

Din sökning på "*" gav 533341 sökträffar

Vi och dom: En diskursanalys om medias framställning av missbrukare

I denna studie har 14 olika artiklar från Expressen och Aftonbladet analyserats. Artiklarna har publicerats mellan februari 2015 och mars 201 6. Genom att analysera ord, koncept, teman och innehåll generellt, har det hittats tre olika diskurser rörande missbruk och missbrukare i Sverige. Den första diskursen som hittades handlade om kriminalitet och visade en klar bild av hur missbruk var förbunAbstract Title: We and them: A discourse analysis of the media`s representation of addicts. Supervisor: Janicke Andersson Author: Therese Benjaminsson Assessor: Eva Palmblad This study analyzed 14 different articles from Expressen and Aftonbladet from a time period between February 2015 and March 2016. By analyzing vocabulary, concepts, themes and content in general, three different discou

Income inequality regression models with applications

This thesis addresses three topics in income inequality. First, a cross- sectional dataset of 30 countries is used to investigate the causes of between- country differences in income inequality. Secondly, a panel of the same countries is used to examine the drivers behind the change in inequality between 1985 and 2013. This part of the thesis utilizes dynamic regres- sion models for panel data, an

Möjligheter och effekter vid ökad materialåtervinning i offentliga miljöer – En studie med fokus på Lunds gaturum

Konsumtionen i världen ökar och det gör även halten av växthusgaser i atmosfären. Detta kräver högre resurseffektivitet och inom både EU och Sverige finns styrmedel som förespråkar ökad materialåtervinning. Trots detta saknas ofta källsorteringsmöjligheter i offentliga miljöer. I denna studie undersöks möjligheterna till ökad materialåtervinning i offentliga miljöer genom att fokusera på ett införThe global consumption is increasing and so are the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This requires a higher resource efficiency and legislation within the EU and Sweden is promoting material recycling to a greater degree than incineration of waste. In spite of this recycling stations can rarely be found in public environments. In this study the possibilities and effects of an increase

Investigation of Sushi Domain-Containing Protein 4 (SUSD4) and its effect on INS-1 832/13 cells

Type 2 diabetes is becoming an increasingly more common disease in the world, with a strong correlation to increasing obesity. Previous studies have shown that obese patients have an increased level of inflammatory mediators believed to be one of the underlying causes for diabetes development. One part of the immune system, contributing to these mediators, is the complement system. Investigating t

The Secret Land of Freelance Journalism in Lithuania : a life-world study of professional challenges in the digital era

Journalism profession and journalists’ practices are usually critiqued when a new shift happens. Currently, digitalization of the newsrooms, economic state of journalism and changing labour conditions have an impact on shaping the models according to which newsrooms work and journalists understand their professional roles and identities. The aforementioned changes within the profession are usually

Centralising citizenship for media reform : local news audiences of Brexit

The primary aim of this thesis is to critically examine news media as a resource for political engagement. A secondary aim is to demonstrate the importance and vitality of qualitative audience research to studies of news and democracy and wider democratization of society alongside media reform. For a contextualised approach to civic engagement, local news audiences of Wales were interviewed on the

Eyeing marriage equality : news media representation of same-sex marriage legalization debate in Taiwan

In 2016, Taiwan was on the verge of becoming the first in Asia to allow same-sex marriage. An amendment aimed at changing marriage definition in Civil Code has passed the first-round reading in legislative committee in 26 December 2016. However, although Taiwan is seen as one of the most gay-friendly places in Asia, the same-sex marriage bill has generated intensive debates among citizens. And mas

Project Anatomic - Equipment for the Modern Sporthorse

The last decades the modern sporthorse have changed a lot, both physically and in temperament. Horses have gotten more athletic, sensitive and faster. Selective breeding, new science findings and more competition, in combination with a role change from workhorse to sporthorse have made this change possible. The idea to investigate and develop horse equipment was initialised during meetings with th

Planerad spontanitet - komposition och plankning som metod för att lära ut improvisation till trummisar

Den här studien undersöker hur egenskrivna och/eller lånade idéer kan användas som metod för att utveckla improvisationsförmågan hos elever på estetiska programmet med trumset som huvudinstrument. Studiens deltagare har efter givna ramar fått i uppgift att planera och sedan framföra egna trumsolo-sekvenser, i syfte att fylla på den egna musikaliska verktygslådan med solistiska verktyg. Den här stuThis study examines how original and/or borrowed ideas can be used as a method for high school students with drum profile to develop and improve their ability to improvise. The students of this study have been instructed to prepare and to play drum solo sequences based on certain limitations, in order to fill their musical toolbox with new solistic tools. This study is based on qualitative intervi

Sverigedemokratisk nationalism

Since the quick entry of the Sweden Democrats in contemporary Swedish politics, several studies have been made on the party in order to analyze its different aspects. This study seeks to examine the ideological positioning of the nationalist political party Sweden Democrats. By textual analysis of its official principle programme and complementary qualitative interviews, the study aims to bring to

Estimation of Resource Allocation Based on Disturbance Prediction Data with Use of Statistics, Machine Learning and Data Analysis

The electrical power grid is one of modern society’s most important infrastructures and both power distributors and the Swedish government are investing large amount of resources to ensure continuous delivery of power. By predicting future outages with an automatic prediction system, the distributors could prevent long restoration times and economic loss. In this work, the authors evaluate the pos

Bolagsledningens ansvar för indirekt skada - Särskilt i koncernförhållanden

Frågan om bolagsledningars skadeståndsansvar tillhör en ständigt pågående diskussion inom aktiebolagsrätten. Det är inte sällsynt att en bolagsledning orsakar det egna bolaget skada. Trots det är det sällan en bolagsledning hålls ansvarig gentemot bolaget, än mindre gentemot aktieägarna. Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda styrelseledamöters och VD:s externa skadeståndsansvar gentemot aktieägare There is ongoing discussion in company law on the question of corporate management liability to pay damages. Although it is not uncommon for harm to be inflicted on a company by its own management, it is rare for management to be held accountable towards the company, and even less so towards shareholders. This thesis analyses the external accountability of directors and the CEO in case of indirect

Subversive Eating: Hegemony and counter hegemony in Swedish dietary politics

Moving between hegemony and counter hegemony this thesis adds to the field of food politics by contributing to a further understanding of current hegemonic relations within this topic and counter-hegemonic theory in general. In the form of an interview study it draws upon the narratives of radical leftist activists in Lund and Malmö in order to outline a hegemonic framework within food politics in

Konkurrens och sjunkande utbildningsresultat på Lunds Universitet

In the beginning of 2016 an intense debate took place in Swedish media concerning the quality of higher education. In the debate it was claimed that the quality is in decline partly due to result based financing for universities and an increase in competition amongst them. Despite the large interest for the subject no study has so far been conducted to discern what is true and what is not. This st

För alltid elev.

This essay examines which civic ideals that are described in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school, the journal from the Swedish Teachers Union and the journal from the National Union of Teachers in Sweden. One of the most important tasks for the nine-year compulsory school is to educate future citizens, however, other actors strive to influence the values and ideals during this education. The S

High North - low tension? A case study of the Norwegian-Russian bilateral relation in the Arctic through the theoretical lens of securitisation

The High North has gained a top priority position on the Norwegian political and security agenda in a context of the Arctic region’s growing geopolitical importance. As a result of this, Norway deems that it is ‘necessary’ to maintain close bilateral relations with Russia as some issues in the Arctic region can only be solved through bilateral cooperation. However, this important bilateral dimensi

Den känslosamma förövaren - En diskursanalytisk granskning av fridskränkningsbrotten

Det övergripande syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att analysera hur brottsoffer och förövare konstrueras i rättstillämpningen av grov kvinnofridskränkning och grov fridskränkning. Vad avser brottet grov fridskränkning kommer uppsatsens fokus vara på fall av heterosexuellt partnervåld där kvinnan är förövare och mannen brottsoffer. Uppsatsen syftar även till att utifrån gällande rätt analysThe overall aim of this project has been to analyze how the perpetrator and victim are constructed in the adjudication process of the criminal acts gross violation of integrity and gross violation of a woman’s integrity in Chapter 4, section 4a of the Swedish Penal Code. The sections regarding the criminal act gross violation of integrity will focus on cases concerning heterosexual partner violenc

Mot en humanare häktningsreglering? - En rättsvetenskaplig analys av SOU 2016:52

Häktning och restriktioner anses vara de mest ingripande personella tvångsmedel som kan användas mot den misstänkte. Det anses nödvändigt att åklagaren under förundersökning och brottmålsprocessen kan använda sig av straffprocessuella tvångsmedel för att lösa brott. Här skapas en spänning mellan statens möjligheter till effektiv brottsutredning och den enskildes krav på att tvångsåtgärder inte tilDetention and restrictions are the most coercive measures that can affect the suspect. It is considered necessary that the prosecutor during preliminary investigation and criminal trial procedure can use coercive measures to solve crimes. Here emerges a tension between the state´s opportunities to effective criminal investigation and the individual’s requirements that coercive measures are not app

Traditionsprincipen - utifrån ett samhällsekonomiskt och processekonomiskt perspektiv

Med anledning av diskussionen kring en eventuell övergång till avtalsprincipen och SOU 2015:18 har denna uppsatsens frågeställning varit om ett fasthållande vid traditionsprincipen skulle ha samhällsekonomiska respektive processekonomiska fördelar. För att svara på frågeställningen har jag använt mig av den rättsdogmatiska metoden. Traditionsprincipen innebär att köparen får sakrättsligt skydd mDue to recent discussions concerning an eventual transition to the principle of a valid agreement and SOU 2015:18, this essay’s question formulation is if there are any advantages with the principle of tradition from a national economical and procedural economical perspective. To answer the question, I have used the legal dogmatic method. The principle of tradition means that a buyer gets protec