Din sökning på "*" gav 533074 sökträffar
The Interfacial Behaviour of Three Food Proteins Studied by the Drop Volume Technique.
The adsorption behaviour of three food proteins, a soy protein isolate, a sodium casein‐ate and a whey protein concentrate, at the air‐water interface has been studied by the drop volume method. The kinetics of surface tension decay were evaluated in terms of different rate‐determining steps at different ionic strengths and concentrations. This analysis indicates the following characteristics conc
Functional Characterization of Protein Stabilized Emulsions: Emulsifying Behaviour of Proteins in a Valve Homogenizer.
Protein stabilised emulsions have been prepared in a valve homogeniser incorporated into a recirculating emulsification system, where the power input and number of passes have been varied. The food proteins studied were a soy‐bean protein isolate, a whey protein concentrate (WPC) and a sodium caseinate. The emulsions obtained were characterized in terms of particle size distribution and amount of
Protein som emulgator.
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, terpinyl acetate (isomer mixture), CAS Registry number 8007-35-0
Use of non-benzodiazepine hypnotics is associated with falls in nursing home residents : a longitudinal cohort study
BACKGROUND: Falls and related injuries are common among older people, and several drug classes are considered to increase fall risk.AIMS: This study aimed to investigate the association between the use of certain drug classes and falls in older nursing home residents in Sweden, and relate these to different age groups.METHODS: Information on falls that occurred in the previous year and regular use
That little football girl. Swedish club football and gender expectations
The title of this article comes from a comment made about me. It was uttered informally, but within a research community nevertheless. I was referred to as “thatlittle football girl”, and although the comment was swiftly trivialized, as in “I did not mean anything negative”, it left me pondering on how my gender reflected on the seriousness of my research. The aim of this article is to explore fro
Modeling, Optimization and Analysis of Electromobility Systems
Due to an increase in environmental awareness and an improved understanding on the impact of human activity on our planet’s climate, there is a strong desire both from governments and the general public to reduce harmful pollution and emissions. This requires action on different fronts, like decarbonizing electricity generation, industrial activity and not least the transport sector. This thesis a
Introduction. : Exploring Gender Equality
Surrendering to Anesthesia - An Interpersonal Construct in the Caring Encounter within the Context of Anesthesia Care
Physiological effects on humans when exposed to nanometer sized airborne particles in well controlled chamber studies
Vitamin D intervention and bone : A randomized clinical trial in fair- and dark-skinned children at northern latitudes
Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate vitamin D status and effects of vitamin D intervention on bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC) in children with fair and dark skin in Sweden during winter. Methods: In a 2-center prospective double-blinded randomized intervention study 5- to 7-year-old children (n=206) with fair and dark skin in Sweden (55°N-63°N) received daily vitamin D su
Zero-Forcing Precoding Performance in Multiuser MIMO Systems With Heterogeneous Ricean Fading
An accurate approximation is developed for the distribution of the instantaneous per-terminal signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of a downlink multiuser multiple-input multiple-output system with zero-forcing (ZF) precoding. Our analysis assumes a Ricean fading environment, where we show that the SNR at a given terminal is well approximated by the gamma distribution and we derive its parameters. The anal
Delineation of the Genera Haemoproteus and Plasmodium Using RNA-Seq and Multi-gene Phylogenetics
Members of the order Haemosporida are protist parasites that infect mammals, reptiles and birds. This group includes the causal agents of malaria, Plasmodium parasites, the genera Leucocytozoon and Fallisia, as well as the species rich genus Haemoproteus with its two subgenera Haemoproteus and Parahaemoproteus. Some species of Haemoproteus cause severe disease in avian hosts, and these parasites d
Intralymphatic Immunotherapy : Update and Unmet Needs
Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) is the only allergy treatment that confers long-term symptom amelioration for patients suffering from allergy. The most frequently used allergen application route is subcutaneous injection (SCIT), commonly taken as the gold standard, followed by sublingual (SLIT) or oral (OIT) application of allergen preparations. This is an up-to-date review of the clinical e
Religionens återkomst – religionens slut?
Trafiksäkerhetsutvärdering av nya trafikregler för cykelöverfarter
I september 2014 infördes en ny korsningstyp, cykelöverfart, där fordonstrafik som korsar cykelöverfarten har väjningsplikt mot cyklande och mopedförare som är på eller just på väg ut på cykelöverfarten. Syftet med projektet är att utvärdera regleringsformens effekt på cyklisters trafiksäkerhet. På tre platser i Malmö studerades hastigheter, allvarliga konflikter, väjningsbeteende samt interaktion
Magnetic resonance imaging techniques for evaluation of left ventricular function
Hjärtinfarkt är en av de vanligaste anledningarna till för tidig död. Vid en hjärtinfarkt dör delar av hjärtmuskeln på grund av att den utsätts för mycket kraftig syrebrist när ett kranskärl täpps till. Även hjärtmuskelvävnad i infarktens närhet påverkas. Hjärtats vänsterkammare förser kroppen med syresatt blod. Exakt hur vänsterkammarens funktion påverkas under de första dagarna efter hjärtinfark
Gender in Science & Technology : a Collection of Theses from the Physics Department at Lund University 2017
How are women and men, and ideas about masculinity and femininity, influencing science and what happens when technology is understood as gendered? This is the question on which the course “Gender Studies: Science & Technology” is founded. Organised as a cross-faculty collaboration between the Department of Physics and the Department of Gender Studies at Lund University, this course aims to pr
Pseudorapidity Dependence of Particle Production and Elliptic Flow in Asymmetric Nuclear Collisions of p+Al, p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au at √sNN=200 GeV
Asymmetric nuclear collisions of p+Al, p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au at √sNN=200 GeV provide an excellent laboratory for understanding particle production, as well as exploring interactions among these particles after their initial creation in the collision. We present measurements of charged hadron production dNch/dη in all such collision systems over a broad pseudorapidity range and as a function of co