

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Who watches the watchmen and do they need watching?

This thesis examines the independence of the UN treaty bodies, both in its entirety and the autonomy of the individual treaty body members. Since independence is very difficult to measure empirically, this paper uses the theoretical framework of Principal-Trustee theory as a tool by which the independence can be understood. This instrument allows us to examine the independence of the treaty body s

Tolkning av försäkringsvillkor

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur försäkringsvillkor ska tolkas när tvist om detta uppstår mellan försäkringstagaren och försäkringsbolaget. Det finns inget klart svar på denna fråga men en rad tolkningsmetoder har utvecklats genom praxis. Till skillnad från vid vanlig avtalstolkning har den subjektiva tolkningsmetoden inte någon framträdande betydelse vid tolkning av försäkringsvillkoThe aim of this paper is to examine how insurance provisions are to be interpreted in the event of a dispute over them arising between the insured and the insurer. There is no clear answer to this question but a number of methods for interpretation have been developed in case-law. As opposed to the traditional interpretation of contracts, the subjective method of interpretation has no important ro

Camera Tracking Using A Dense 3D Model

Abstract In this thesis we present a method for tracking a depth sensor and building a 3D model in real-time. The tracking will be done using the current estimated 3D model. We will show that this approach gives more accurate results and is more robust than the well-known KinectFusion approach. It will also be shown how to colourise the 3D model in real-time. In this work we will study different e

Att utesluta eller icke utesluta, det är frågan - Om upphandlande enheters handlingsmöjligheter vid misstanke om att ett upphandlingsförfarande föregåtts av en anbudskartell

I takt med att det offentliga i allt större utsträckning väljer att köpa in varor och tjänster från marknaden ökar också risken för anbudskarteller. I arbete med att förhindra och beivra uppkomsten av dessa otillåtna samarbeten kompletteras upphandlingslagstiftningen av konkurrensrätten. Den förstnämnda kan i detta hänseende sägas reglera den miljö vari vilken anbudskarteller uppkommer medan den sAs the public sector increases the sourcing of goods and services from the market place rather than providing them in-house, the risk for collusive behaviour in the form of bidding cartels increases. To prevent such illegal collaboration, public procurement law are supplemented with competition law. The role of the public procurement law is to regulate the environment where cartels may emerge, whi

Is EU facing increasing export competition as a result of trade with low income countries?

The concern raised in this paper is whether the cone of diversification for EU to its low income trading partners has become more similar over time, as this would imply a risk for a Stolper- Samuelson effect. In order to assess this risk, the methodology in this paper is designed to capture any rising similarities of EU to its trading partners since a Stolper- Samuleson effect infers that the good

Utvärdering av programvaror för numerisk simulering av negativa portryck

Pore water pressure is defined relative to atmospheric pressure and it is cero kPa at the water table. Under the water table the pore water pressure rises linearly at a hydrostatic pressure distribution and above the water table it sinks. How the pore water pressure profile above the groundwater table develops in practice depends on the soil water content. The relationship between water content an

Svikt och vibrationer hos lätta bjälklag.

CmTent methods to design and test vibration of lightweight floor structures are reviewed and investigated. The review includes the relation between measured performance and human response to vibrations. Vibration tests are performed on a lightweight floor structure. The available calculation methods are evaluated against the results from these tests. (Swedish)

Bärförmåga hos ytterväggar för lättbyggnadssystem.

A method of calculation is developed for a new type of lightweight crossbar. To prove the validity of the method it is verified with practical experiments. Data for the material used for input in the method is experimentally determined in most cases. A discussion concerning important problems when developing a new building system is included in the report. (The report is written in Swedish.)

Interaktiv distansutbildning över internet/intranät.

This report concems the use of interactive distance leaming to spread the knowled ge among employees. Research ofknowledge management, communication using the Internet and pedagogic has been done to get a good understanding of interactive distance leaming. After this awareness an investigation of the Swedish market was done to identify representative systems for interactive distance learning today

Principer för beräkning av deformationer i armerade betongkonstruktioner.

The purpose of this report is to analyse principles for calculations of deflections the serviceability state. Methods made in the following three codes have been considered: the Swedish BKR 99, the European Eurocode 2 and the American ACI Building Code and Requirements of Reinforced Concrete. Deflections for short term as weil as for long term loading have been investigated. The analyse has been p

Length effect of structural timber

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the influence of the length effect of Structural timber. With that aim two samples with different length have been tested. Each sample has one hundred beams with the properties of both samples as close as possible. Engineering design methods for timber assume homogeneous material all along the beam, but in reality the strength is highly variable along a ti

Investigation of stability of glulam roof trusses with large spans

In certain types of glulam roof structures with large spans, reliable methods for design with respect to instability are lacking. One example is a three-hinged roof truss with steel tension rods as shown in Figure 1. The types of structures shown in Figure 1 are investigated in the diploma project with the purpose to evaluate and improve the currently used design methods and detailing. Calculation

Tvärkraftsdimensionering för tvådimensionella membranelement.

This paper presents two methods of shear capacity design in two-dimensional membrane elements. The aim in this thesis is to find a method who calculates one resulting transeverse reinforcement instead of two. A procedure (Unified Shear Theory by Collins and Mitchells) is presented for design of transverse reinforcement in two-way concrete slabs. This procedure is compared to the Swedish procedure

3D-volymhusbyggande med materiallistor och tänkbara PDM-system.

The aim in this thesis is to itemize materials with ADT. The material’s lists shall then be transferred from ADT to Access and furthermore to Jeeves. The aim also is to describe the PDM-system and to find out if this PDM-system can cooperate between ADT and Jeeves. I also tried to study the possibility of transferring the material’s lists from ADT to the PDMsystem. I found that the material’s list

Automatic Reinforcement Generation in FEM-Plate.

In this master’s thesis automatic generation of reinforcement distribution in the structural engineering program FEM-Design Plate was investigated. The reinforcement distribution proposed was to be as accurate as possible, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. For this purpose, calculation routines considering current national codes and engineering practice have been developed. Th

Sprickvidd nära armeringsjärn i betongbalkar.

When designing concrete structures, there are great demands made on quality and service life of the construction, and for this the size of concrete cover is crucial. The concrete cover protects the reinforcement bars from carburization and from infiltration of chlorides, which make them corrode. When using today’s codes while designing, a thick concrete cover will yield a large crack width, which