

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Reason and Emotion in Moral Judgement : Rational Thinking and the Discounting of Irrelevant Affect

An experiment was conducted to see if a deeper level of thought can reduce the impact that the basic emotion of disgust has on moral judgement. 58 university students (30 male and 28 female) participated in the experiment. They read stories that describe morally questionable actions with a vivid disgust ending, and were asked to rate the moral content of the same stories three times, implying a di

Turkey's pre-negotiation for EU membership - A case study of asymmetric negotiation

This is a study about Turkey's membership negotiation to the European Union. The study focuses on the pre-negotiation phase between the EU and Turkey, and investigates if any asymmetry has influenced the negotiation and how that has occurred. Turkey over almost twenty years has had its eyes on the European Union, longing to become a member. The European Union has ambivalently been carefully po

Hur skulle hemlösa och bostadslösa människor vilja bo? : 10 intervjuer i storstadsmiljö

The purpose of the essay was to discover how homeless persons want to live. Does it matter what it looks like? The method used was a qualitative study including literature and 10 interviews with ten homeless persons, of which seven lived outdoors and three in temporarily residences. The central questions were the following: How do homeless people want to live? In what sort of houses do they want

A technological approach to development : human development in the global era

Methodology: By using two indexes, this thesis aims to prove and define the relationship between human and technological development. The first index uses variables of human development (Life expectancy, literacy rate, GDP/capita and HDI, along with levels of democracy and corruption) and the second displays technological data (phone mainlines, cellular phone- and internet-usage). By applying the

Informationsfrihet och IT-användning i demokratifrämjande syfte

The potential of information technology as a means to invigorate democratic practise is constantly under discussion. Regardless of the differing opinions as to the most suitable way to utilise IT, there are certain democratic core values that have to be considered. One of these is freedom of information, defined by us as the right of every citizen to seek, obtain and express information. The aim o

Återvinning av skönlitteratur - Återvinningsverktygens anpassning efter användares sökbeteenden : En fallstudie på Trelleborgs bibliotek

Traditionally the content of fiction has not been described, analyzed, classified and/or indexed to the same extent as non-fiction. As a consequence, this lack of content analysis has resulted in unsatisfactory fiction retrieval in relation to users seeking and search behaviour. This fact is why this Master s thesis is written. The total of library users' seeking and search behaviour is invest

Gud är ett arbetsnamn : ett fördjupat studium av invändningar mot ett verifikationskriterium för kognitiv signifikans

William G. Lycan undersöker i sin bok Philosophy of Language: a Contemporary Introduction möjligheten att förklara lingvistisk mening utifrån verifikationismen. Han lägger fram en mängd invändningar som tillsammans skall omkullkasta projektet. Då jag läst Lycans argument några gånger slås jag av det attraktiva med verifikationismens idé och av att jag vill syna kritiken lite närmre. Sammanfattning

Women's Organizations in China : from Affiliation to Autonomy

China has stepped into a new phase of women's movement with the evolution of women's organizing context. Women's organizations and activities in China have been mostly state-led., focusing on monolithic womanhood and socialist feminism. Since the mid 1980s, self-initiated women's organizations have developed to promote gender equality landscape, responding to various female identit

Communication connected to organizational culture : A phenomenological study of cooperation between the academic world and small private companies

This project was conducted as a phenomenological study, focusing on organizational culture connected to communication, of the collaboration between the academic world and small private companies. The purposes were to get a deeper understanding of culture and communication and to use phenomenology as a research approach, to see what it can contribute with. Data collection was obtained by an intern

GIS as a tool for environmental impact assessment : a case study of EIA implementation for the road building project in Strömstad, Sweden

To create an environmentally friendly road transport system is one of the main policy goals of the Swedish National Road Administration (Vägverket). In order to achieve this goal Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been introduced at all levels of road planning process at Vägverket. The role of EIA is to provide decision-makers with information about the possible consequences of a planned fa

The Common European Asylum System in Poland; prospects for implementation and legitimacy

My study; The Common European Asylum System in Poland; prospects for implementation and legitimacy is a case study of an EU member state, Poland, and its ability to implement lawfully and legitimately the second phase of the Common European Asylum System. The implementation prospects have been investigated through an empirical study on previous implementation performance, administrative capacity a

Dagligt liv i Dalarnas medeltid - Ett försök att se dagligt liv och social struktur i ett gränsland

This paper deals whit the problems concerning social organisation in the county of Dalarna in middle Sweden during the Middle Ages 1050- 1528. This paper also deals whit the every day ife in Dalarna during the same period. In the paper archaeology, ethnology, history and osteology is used in order to create a so accurate as possibly picture of every day life at the farm, the villa and the keep. Ea

En utvärdering av Ungdomskraft - Region Skånes ungdomsråd

Partly as a reaction to a perceived crisis in contemporary democracy, the nineties witnessed an upsurge in different forms of citizens? fora, dedicated to the promotion of increased participation by the citizen in the political process. Youth councils are a special point in case as they entail the general characteristics of a deliberative forum, with an emphasis on political learning. This study a

Partnerskap - en snäv syn på samverkan En studie av lokalt integrationsarbete i Malmö

This essay revolves around partnerships established between local authorities and civil society to promote integration in segregated urban areas. The main focus is on who is active in formulating the local integration policy in these partnerships. The analysis is based on qualitative interviews with representatives from the local public administration and from different parts of civil society in R

Konstruktionen av offer i den rättsliga argumentationen om våldtäkt : en problematisering av hur föreställningar om kön och sexualitet inverkar på förståelsen av våldtäkt

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utröna om det går att urskilja några könsstereotypa mönster inom den straffrättsliga processen i våldtäktsmål. Min frågeställning är: Finns det någon förutbestämd mall över hur målsägande skall agera i den rättsliga tillämpningen av bestämmelserna om våldtäkt i 6:1 BrB, för att anses vara trovärdig? En grundläggande utgångspunkt i diskussionen är att föreställningarna o

Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapens överordnade identitet : ämnets betydelse för studentens yrkesinriktning

Library and information science (LIS), being a research area characterized by theoretical discord and definition disarray, provides an interesting field of inquiry. Its content, boundaries, scope and superior identity are not clearly stated. This Master s thesis focuses on a thus far unexplored perspective on the discipline: a conceivable statistic and causes- and- effect relationship between the

Alkoholmissbruk på arbetsplatsen -När är det grund för uppsägning?

Abuse of alcohol is one of the biggest problems that society faces today. There are between three and four hundred thousand abusers in Sweden. In addition there are about three hundred thousand over consumers. The government bill proposed in 1977 gave the labour market most of the responsibility to solve the problem. They thought a meaningful job and a spirit of community were the most important f

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns betydelse och påverkan på ohälsan

This paper is about the psychosocial work environment, and those factors that can be responsible for an employee’s sick leave. We have through our knowledge from working life, on several occasions experienced colleagues becoming ill, the cause being the psychosocial working environment. Private factors, for instance different kinds of life crisis like a divorce or uprooting, have contributed to th

En empirisk studie av Value-at-Risk-prediktering med hjälp av GARCH-modeller

This paper describes a study examining four different GARCH models AR(1)-GARCH(1,1), AR(1)-EGARCH(1,1), AR(1)-APGARCH(1,1) and AR(1)-GJR-GARCH(1,1), and their ability to predict future volatility and thereby providing more reliable estimates for Value-at-Risk. The study is based on daily observations for the return of the OMX Stockholm 30 Index, during the time period 31st December 1996 to 29th De

Finns det risk för att Sverige går in i en ny fastighets- och bankkris?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there is a risk that Sweden will go in to crises at the house market and in the bank sector. The Swedish house prices have in the last years growth very high and quickly and are now over the development in the beginning of 1990. The method I use to investigate this is a multiple regression model. I follow a regression that both OECD and the Swedish R