Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar
Israel Holmgren som patient : Nya perspektiv på en nestor inom svensk invärtesmedicin
Adsorption of cadmium by a high-capacity adsorbent composed of silicate-titanate nanotubes embedded in hydrogel chitosan beads
In this study, we developed a nanoparticle-based mesoporous composite that consisted of silicate-titanate nanotubes (STNTs) supported in hydrogel chitosan beads (STNTs-Ch beads) and was studied for Cd2+ adsorption. By using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy coupled to an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer, we coulddetermine that the hollow STN
Glued-in rods in cross laminated timber – Numerical simulations and parametric studies
Numerical simulations and parametric studies of glued-in rods in cross-laminated timber have been performed. The simulations were based on 3D finite element analysis, using a cohesive surface model for the bond-lines between the laminations and the bond-line along the rod. The parametric studies investigated the influence of the glued-in length, the rod diameter, and the rod-to-grain angle on the
Understanding processes of path renewal and creation in thick specialized regional innovation systems : Evidence from two textile districts in Italy and Sweden
The type of regional innovation system (RIS) strongly affects possibilities of paths of industrial transformation. This paper argues that traditional manufacturing districts, corresponding to specialized RISs and characterized by various nuclei of specialization and know-how, may foster different trajectories in combination with extra-regional networks. In particular, the paper analyses the interp
The impact of perioperative care on complications and short term outcome in ARM type rectovestibular fistula : An ARM-Net consortium study
Background: The impact of perioperative care interventions on postreconstructive complications and short-term colorectal outcome in patients with anorectal malformation (ARM) type rectovestibular fistula is unknown. Methods: An ARM-Net consortium multicenter retrospective cohort study was performed including 165 patients with a rectovestibular fistula. Patient characteristics, perioperative care i
Thermal design and performance prediction of a shell condenser for closed-cycle underwater vehicles
The shell condenser is a key component for the underwater vehicles. To study its heat transfer performance and flow characteristics and to design a more efficient structure, a mathematical model is generated to simulate condensation inside the straight and helical channels. The model combines empirical correlations and MATLAB based on an iterative algorithm. Here, quality is used as a sign of the
Skäligt straffansvar för misstag inom medicinsk vård och behandling
Human Mind in Space and Time : Prolegomena to a Cognitive History
The last decades have seen a noticeable increase in cognitive science studies that have changed the understanding of human thinking. Its relevance for historical research cannot be overlooked any more. Cognitive history could be explained as the study of how humans in history used their cognitive abilities in order to understand the world around them and to orient themselves in it, but also how th
The Collegial Project Course: a systematic way towards institutional change
This paper presents and discusses how to support disciplinary communities of academic teachersto create a lasting change in educational culture. By stressing the similarities with the fully accepted research culture and their research knowledge this have been possible. Evaluations consistentlyshow that participants appreciate the collegial approach. It offers them an opportunity to deal withchalle
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I den offentlege debatten om høgare utdanning er undervisarane påfallande fråverande. Dei sterkaste stemmene tilhøyrar politikarane, studentane, institusjonsleiarane og pedagogane. Når undervisarane melder seg på er det oftast i ein klagesong over høgt arbeidspress, krevjande studentar og mangel på tid og ressursar til forsking. Kvifor oppfattar brorparten av undervisarar i høgare utdanning undervI den offentlege debatten om høgare utdanning er undervisarane påfallande fråverande. Dei sterkaste stemmene tilhøyrar politikarane, studentane, institusjonsleiarane og pedagogane. Når undervisarane melder seg på er det oftast i ein klagesong over høgt arbeidspress, krevjande studentar og mangel på tid og ressursar til forsking. Kvifor oppfattar brorparten av undervisarar i høgare utdanning underv
Remissyttrande: Låt fler forma framtiden! (SOU2016:5)
Physiological characterization and sequence analysis of a syringate-consuming Actinobacterium
Hardwood lignin is made of up to 75% syringyl-units and the bioconversion of syringate and syringaldehyde is therefore of considerable interest for biological valorization of lignin. In the current study, we have isolated a syringate-consuming bacterium identified as Microbacterium sp. RG1 and characterized its growth on several lignin model compounds. Growth was observed on syringate, 3-O-methyl
Remissyttrande: Föräldraledighet för statsråd? (SOU 2016:20)
Beyond Miracle and Malaise. Social Capability in Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal during the Development Era 1930–1980
This paper investigates the outcome of the efforts to economically catch up during theso-called development era in French-speaking West Africa. An attempt is made tomeasure and discuss key elements of social capability over the period 1930–1980 inCôte d’Ivoire and Senegal following Moses Abramovitz’interpretation of socialcapability. The paper distinguishes between four elements of social capabili
Remissyttrande: Miljömålsberedningens betänkande om Ett klimatpolitiskt ramverk för Sverige (SOU 2016:21)
I ärendets beredning har deltagit universitetslektor Åsa Knaggård och postdoc RogerHildingsson vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen samt universitetslektor BengtJohansson och professor Lars J. Nilsson vid Avdelningen för miljö- och energisystem,Lunds tekniska högskola. Vidare har professor Markku Rummukainen, professorHenrik Smith; professor Katarina Hedlund och utredare Mark Brady, samtligavid Ce
Energy efficiency in renovation processes with focus on time and timing
Assessing Structural and thermodynamical properties of IDP's through Synchrotron X-ray Scattering and Monte Carlo Simulations
Modelling the effective dose to a population from fallout after a nuclear power plant accident—A scenario-based study with mitigating actions
The radiological consequences of a nuclear power plant (NPP) accident, resulting in the release of radionuclides to the environment, will depend largely on the mitigating actions instigated shortly after the accident. It is therefore important to make predictions of the radiation dose to the affected population, from external as well as internal exposure, soon after an accident, despite the fact
Measurements of inclusive and differential fiducial cross-sections of tt¯ production with additional heavy-flavour jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
This paper presents measurements of tt¯ production in association with additional b-jets in pp collisions at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data were recorded with the ATLAS detector and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb −1 . Fiducial cross-section measurements are performed in the dilepton and lepton-plus-jets tt¯ decay channels. Results are presented at particl