

Din sökning på "*" gav 532871 sökträffar

Existerar en gemensam asylpolitik inom Schengensamarbetet?

The question and purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether the cooperation within the Schengen Agreement regarding asylum politics is common or shared? By common is meant that the member states act in common and follow the regulation jointly. Whereas, shared is defined as a regulation which provide room for interpretation and implementation on national level. This thesis is based on literature

Bekämpa illegal invandring! En kritisk diskursanalys om säkerhet och migration i EU

Since the 1990s, illegal immigration has become something highly politicised and closely linked to security concerns in EU. The aim of Critical Security Studies is to see through this securitization by claiming that there is a relation between knowledge and power, and externalize the different ways in which actors exercise their power. With Critical Discourse Analysis, this essay scrutinize the mo

Ett liv i sus och brus - En undersökning om hur musiker med tinnitus hanterar sitt yrke

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur musiker som har drabbats av tinnitus eller ljudöverkänslighet hanterar sitt yrke. Underlaget för studien består av fem stycken intervjuer med aktiva musiker inom klassisk musik, jazz och rock/blues som drabbats av tinnitus och/eller ljudöverkänslighet. Studiens resultat visar på följande åtgärder och är kategoriserade efter dessa: sjukskrivning/längre uTitle: A life in crash and bang - research about how musicians with tinnitus cope with their profession The purpose of this study is to investigate how musicians who have been affected by tinnitus or sound sensitivity deal with their profession. The material of this study consists of five interviews with professional musicians active within the classical music sphere as well as within jazz and roc

Asiatiska värderingar : mänskliga rättigheter i Japan och Kina

The march forward for human rights and the spread of it throughout the world has been subjected to arguments by Asian governments that human rights and the values it promotes goes contrary to Asian values, and the Confucian society. This essay explores the roots of the Asian values argument and these Asian values and tries to see the reasoning and the structure of what lies behind the argument abo

Avvikande representationer: en analys av hur man kan utmana en normativ bild av kropp och sexualitet

In this paper we will examine the way in which normative representations of body and sexuality can be challenged. This will be done by studying pictures from the campaign “Komikondom”, which has been a project by the Swedish organizations RFSL (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights) and RFSU (The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education). The pictures are chos

Positiv särbehandling av män på svenska universitet : en studie av två aktuella rättsfall

Many minority groups are subjected to discrimination in today’s society. The reasons behind this unfair treatment are often based upon morally irrelevant grounds. These grounds are in most cases shared by all the members of the minority group. The focal points of this essay are in the court cases that concern affirmative action at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Lund University

"Öar av välstånd i ett hav av fattigdom" - Ideologin bakom begreppet hållbar utveckling

Sustainable Development is a widely acknowledged term in today's society. However, because of its vagueness and varying definitions, it is also a very contested term. This essay will focus on the World Commission on Environment and Development’s (WCED) Brundtland Report of 1987, which is also known as 'Our Common Future'. The report's analysis seeks to examine the underlying ideolo

Utvecklingsstörning och sexualitet - en studie kring kunskapen om och synen på den

Author: Erika Noaksson Title: Intellectual disability and sexuality – a study about the knowledge and perceptions on it Supervisor: Eva-Malin Antoniusson The purpose of this study is to examine both the degree of knowledge within society, and overall societal perceptions of intellectual disability in relation to sexuality. In addition it also examines what kind of consequences a lack of knowledge

Arbete - rättighet, skyldighet elller säkerhet? - en diskursanalys kring diskussionen om arbete och integration

This thesis investigates how employment as a concept is used in the discussions about integration policy. With the supposition that employment is regarded as one of the most important factors of integration, it studies the arguments that endorse this supposition in texts on integration policies. Using the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe, I discern three different discourses that can explain

Islands of Merit- Explaining Partial “Meritocratization” in the Egyptian Bureaucracy

Distinctive new features of the Egyptian bureaucracy have followed the process of economic liberalization and privatization that began in 1991. The Egyptian bureaucracy is excessively large and suffers from inefficiencies and low capacity, but dealing with prioritized policy areas, such as privatization, experts have been recruited to so called “Technical Offices” that are closely tied to the cabi

Conditions for a European Public Sphere

A concern about the democratic legitimacy of the European Union is a frequent topic when discussing European integration. How can democratic principles be withheld when political power is delegated from the nation-state to a supranational level? Can democracy be secured beyond the nation-state? This thesis derives from a deliberative perspective, which emphasises the need for debate in democratic

Krigstraumatiserad i Sverige

Varje år kommer det barn och ungdomar till Sverige från krigshärjade länder runt om i världen. De flyr sina hemland pågrund av förtryck och våld i hopp om att starta ett nytt liv utan ständig oro för sina liv. Migrationsverket visar att 24 000 människor sökte asyl i Sverige under 2009, av dessa var 27 % barn och ungdomar. I Sverige får dessa barn och ungdomar en möjlighet att gå i skolan och lära

A Zooarchaeological Study of Animal Consumption in Medieval Viljandi

This thesis deals with animal bones from the medieval town of Viljandi. My aim is to study the consumption of different species and possible spatial, temporal and social differences thereof. Bone assemblages from Viljandi’s suburb, town and castle area are analyzed with osteological, quantificative and statistical methods. Most of the consumed species in the town have been cattle, sheep, goat an

Från kloakernas mörker till politikers vilja - en undersökning av gatubarns situation i Rumänien

I Rumänien lever tusentals barn på gatan i en miljö som är under värdig mänsklig standard. Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa gatubarns situation i Rumänien, genom att beröra situationen utifrån flera olika perspektiv. Problemen kring Rumäniens gatubarn har sin grund i både landets historia och dess generella fattigdom. I och med barnkonventionen har andra länder ansvar genom det internationel

Kränker Sverigedemokraterna de mänskliga rättigheterna? Genom sin syn på medborgarskap/nationalitet, religionsfrihet och invandring/flyktingfrågan?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om Sverigedemokraterna kränker de mänskliga rättigheterna, genom sin syn på medborgarskap/nationalitet, religionsfrihet samt invandring/flyktingfrågan. Primärkällorna kommer att vara Sverigedemokraternas officiella hemsida med fokus på deras princip- och invandringspolitiska program samt FN:s traktat om de mänskliga rättigheterna. Hur dessa kategorier utavThe purpose of this essay is to examine if Sverigedemokraterna violates the human rights, through their vision of citizenship / nationality, freedom of religion as well as the immigration / refugee issue. Primary sources will be the Sweden Democrats' official web site with focus on their principle and immigration policy programs and the UN treaty on human rights. How these human rights categor

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Abstract The aim of this paper was to analyze slotted bone points from Scania, southern Sweden and to examine different aspects of them such as social areas of use, typology and chronology, what kind of animal that was hunted and how, what a manufacturing site might look like and what should be observed on the site and decoration. The slotted bone points occur in the early and the middle Mesolithi