

Din sökning på "*" gav 531352 sökträffar

Haloeffektens inverkan på kompetensbedömning ur ett åldersperspektiv

Den här uppsatsen har behandlat en ny variant av haloeffekten som vi benämner personlighetsbaserad kompetenshalo. Den handlar om att personlighetsbeskrivning påverkar bedömning av kompetens. Studiens frågeställning var om det fanns någon skillnad i den personlighetsbaserade kompetenshalons styrka beroende på om individen som skattas tillhör en ingrupp eller ej, där grupptillhörighet kategoriseras This thesis examined a new variant of the halo effect, which we call personality-based competence halo. It concerns personality description influencing the judgment of competence. The study investigated whether there was any difference in the strength of the personality-based competence halo depending on whether the individual being assessed belongs to an in- or outgroup, whereby age was the varia

The COVID-19 outdoor recreation boom - A comparative case study of motivational based national park visitation in Germany and Sweden

COVID-19 has generated a visitor increase to national parks, posing challenges, such as littering and crowding. Understanding visitor motivation can help the national park management to better facilitate the dual objective of providing recreational opportunities and nature protection. This thesis studies the motivation of national park visitors and the pandemic's impact on motivation, by compa


This thesis examines the long-run relationship among government bond total return indexes for the G-7 nations using weekly observations from 1993 to 2022. Using cointegration and error correction models, this study finds long-run relationships for the G-7 government bond markets as a group and evidence for pairwise cointegration between the US government bond market and many of the other G-7 gover

Visibility in Smoke With Different Extinction Coefficients

Visibility in smoke has since the 1970s gained some attention, mostly after Tadahisa Jin ran the experiments which helped him develop todays widely used visibility equation. By showing that visibility can be assumed to be inversely proportional to the extinction coefficient by a visibility constant (equal to 8 for light emitting sign and 3 for light reflecting), Jin opened up new doors for researc

Growing home together: An eco-phenomenological study of urban wild-gardeners’ experience of insects

Assumptions about humankind’s separation from the rest of life on Earth have fuelled worldwide environmental destruction and a subsequent widespread loss of abundance and biodiversity amongst insects. As insects are vital to the health of the biosphere, a reconciliation of humans with the natural world is in due season. Drawing on eco-phenomenological ideas of the Flesh, embodied perception, and b

Academic performance and selective admission policies - The impact of weighted SweSAT admission on academic performance in engineering programmes in Sweden

During the enrolment year of 2019 and 2020, some Swedish universities were presented with the opportunity to participate in an admission policy trial. The universities could choose to weigh SweSAT scores based programme specific requisites. The paper examines the policy implementation of weighted SweSAT admission in engineering programmes at Swedish universities. The question explored in the paper

”Damp- och bokstavstanter” - En narrativ analys av vuxna kvinnors upplevelser av att diagnostiseras med ADHD som vuxen

The purpose of this study was to analyse how women describe their experiences of receiving an ADHD diagnosis as an adult. The study refers to adult women who are and received the diagnosis at an age over 18 years. The ambition is to discover if the women´s descriptions of themselves and their interactions with the surroundings differ before and after the diagnosis. The chosen method is a narrative

Kunskapsskapande i samband med utrullning av informationssystem

Organisationer lever i en värld som präglas av hög konkurrens där digitaliseringen är en drivande faktor. För att organisationer ska kunna dra nytta av digitaliseringen och behålla sin konkurrenskraft behöver de värna om det kunskapskapital som finns inom verksamheten. Denna studie har undersökt hur organisationer arbetar med kunskapsskapande i samband med en systemimplementation för att öka först

Individual Consumer Identity Formation in a Politicised World

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to gain an understanding of how consumers build their individual identities through everyday political acts of consumption. Methodology & Empirical Data: This study is conducted based on a social constructionist worldview with a qualitative research design, adopting an inductive approach. The literature review and 19 semi-structured interviews joi

Corporate board tenure and firm performance: Evidence from non-financial UK firms.

This study focuses on empirical estimation of the relationship between corporate board tenure and firm performance. Firm performance is measured by return on assets (ROA) and Tobin’s Q. The sample consists of 177 non-financial UK firms observed over 9 years (unbalanced panel). The relevant literature implies agency costs inherent in the modern corporation’s organisational structure as well as the

A Sustainable Strategy rather than a Sustainability Strategy

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to expand the knowledge of how CSOs can increase their performance in the change toward sustainable businesses in the Swedish context. To investigate this, the study will focus on successful CSOs chosen by specific criterias in order to gather up-to-date insights from relevant CSOs operating in the leading sustainable country. More precisely, the study intend

En karta till gitarren: En studie om gitarrens tonala uppbyggnad

Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka ett av oss framtaget undervisningsmaterial som grundligt bryter ner gitarrens tonala uppbyggnad och avkodar dess asymmetri. Materialet var framtaget med ambitionen att underlätta för elever att koppla sina musikaliska kunskaper till gitarrens greppbräda. I detta arbete ville vi undersöka om materialet har någon relevans i olika undervisningsformer saThe purpose of this study has been to examine an educational material created by us, the authors, which breaks down the guitar’s tonal construction and decodes its’ asymmetry. The material was created with the ambition to make it easier for students to connect their musical knowledges to the guitar’s fretboard. In this study, we wanted to examine if this material has any relevance in different edu

"Old Village Renovation" Under The Guidance Of Rural Revitalization Policy

When we refer to the countryside, we associate it with the city. In the path of urbanization, the countryside developed in the direction of eventually becoming a city. In 2017, China began to implement the rural revitalization policy to avoid the erasure of the characteristics of the Chinese countryside. The rural revitalization policy involves many aspects, such as politics, economy, and culture,

Psykoedukation vid ADHD - En intervjustudie av professionellas perspektiv från den vuxenpsykiatriska öppenvården

The aim of this study was to explore the professional experiences and views on psychoeducation with adult patients with ADHD. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with nine members of one interprofessional team in a psychiatric outpatient clinic in Region Skåne. The empirical data was analyzed through theoretical frameworks of empowerment and Antonovsky’s salutogenesis and sense o

There Is No Place Like Home

Family firms play an important role in the global economy. Family firms are defined as firms owned and managed by a family constellation. While their governance structure is different from non-family firms, family firms face similar questions of internalisation as their non-family counterparts. This study aims to determine how non-financial aspects may motivate the choice of internalising in f

Be Proud of Your Menstruation! A case study of commodity feminist discourse in mainland China.

Adopting a critical discourse analysis approach, this study presents a case study around the “Menstruation should not be hidden” campaign launched by the Swedish brand, Libresse, in the Chinese market. With the aim to explore how does the brand strategically use female empowering discourse to construct new meanings of menstruation for a regional market, and the socio-cultural factors involved. Thi

Miljörättvisa på regional nivå - En kritisk diskursanalys av Regionplan för Skåne 2022–2040

Research shows that various aspects of environmental injustice can be found even on a local level in Sweden. Still, the topic of environmental justice is often disregarded in local planning processes and ecological and social concerns are often treated as two separate issues. To achieve just and sustainable planning, previous research emphasizes the importance of actively including and considering

Risk measurement of cryptocurrencies using value at risk and expected shortfall

Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and risky assets, therefore, it is of vital importance to find an appropriate model for risk measurement. This thesis compares three parametric and three non-parametric estimation methods to estimate the value at risk and the expected shortfall of five cryptocurrencies, namely Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Binance coin (BNB), Ripple coin (XRP), and Cardano (AD

How to Improve Instagram Reels Engagement? An empirical investigation of content strategies

Introduced in August 2020, Instagram Reels have been used as a new alternative to elevate popularity by leveraging broader viewers while ignoring the audience's status as followers. This could have a massive contribution for creators in engaging the public by infusing messages through Reels content. However, the formulations on what aspects need more attention for designing Reels content are r