen (1988), who have attempted to account for diachronic developments in Hixkaryana and Päri respectively, a matrix was created to check

Social Media Use in Startups: A Qualitative Study of Online Stakeholder Relationship Management

Social media plays an increasingly important role in organizational communication and stakeholder relationship management. The last few years has seen a growing number of studies examining how big organizations utilize social media channels for stakeholder relationship cultivation. However, research so far has overlooked startup companies, which are new players in the market and have the most to g

Fair Pricing of Equity-linked Notes

Following evidence of overpricing in structured products, I develop a comprehensive framework for pricing Equity-linked notes (ELNs). My model, unlike previous research, accounts for both the bank's actual funding costs and counterparty credit risk. I also allow for Asian payoffs in the derivative part — a feature now standard in ELN issuances. Studying a sample of eight ELNs issued by a Swedi