

Din sökning på "*" gav 532448 sökträffar

Mänskliga rättigheter ur ett kulturrelativistiskt perspektiv - Antropologiska perspektiv på barn och barnarbete

De mänskliga rättigheterna yrkar på universella rättigheter för alla världens människor. Dessa rättigheter bör överordna kulturella variationer som i sin tur bör ignoreras till förmån för de mänskliga rättigheterna. Således är appliceringen av de mänskliga rättigheterna inte så enkel som det till synes verkar då verkligheten skiljer sig från teoretiska antagande. Finns det universella handlingar s

Mainstream Discourse: Contrasting Perspectives on CCT Programs and Gender Equality

With the deadline of the 2015 Millenium Development Goals approaching fast, developmental institutions are eager to identify which programs have made an impact and worth continuing as well as which have failed. There have been a number of programs conducted and evaluated in the last decade and now is the time to investigate where they can be improved and restructured. Conditional cash transfers (C

A Reunification of Close Ties - Identity in the Russian Claim to Crimea

This study examines how identity is expressed in the Russian government rhetoric through a narrative analysis, focusing on statements given during March 2014, by President Vladimir Putin and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov. The central themes of interest are region, religion, race/ethnicity and language, which are discussed in relation to the societal themes patriotism, security, siege a

I gränslandet mellan aktiebolags- och obligationsrätt - En principiell analys av aktieägaravtalets rättsverkningar i ljuset av den aktiebolagsrättsliga separationsprincipen

Aktieägaravtal är mycket vanligt förekommande i svenska privata aktiebolag. Avtalsformen är sprungen ur det praktiska rättslivet och saknar legaldefinition. Avtalen ger aktieägare möjlighet att värna om ägarintressen som avviker från ABLs värdemonistiska syn på aktiebolag som kapitalassociationer med rent vinstmaximeringssyfte. Det utbredda användandet av aktieägaravtal blottlägger den diskrepans Shareholder agreements are commonly used in Swedish limited companies. This is a type of contract that has evolved without any involvement from the legislator, and therefore lacks a legal definition. The contracts allow for the protection of shareholders' interests when they deviate from the monistic notion of the Swedish Companies Act, which states that limited companies are pure capitalist f

Political Organization in the Informal Economy: Organizing Street Vendors in Bogotá, Colombia

Half of the workers in the world do not have access to social and legal security. As workers of a growing informal economy, they lack the protection that formal workers usually have, such as pension and sick pay and their income is varying and insecure. In the past, it was workers organizing in labor unions who achieved improved working conditions. But when the share of formal workers diminishes,

Resilience as Governmentality: The DFID's Discourse of Resilience as a New Field of Power

The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the relation between resilience as a discourse and governmentality. Drawing on theory by Foucault, a comparison and application of liberal governmentality will be made with contemporary resilience policy. The DFID, a global leader in resilience-building, will serve as a case to show in what ways power-relations are embedded within the organisation’s di

Operationsteamets följsamhet av WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi - en kvantitativ observationsstudie

WHO gav år 2008 ut en checklista för säkrare kirurgi och ökad patientsäkerhet. Efter att checklistan infördes internationellt har antalet komplikationer och dödsfall reducerats (Socialstyrelsen, u.å). I Sverige idag finns bristande kunskap om hur den totala följsamheten ser ut sedan checklistan infördes. Syftet med studien var att beskriva och jämföra operationsteamets följsamhet av momenten ”Tim

Kvinnor ska veta sin plats i arkiven : en komparativ metadataanalys av kvinnors närvaro i historiska arkiv

The aim of this thesis is to analyze women’s presence in historical archives by studying the structure of two specific archival institutions and their information retrieval systems. The institutions we have chosen are the National Archives of Sweden and Women’s History Collections at the University of Gothenburg. The study has been conducted by searching for women of varying levels of recognition

Regional Autonomy and Respect for Human Rights – Indonesia’s Obligation to Ensure that Women are not Discriminated in Local Regulations

Indonesien har ratificerat de viktiga internationella mänskliga rättigheter-traktaten som ålägger stater att eliminera diskriminering av kvinnor – CEDAW, ICCPR och ICESCR. Ändå existerar omfattande diskriminering av kvinnor i landet, underblåst särskilt av lokala regleringar som tillkommit genom den starka regionala autonomin. Dessa regleringar, antagna på provins-, region- eller stadsnivå, bryterIndonesia has ratified the crucial international human rights treaties obligating states to eliminate discrimination against women – the CEDAW, the ICCPR and the ICESCR. Yet discrimination against women exists in Indonesia, especially fuelled by local regulations able to arise due to the country’s strong regional autonomy. Enacted either at province, regency or city level, these regulations contra

Friköp och utköp av aktier

Avtalade friköps- och utköpsklausuler riskerar krocka med aktiebolagsrättsliga normer och föreskrivna överlåtelsebegränsningar i bolagsordningen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad gällande rätt föreskriver om sådana kollisioner och var gränserna går för vad som är möjligt att reglera i friköps- och utköpsklausuler. Friköpsklausuler ger aktieägare en rätt att bli utköpt och utköpsklausuBuy-out clauses in shareholders agreements risk colliding with Swedish company law and transfer restrictions in the articles of association. The purpose of this paper is to examine what the law provides for such collisions and the limits for what is possible to regulate with buy-out clauses. A buy-out clause with a put option states a right for shareholders to be bought out and one with a call opt

Managing Age Diversity Collaboratively in the Hotel Industry - How Younger Managers and Older Employees Get Along

This thesis aims to give an insight into the relatively atypical work relationship between younger managers and older employees in the hotel industry. We illustrate this phenome-non based on the idea of age diversity management. Age diversity management, which promotes the benevolence of an age diverse workforce, is little noticed within the field of diversity management, but gets more and more cr

A Roman bust from Västra Vång:a comparative study investigating the context in which the bust was created

The aim of this thesis was by a comparative study investigate the small Roman bust found in Västra Vång to increase the understanding of the context is which it was created. The comparative study was leaning on two hypotheses; that the bust was depicted with a so-called melon coiffure and that the bust was a depiction of a barbarian. Two catalogues was created on the basis of these hypotheses to b

From "win-win" to "lose-lose" : how neoliberalism undermines the sustainable city - a case study of Hamburg

Throughout the last years, more and more cities around the world have integrated sustainability into their development goals to deal with today’s multiple environmental and social challenges. Simultaneously, an exploding strand of research stresses the potential of cities in a transition towards sustainability. However, in most cities claiming to be sustainable, policies often remain rather limite

I wiru rokku yuu in Japanese : A study of language mixing in J-pop lyrics

This thesis deals with language mixing phenomena in J-pop lyrics. While previous research within this field has provided different angles on the motivation behind the use of English in J-pop, a uniform way of categorizing the type of language mixing has not yet been established. Some sociolinguistic research suggests that code-switching is used. However, since there is a view of Japan as a monolin

Kommunal planering för regionala perspektiv. En studie av Strukturplan för Skåne Nordväst - behov, aktörer och planeringsprocessen

I takt med förändrade samhällsstrukturer genom globaliseringen och ökade rörelsemönster över större geografiska områden har det regionala perspektivet uppmärksammats i planeringen då de kommunala gränserna blivit allt mer flytande. Uppsatsen belyser en fallstudie, Strukturplan för Skåne Nordväst, som är en regional strategi som Skåne Nordvästs 11 kommuner tillsammans utformat för att sammankoppla

Dividend Smoothing in Sweden - An Empirical Investigation of Determinants of Dividend Smoothing

Purpose: The main purpose is to see if dividend smoothing is a pertinent phenomenon among Swedish public firms. The study also aims to identify what firm characteristics that drive dividend smoothing. Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework covers different explanations of dividend smoothing behavior, such as information asymmetries, agency issues and investor clientele motivations. Also

Shaping Identity - A Study of the Construction of National Identity in Two Royal Speeches

This study examines the construction of national identity in two speeches, held respectively by King Abdullah II of Jordan and King Mohammed VI of Morocco, during the height of the Arab Spring in 2011. These speeches were a response to public uprisings and contained numerous reforms, which may have been instrumental for the continued rule of the Jordanian and Moroccan regimes. Using theories on na

Analysis and improvements of information management - A case study about information management at an SME

Bakgrund: OF Ekeri är ett nationellt företag med kontor i Markaryd. De levererar och hyr ut ett stort utbud av olika typer av lastbilssläp som till exempel släpvagnar, påhängsvagnar och reservdelar. Nästan alla företag i dag har någon form av informationssystem, men många av dem är ineffektiva. OF Ekeri är medvetna om att deras sätt att hantera deras information inte är uppdaterad och därför de haBackground: OF Ekeri is a national company with an office in Markaryd. They deliver and rent a wide selection of different types of truck trailers, semitrailers and spare parts. Today almost all companies have some kind of information system and many of them are inefficient. OF Ekeri is aware of that their way of managing their information is not up to date and therefore they have asked for help r