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Trilobites from the Middle and Upper Ordovician Andersön Shale Formation in Jämtland and the equivalent Killeröd Formation in Skåne, Sweden
Trilobites from the Middle and Upper Ordovician Andersön Shale Formation in Jämtland, central Sweden, and the Middle Ordovician Killeröd Formation in Skåne (Scania), southern Sweden, are revised and discussed. These formations have several genera and a few species in common, e.g. Botrioides efflorescens (Hadding, 1913a) and Pseudomegalaspis patagiata (Törnquist, 1884). The regional and vertical di
The genus Flavocetraria Kärnef. & Thell (Parmeliaceae) and its affinities.
Abstract is not available
Filmhistoria och konsten att bevara film: Rekonstruktionen av Den glädjelösa gatan
Essä om författarens arbete med att restaurera och rekonstruera G W Pabsts stumfilmsklassiker Den glädjelösa gatan (Die Freudluse Gasse, 1925) och hur det påverkat synen på filmens historia och utveckling av berättartekniken.
Shanghai vowels
The Complexity of Creativity
Rana temporaria metamorph production and population dynamics in the field Effects of tadpole density, predation and pond drying
This study investigates factors of importance for tadpoles survival and metamorph production in the common frog Rana temporaria. It also assess the importance of this for the population dynamics of the species. Eighteen ponds were studied for up to 8 years. Data collected each year included: number of spawn clumps deposited, tadpole number and metamorph number. The permanency of the ponds was also
Environmental assessment in countries in transition: Evolution in a changing context
Nerve compression induces activating transcription factor 3 in neurons and Schwann cells in diabetic rats.
Expression of transcription factor ATF3 in sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglion and in Schwann cells in sciatic nerve of diabetic (BB and Goto-Kakizaki rats; experimental models of types 1 and 2 diabetes, respectively) and healthy rats were examined by immunocytochemistry after nerve compression (silicone tube) for 3, 6 or 14 days. ATF3-stained sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia and Schwann
A Comparison of A Single and Multiphase Jets in a Crossflow Using LES
Large eddy simulations (LES) are performed for single and multiphase jets in crossflow (JICF). The multiphase JICF are compared to the single-phase case for the same momentum and mass flow ratios but with droplets of different sizes. Multiphase JICF have stronger counterrotating vortex pairs (CVPs) than a corresponding single-phase JICF. Moreover, their trajectories are higher and their induced wa
Microstructural evidence of low-strain subglacial deformation – implications for basal till genesis
Cancer risk after hospitalization for osteoporosis in Sweden.
Osteoporosis is common in the elderly, and it is associated with lifetime exposure to endogenous hormones and vitamin D intake, both of which are associated with cancer development. The association of osteoporosis with subsequent cancer has not been established, and hence we examined here the overall and site-specific cancer risks among Swedish individuals after hospitalization for osteoporosis. P
Essays on Bargaining and Social Choice
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av tre teoretiska uppsatser inom förhandlingsteori och Social choice. Den första uppsatsen försöker bibehålla den entydiga jämvikten i Rubinsteins förhandlingsmodell när man utökar förhandlingsspelet till att omfatta fler än två spelare. Vi åstadkommer en entydig delspelsperfekt jämvikt i en förhandlingsmodell med tre spelare genom att anta att spelaThis thesis consists of three theoretical essays on Bargaining and Social Choice. The first essay addresses the problem of retaining the uniqueness of equilibrium when extending the Rubinstein model to accommodate more than two players. We achieve a unique subgame perfect equilibrium in a bargaining model with three players by assuming that the players make demands in a clockwise order and practic
A calorimetric study of phospholipid hydration. Simultaneous monitoring of enthalpy and free energy
We present a novel method for monitoring isothermal lipid hydration using a sorption microcalorimeter. A measuring cell of the double-twin calorimeter consists of two vessels connected by a stainless steel tube. The upper vessel contains pure water, and the bottom vessel is loaded with the lipid sample. This calorimeter allows for simultaneous measurement of the partial molar enthalpy and the chem
High intertester reliability of the Cumulated Ambulation Score for the evaluation of basic mobility in patients with hip fracture.
Objective: To examine the intertester reliability of the three activities of the Cumulated Ambulation Score (CAS) and the total CAS, and to define limits for the smallest change in basic mobility that indicates a real change in patients with hip fracture.Design: An intertester reliability study.Setting: An acute 20-bed orthopaedic hip fracture unit.Subjects: Fifty consecutive patients with a media
Swedish National Resource Centre for Physics Education celebrates its 20th anniversary
The Swedish National Resource Centre for Physics Education (fysik.org) was created at Lund University by the Swedish Government in 1994. Its 20th anniversary was celebrated 31 March to 1 April at the Island of Hven, which became an EPS historic site in 2013. The theme for the anniversary conference was 'From science education research to education—on research-based development projects.
Comparison of patients with early-phase arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia.
Differentiation between early-phase arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT)-ventricular tachycardia (VT) can be challenging, and correct diagnosis is important. We compared electrocardiogram (ECG) parameters and morphological right ventricular (RV) abnormalities and investigated if ECG and cardiac imaging can help to discriminate early-phas
Porogen formulations for obtaining molecularly imprinted polymers with optimized binding properties
This paper examines the formulation of new porogenic mixtures used to prepare molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) in both thin film and bulk monolith formats. Films were cast by using spin coating to spread a pre-polymerization mixture onto a substrate, and rapid curing of the films was achieved with UV photolysis. The use of a low volatility solvent in combination with a linear polymer porogen
Haemophilus influenzae Survival during Complement-Mediated Attacks Is Promoted by Moraxella catarrhalis Outer Membrane Vesicles.
Moraxella catarrhalis causes respiratory tract infections in children and in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is often isolated as a copathogen with Haemophilus influenzae. The underlying mechanism for this cohabitation is unclear. Here, in clinical specimens from a patient with M. catarrhalis infection, we document that outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) carrying ubiquitous surfa