

Din sökning på "*" gav 527456 sökträffar

High temporal resolution monitoring of fermentations using an on-line amperometric flow-through microdetector

An on-line microdetector containing amperometric biosensors was used for high temporal resolution (t(90%) approximate to 120 s) monitoring of glucose and ethanol concentrations during small scale fermentations. ne ability of the microdetector to report on the effect of different experimental conditions was tested in fermentation processes carried out at 30 and at 37 degrees C. An increased ethanol

A study of the energy evolution of event shape distributions and their means with the DELPHI detector at LEP

Infrared and collinear safe event shape distributions and their mean values are determined in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-mass energies between 45 and 202GeV. A phenomenological analysis based on power correction models including hadron mass effects for both differential distributions and mean values is presented. Using power corrections, alpha(s) is extracted from the mean values and shapes.

Element cycling in forest soils -modelling the effects of a changing environment

Element cycling and nutrient supply in forest ecosystems are of vital importance for short-term productivity and for longer-term land management in terms of nutrient leaching and CO2 fixation. This thesis includes a series of studies with the objective of modelling some aspects of the effect of acidification and climate change on element cycling and nutrient supply in forest soil. A reconstructio

The nurse-patient encounter and the patients' state: Effects of individual care and clinical group supervision in dementia care.

Popular Abstract in Swedish "Mötet mellan personal och patienter samt patienternas tillstånd. Effekter av klinisk grupphandledning till personal samt individuellt anpassad omvårdnad till patienter med demenssjukdomar" Avhandlingens övergripande syfte var att undersöka mötet mellan patienter och personal, patienternas tillstånd och beteende samt effekterna av individuellt planerad omvårdnad och klThe aim of thesis was to investigate the nurse-patient encounter in dementia care (n=9 patients), functional and cognitive ability, behaviours and mood of the patients as well as the reliability of the instruments used (n=75 nursing home patients). A further aim was to investigate the effects on the aspects mentioned above of a one-year controlled intervention (individually planned care and clinic

Surprising facts in Swedish Grammar

In this paper I discuss two surprising facs in Swedish grammar, the presence of a particular active verb form, the supine, after auxiliary have in perfect and pluperfect, and the free word order found in the middle fielld of main clauses. The supine is not found in any other Germanic language, and is presumably to be seen as a result of a historical coincidence. The free word order in the middle f

Spline–Galerkin calculations for Rydberg series of calcium

We are investigating a large number of Rydberg series of neutral calcium, with the help of the recently introduced Spline-Galerkin method. Perturbers belonging to the 4p2, 3d2, 3d5s and 3d4p configurations are investigated and their influence on different Rydberg series is discussed. Results are reported for members of different Rydberg series, with n up to 20-30, and compared with experiment and

Voluntary agreements - a measure for energy-efficiency in industry? Lessons from a Swedish programme

Voluntary agreements represent a policy instrument for applying new knowledge, routines or technology to specified issues. The traditional role of an authority when using information, and taking economic, or administrative measures is that of an initiator and controller. Voluntary agreements, on the other hand, represent a communication process between an authority and a partner where relations of

Dizziness of Suspected Cervical Origin Distinguished by Posturographic Assessment of Human Postural Dynamics

Useful clinical tests are lacking for the controversial entity "cervical vertigo". In earlier studies patients assumed to suffer from cervical vertigo or dizziness manifested disturbed postural control as compared to healthy subjects, but were hard to distinguish from patients with other balance disorders. Using posturography in which stance was perturbed by a vibratory stimulus applied towards th

Risker vid naturgasuppvärmning i bostäder : Etapp 2: brandrisker och behovsbedömning av kontrollåtgärder

Naturgas är ett rent bränsle som endast innehåller små mängder föroreningar, [1]. Jämfört med kol är föekomsten av föroreningar i naturgas vanligen 1000 ggr mindre. Man får därför inga problem med svaveldioxid, tungmetaller, klorerade föroreningar etc i avgaserna. Vid normal drift bildas mycket lite sot och de huvudsakliga förbränningsprodukterna är vatten och koldioxid. Vatten ställer normalt int

First-time mothers' satisfaction with early encounters with the nurse in child healthcare: home visit or visit to the clinic?

The aim of this study was to describe first-time mothers' views of satisfaction with their first encounter with the nurse, in order to investigate differences between home visits and clinic visits and between high/middle and low socioeconomic classification (SEC). A nation-wide postal questionnaire sent to 800 first-time mothers yielded the data for statistical analysis. Data were collected using