

Din sökning på "*" gav 534711 sökträffar

Indigenous Fertility in Mexico

The aim of this paper is to study the influence of indigenous identification on the fertility of Mexican women. It has been debated if the higher fertility of indigenous women in the Country is due to culture and traditions specifics of indigenous people, or if it is caused by socioeconomic and demographic factors. Controlling for socioeconomic and demographic variables, the results from an Ordina

Förmögenhet och konsumtion

The foundation of this study is a dynamic model, describing wealth effects on aggregate consumption in Sweden based on annual data 1980-2008. The dynamic model is conducted with reference to the life-cycle hypothesis, and results in a short-term as well as a long-term relationship between the examined variables. In general, its method is a conventional cointegration study, where the long term rela

Nordens förhandlare? Vem är det? - En studie om den nationella kulturens påverkan på svenska dotterbolags organisationsstruktur vid etablering i Danmark

Companies today are forced to expand and position outside their borders. The Öresund region is a common labor market for Swedes and Danes. Since 2000, with the opening of the Öresund Bridge, circumstances have improved for the region's business climate which is in a strong growth. Both Swedish and Danish companies are working across borders to take advantage of the region's dynamic and suc

Dutch Disease in Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan has since its independence following the disintegration of Soviet Union undergone a transition from plan-to market economy and one part of this involved increased exports in oil. This development might induce Dutch Disease, a phenomenon that has negative effects on the country’s GDP growth. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate if Kazakhstan shows any signs of Dutch Disease. T

Ett effektivare bistånd - svenska civilsamhällesorganisationers implementering av biståndseffektivitet

In recent years several policies concerning Aid effectiveness has emerged for Swedish civil society organizations. This thesis investigates what facilitates and complicates implementation of these policies. The theoretical framework is constituted by a top-down perspective of implementation and three essential actor properties; understand, can and will, developed by Lennart Lundquist. The empirica

Marknadens värdering av nyval av kvinnliga styrelseledamöter

This essay is an event study of the share price of a number of companies listed at the Stockholm Exchange Market which prior to the dates studied only had men in their board. The purpose of the essay is to study whether the announcement of a new female board member affects the share price. The number of companies used in the study is 25. The essay builds its reasoning on theories on efficient mark

Alcoholics and workaholics

From the recent mortality trends in Central and Eastern Europe, it is clear that in the former socialist countries the economic transition had a different effect on male and female mortality: premature death became much more frequent among males, and the gender mortality gap increased as a result. The psycho-social stress hypothesis (Cornia and Paniccia, 2001) explains the Eastern European experie

Which Swedish industries could become pioneers in extensive Intellectual Capital disclosure?

It is difficult to assess and measure IC, and most companies lack extensive disclosure of IC. Meanwhile, theories advocate a higher level of disclosure as it is considered beneficial for companies, investors, and other stakeholders. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate in which industries IC disclosure has effect on market values. Further, we want to keep a theoretical discussion whether th

Volatility forecasting using adaptive exponential smoothing versus GARCH modeling

Different models for predicting volatility in financial returns have been proposed during the years. This paper focuses on two different ways of volatility modeling, generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models and exponential smoothing models. In a previous study 2004, James W. Taylor introduced an adaptive version of the traditionally exponential smoothing method with

The video surveillance industry in the USA - the future development and the technology shift

Abstract Title: The video surveillance industry in the USA - the future development and the technology shift Seminar date: 4/6 - 2010 Course: FEKP01, Degree Project Graduate Level, Business Administration, Graduate Level, 15 University Credit Points (ECTS-cr) Authors: Johan Lindgren and Marc Palm Mentor: Thomas Kalling Key words: Technology shift, Video surveillance industry, Organizational Learni

Grammatikalisering, typ?: om den förändrade användningen av ordet typ 1965–2009 som en grammatikaliseringsprocess

I uppsatsen undersöks hur användningen av ordet typ har förändrats i dagspress under perioden 1965–2009 och vad som kan ha lett till denna utveckling. Syntaktiskt har ordet under perioden gått från att vara ett regelrätt substantiv till att fungera som en preposition och slutligen ett adverb. Semantiskt har ordets betydelse under samma tid blivit allt vagare. Denna utveckling relateras i uppsatsen

La Red de Mujeres Contra la Violencia - En MFS-studie om kvinnorättsarbete I Nicaragua

The aim of the study was to analyze women’s rights workers narratives about women’s situation and women’s rights work in Nicaragua with a starting point in narrative method and theory. We focused our research on the network La Red de Mujeres Contra la Violencia which works both nationally and locally in Nicaragua with the aim to fight men’s violence against women. The network consists of individua

IT-revisorns bidrag till IT-styrning

IT-styrning är idag ett omtalat ämne när det gäller informationshantering. Organisationers behov av att hantera och effektivisera sin IT-styrning ökar i takt med systemens kapacitet och komplexitet. IT-styrning kan även ses som ett konkurrensmedel då vissa hävdar att organisationer med en god styrning ges mer i återbäring på tillgångar jämfört med företag med en svagare styrning (Weill & Ross,

En statistisk utvärdering av Nollvisionen – Sambandsanalys

1997 beslutade Sveriges riksdag att lägga den så kallade ”Nollvisionen” till grund för trafiksäkerhetsarbetet i landet. Nollvisionen innebär att det skall bli säkrare för alla inblandade att vistas ute i trafiken. Man har satt upp ett mål att antalet trafikolyckor som resulterar i dödsfall och skador för livet skall minimeras. Denna målsättning vill man uppnå genom att bland annat: förbättra vägarIn the year 1997, the policy called Vision Zero (in Swedish: Nollvisionen) was introduced in Sweden. The guidelines within the policy are about making traffic and transport better as well as safer for all of those involved. This means that a goal has been set to decrease the number of serious traffic accidents where the victims are severely injured or killed. This goal is being carried out, among

Jesus är vägen, sanningen och livet - därför är islam...

”Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, therefore Islam is… - the view of Islam and Muslims in the student organization Credo Lund” is an inductive, quantitative interview-study. The purpose of the study is to investigate how a person, convinced of Christianity‟s exclusivity when it comes to salvation, relates to and talks about Islam and Muslims. The material consists of interviews with four m

Kunskapshantering med interna Wiki

Undersökningen fokuserar på hur kunskap skapas och överförs mellan individer och grupper i organisationer. Organisationer söker efter strategier för att hantera kunskap eftersom det leder till bättre och snabbare beslut, samt en effektivare organisation. Området är kunskapshantering. Datorer och datorsystem har fått en betydande roll, och enligt förespråkare har Wiki-verktyget i grunden förändrat

Algblomningar – en inkräktare i semesterparadiset: En studie om klimatförändringseffekten algblomningars påverkan på turister

Utgångspunkten till denna uppsats är att det dels föreligger ett utomvetenskapligt behov av en studie av just detta slag, eftersom media rapporterar kring algblomningar som ett hot mot turism och turister. Dessutom baseras vår studie på ett inomvetenskapligt behov, bestående av kunskapsluckor kring hur turistbeteende påverkas av andra klimatförändringseffekter utöver temperaturförändringar, samt k