

Din sökning på "*" gav 533081 sökträffar

Disconnect to Reconnect: The Phenomenon of Digital Detox as a Reaction to Technology Overload

Purpose The purpose of this study is to understand young adults’ practicalities of digital detoxing and the respective motivations to act upon these actions. Therefore, this research aims to create knowledge about what young adults do to actively detox from the digital technology and to understand their Motivations behind. Methodology This research took inspirations from an interpretivist ontolog

Källmiljöer i svensk skog: metoder för att mäta och förhindra påverkan på källmiljöer från skogsbruk

Källmiljöer är grundvattenberoende ekosystem med en betydande roll för den biologiska mångfalden. Svenska skogar är rika på källor, som riskerar att påverkas av närliggande skogsbruk. I EU-projektet GRIP on LIFE IP som bland annat Skogsstyrelsen deltar i ska våtmarker och vattendrag uppmärksammas och eventuellt restaureras och i dessa naturområden ingår källmiljöer. Syftet med detta examensarbete Spring environments are groundwater dependent ecosystems, which play an important role for biodiversity. In Swedish forests there is an abundance of springs, many of which risk being affected by forestry nearby. In the EU project GRIP on LIFE IP where, among others, the Swedish Forest Agency take part, wetlands and streams will be brought to attention and possibly restored. In these biotopes, spri

Article 34 SCA - An Obligation to Request an Advisory Opinion of the EFTA Court?

This thesis examines the question of whether Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are under an obligation to refer questions on the interpretation of EEA law to the EFTA Court (the Court). These countries enjoy access to the EU’s internal market through the EEA Agreement. Article 34 of the Surveillance and Court Agreement, concluded between the EEA/EFTA States, establishes an advisory opinion procedu

Inlärning av digitala arbetssätt på byggarbetsplatsen

Byggbranschen uppfattas ofta som konservativ och bakåtsträvande, en bransch där papper och penna hellre används än IT-lösningar och digitala hjälpmedel. Hela byggindustrin står i skrivande stund under en digital revolution eftersom företag, organisationer och myndigheter har påbörjat den digitala utvecklingen av branschen med syftet att effektivisera byggprocesser. Det finns många digitala arbetss

Cancerpatienters erfarenheter av webbaserade stödforum. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Cancerpatienter har ett stort behov av psykosocialt stöd och i takt med den ökade användningen av internet är webbaserade stödforum ett växande fenomen bland cancerpatienter. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva cancerpatienters erfarenheter av stöd från andra patienter via webbaserade stödforum. Metod: En litteraturstudie som inkluderar åtta artiklar som analyserats med integrerad anal

Pained Body, Performed Madness: A Study of the Bio-political Philosophy in He Yunchang's Performance Art

This thesis explores the considerations of bare life in He Yunchang’s performance arts, based on two of his works, One-meter democracy (2010) and Golden Sunlight (1999). I make a deep analysis of the images and archives of the two performances, about the artist’s artistic method of using visual signs. Furthermore, I interpret how the artist used the bodily pain to create figures. I also investigat

Cultural Specificity and Sense of Place : Success and Failure in the Remake of Broadchurch to Gracepoint

This thesis examines transnational adaptations of television crime drama between the United Kingdom and the United States. This is accomplished by looking at the case of Broadchurch (ITV, 2013), a complex crime drama series that was adapted from Britain into America as Gracepoint (FOX, 2014). The research explores the themes of cultural adaptation, characterization, and sense of place in both seri

En rätt till liv eller död? : en argumentationsanalys av den mediala debatten om sena aborter ur ett etiskt perspektiv

I denna uppsats undersöks debatten om sena aborter i Sverige som uppkom i slutet av sommaren 2017. Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom att tillämpa olika etiska teorier, se bortom diskussionen om rättigheter och bringa klarhet i debattörernas oenighet i frå- gan om sena aborter genom att se hur deras yrkesroller och intressepositioner förhåller sig till varandra. Först undersöks argumenten som fThis paper examines the late-term abortion debate that occurred in Sweden at the end of summer 2017. Different ethical theories will be used to go beyond the dis- cussion of rights and to see the opposing arguments regarding late term abortion more clearly. The ethical theories will also acknowledge the professions and indi- vidual viewpoints of those involved in the debate and analyse how these a

”We are not afraid": En komparativ analys över statsledares reaktioner på terrorattentat i Europa

In recent years, terror attacks have been a common occurrence and topic of conversation in Europe. After attacks struck countries such as Sweden, United Kingdom and France, state leaders have spoken out, providing strategies to move forward and measures to be taken against terror. Those speeches and statements represent a top-level discourse on terrorism in each country and constructs public under

Civil society’s role in times of social polarization and shrinking civil space : a deductive content analysis of Swedish aid policies with focus on civil society in Turkey

I denna kandidatuppsats undersöks hur det civila samhällets roll i demokratiseringspro-cesser uttrycks i svenska biståndsstrategier med särskilt fokus på Turkiet. Det empiriska materialet som valts består av två mer generella policyer och ett med regionalt fokus. Mitt teoretiska ramverk bygger på tidigare forskning om ämnet som har inspirerat en kategori-seringsmatris bestående av fem olika kategoThis bachelor thesis investigates how civil society’s role in democratization processes is expressed in Swedish aid policies with specific focus on Turkey. The empirical material selected consists of two more general policies and one with a regional focus. My theoretical framework is based on previous research about the subject which have inspired a categorization matrix consisting of five differe

Den komplexa vägen till fred

This thesis tries to create a wider understanding for the complexity of friction in peacekeeping interventions. By connecting the concepts of friction and hybridity as well as the local and the international in a theoretical framework the thesis tries to concrete the complexity of peace processes. By applying the framework upon the UN peacekeeping mission MONUC in the Democratic Republic of the Co

Migration : a key concept in the EU’s enlargement process

The aim of this thesis is to interpret and analyse how migration has played a role in the European Union’s enlargement process in the period of 2014-2018. By undertaking theoretical and methodological concepts from Reinhart Koselleck, the study takes a conceptual historical approach to answer the question: What conceptual development has migration undergone within the European Commission’s annual

Från gerillakrig till civilt liv : en kvalitativ studie av FARC-EP:s medlemmars återintegrering enligt det colombianska fredsavtalet utifrån en DDR-teori

Syftet med den här studien är att förstå hur FARC-EP:s medlemmars återintegrering till civilt liv ska gå till. Studiens primärmaterial består av det colombianska fredsavtalet mellan Juan Manuel Santos regering och gerillan FARC-EP, som undertecknades 2016. För att uppnå studiens syfte ställs följande frågeställningar: Hur ska FARC-EP:s med- lemmar återintegreras till civilt liv enligt det colombiaThe purpose of this study is to understand how the reintegration into civilian life is go- ing to come about for FARC-EP ́s members. The primary material of this study consists of the Colombian peace agreement, signed 2016, between the government and the guerilla FARC-EP. To meet the purpose of this study, the study addresses the following questions: How should FARC-EP ́s members be reintegrated i

Remembering, living and hoping for 'the good life'. Spirituality of youth that live on the streets in Nairobi.

Striving to contribute to research on child- and youth spirituality and African theology with a contextually grounded, non-western, qualitative youth perspective, the aim of this study is to seek an understanding of the spirituality of male youth that live on the streets in Nairobi. To fulfil this aim, the research task carried out is an analysis of the source material from six focus group intervi

Relationen mellan teampersonlighet och entreprenörers framgång i startup-processer

Den aktuella studien undersökte sambandet mellan teampersonlighet och framgång i startup-processen av nya företag. För att undersöka detta samlades personlighetsdata samt data gällande genomförda startup-aktiviteter in från 32 team, vilka deltog i affärsutvecklingsprogram på någon av ett antal olika affärsinkubatorer, fördelade över fem svenska orter. Teampersonlighet operationaliserades som teameThis study sought to examine the relationship between team personality and the success of new companies during their startup phases. Personality data was gathered along with data on what startup milestones the teams had managed to achieve. Thirty-two teams who participated in business development programmes in any of a number of business incubators, all located in Sweden, were included in the stud

Reklam och kvinnligt ledarskap

Denna studie ämnade att belysa hur framställningar av kvinnor i reklam kan påverka aspiration för ledarskap hos unga, kvinnliga studenter vid Lunds Universitet. Studiens deltagare, 93 kvinnliga studenter vid Lunds Universitet (M = 22.32, SD = 1.837), randomiserades till tre olika grupper, varav en kontrollgrupp och två experimentgrupper. De två experimentgrupperna blev primade med antingen en könsThis study intended to illustrate how representations of women in commercial plays a role in the leadership aspirations of young female students at Lund University. The study participants, 93 female students at Lund University (M = 22.32, SD = 1.837) were randomly divided into three groups, whereof one control group and two experiment groups. The two experiment groups were primed with either a gen

Management Control Systems and Innovation with Focus on Sustainability

Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to explore how the companies which have prioritized sustainability on their business agenda have designed their management control systems (MCSs) to support sustainability-driven innovation and if and how these companies are using the sustainability metrics internally within their cybernetic control systems. In order to do so, an additional purpose of our the

They, Us & Myself - We Become Better and Everything Goes Better

Knowledge sharing is a key element in professional service firms (PSFs), as it is the knowledge that ultimately constitutes the core of their business. However, knowledge sharing is mainly voluntary and cannot be detached from the professionals engaging in it. Thus, it appears pertinent to appreciate professionals’ perspective and perception of knowledge sharing, as well as to understand their wil

Värdestyrning med medarbetaren i fokus: En kvalitativ studie av hur värderingar hålls levande i en organisation

I denna uppsats redovisas resultaten från en studie i ett värdestyrt företag. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskaperna om medarbetarnas roll i värdestyrda organisationer. Syftet är vidare att skapa en djupare förståelse för medarbetarnas kommunikativa roll för att värderingarna ska hållas levande i organisationen. För att uppnå studiens syfte undersöktes den interna kommunikationen i ett värdesty

Steering discourses in a complex world

This study aims to problematise if and how an organisation can steer discourses in a crisis situation. The study brings knowledge to the field of strategic communication from a single case study regarding a product recall made by a multinational corpora-tion. Previous research on the topic covers the proactive planning and strategies used during the crisis, but does not cover the complexity concer