Fakiren på film
Om filmatiseringen av Axel Wallengrens (Falstaff, fakirs) novell "Ett svårskött pastorat" (1958).
Om filmatiseringen av Axel Wallengrens (Falstaff, fakirs) novell "Ett svårskött pastorat" (1958).
Översiktligt om självmord i historiskt perspektiv, lagstiftning, källkritiska problem, litteraturtips.
The variable region 1 to 3 (V1-V3) of the HIV-1 envelope plays an important role in coreceptor usage. Early in infection HIV- 1 is using CCR5 as coreceptor to enter target cells (R5 viruses) whereas viruses using CXCR4 as coreceptor (X4 viruses) may appear later in infection. This broadening or switch in coreceptor usage is associated with progression to AIDS. In my thesis work, we have compared t
A method is developed for the combination of quantum chemical geometry optimizations and crystallographic structure refinement. The method is implemented by integrating the quantum chemical software Turbomole with the crystallographic software Crystallography and NMR System (CNS), using three small procedures transferring information between the two programs. The program (COMQUM-X)is used to study
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den övergripande målsättningen för projektet var att studera nuvarande vätske- och nutritionsbehandling samt effekter av tidigt insatt sondnäring och tidigt insatt normal kost vid akut bukspottkörtelinflammation (pankreatit). Företeelser som särskilt studerades var akut inflammatoriskt svar, tarmbarriär och kliniskt förlopp. Bakgrund Akut pankreatit (AP) drabbar ca 30Acute pancreatitis (AP) is associated with metabolic changes, acute inflammatory response and increased gut permeability. In AP, traditional treatment has been initial fasting on purpose to avoid activation of proteolytic enzymes and pancreatic enzyme secretion. However, enteral feeding has been suggested superior to fasting due to a proposed beneficial effect on the gut barrier function. The aim
The formation of complexes in solutions containing positively charged polyions (polycations) and a variable amount of negatively charged polyions (polyanions) has been investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The polyions were described as flexible chains of charged hard spheres interacting through a screened Coulomb potential. The systems were analyzed in terms of cluster compositions, structure
Fragility fractures are correlated to reduced bone size and/or reduced volumetric bone density (vBMD). These region-specific deficits may originate from reduced mineral accrual and/or reduced skeletal growth during the first 2 decades of life. Before pathological development can be defined, normal skeletal growth must be described. To evaluate growth of bone size, accrual of bone mineral content (
In proteomics, rapid developments in instrumentation led to the acquisition of increasingly large data sets. Correspondingly, ProDaC was founded in 2006 as a Coordination Action project within the 6th European Union Framework Programme to support data sharing and community-wide data collection. The objectives of ProDaC were the development of documentation and storage standards, setup of a standar
75 RG2 glioma-carrying Fischer rats were treated by photon activation therapy (PAT) with monochromatic synchrotron radiation and stable thallium. Three groups were treated with thallium in combination with radiation at different energy; immediately below and above the thallium K-edge, and at 50 keV. Three control groups were given irradiation only, thallium only, or no treatment at all. For animal
We investigate how a small polar molecule, urea, can act to protect a phospholipid bilayer system against osmotic stress. Osmotic stress can be caused by a dry environment, by freezing, or by exposure to aqueous systems with high osmotic pressure due to solutes like in saline water. A large number of organisms regularly experience osmotic stress, and it is a common response to produce small polar
A new probabilistic algorithm for decoding one received word from a set of many given received words, into a codeword such that the Hamming distance between the received word and the codeword is at most t, is proposed. The new algorithm is applicable to several cryptographic problems, such as the Stern identification scheme, the McEliece public-key cryptosystem, and in correlation attacks on strea
Patients with rheumatic disorders have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This excess co-morbidity is not fully explained by traditional risk factors. Disease severity is a major risk factor for CVD in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Shared disease mechanisms in atherosclerosis and rheumatic disorders include immune dysregulation and