

Din sökning på "*" gav 533102 sökträffar

Making Business Sustainable – Closing the gap between doing good and making money

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to create a standardized assessment tool for evaluating an organization’s maturity and performance in efforts concerning of sustainability work. Method: The work process of creating the assessment tool has gone from being explorative in the initial phase of creating a theoretical framework to abductive when creating the tool. The theoretical data was collecte

White trash - Det samtida klassföraktets nygamla skrud

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den ökande utbredningen av termen white trash i den svenska debatten och i det svenska samtalet. Detta för att belysa bakomliggande faktorer kopplade till samhällets utveckling som öppnar upp för en terminologi och förståelseram som inrymmer white trash-termen. Zygmunt Baumans teorier om det individualiserade konsumtionssamhället utgör ett slags ryggrad in

Psykosocial kartläggning för personalgrupp på gruppbostad

Syftet med det genomförda projektet var att identifiera problemfaktorer i berörd personalgrupps arbetsmiljö, att utföra behovsanalys över och utarbeta handlingsplaner för åtgärder. Genom en psykosocial kartläggning enligt SWOT-analys samt att utvärdera resultatet av interventionen. Intervjuer gjordes med tio anställda på ett gruppboende. personalen prioriterade fram tre problemfaktorer som de tyck

Strategier för att lyckas med ett baltiskt köp av betongstomme

In Sweden rises the competition between construction companies and they are struggling to get projects while they need to perform them at a good profit. The situation is forcing companies to continually develop and streamline their organization while they have high goals in environmental, occupational health, safety and ethics. An important part of the work to streamline companies is that the purc

Dagsljusbelysning i ett radhus

The purpose of this thesis was to lead daylight in to a hallway in a terraced house in Gunnesbo outside of Lund, and to find out which method will give the best lighting results. It is known that daylight have a positive effect on health and wellbeing; it controls the circadian rhythm, increase performance and reduce the risk of suffering of such as depression and type 2 diabetes. The light that c

Avoiding reinventing the wheel

En föränderlig omvärld ställer ständigt nya krav på organisationer; utveckling och anpassning är ständigt pågående processer. Framgångsrika idéer har blivit en handelsvara som recept på framgång. I dag har dessutom ett större antal av dagens medarbetare kapacitet att ta till sig de idéer som florerar och kommunikationsforskningen har inte riktigt hunnit med i denna aspekt. Denna uppsats är en kvalAn ever changing world is constantly putting new demands on organizations; development and adjustment are ongoing processes. Successful ideas have become merchandises as recipes for success. Additionally, a larger amount of co-workers has the capability to embrace the flourishing ideas and the communicational research has not been up-todate in this matter. This thesis is a qualitative case study o

Flow conditions downstream of Bergeforsen dam

Due to the change in climate the design flow for Bergeforsen dam, located at the Indalsälven river mouth, is being revised from 2300 m3/s to more than 3000 m3/s. The dam needs to be upgraded with a new gated spillway and repaired in order to increase the safety of the dam. Concerns have been raised about the altered flow conditions that will occur downstream of the dam in connection with that the

En resa genom gränslandet - Den problematiska ung vuxen-litteraturen i den Svenska bokhandeln

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to study how young adult books are marketed in swedish bookstores. Young adult books can be read by both adults and youths, but often end up in the children and young adult-section, instead of being marketed towards grown-ups as well. The thesis studies how swedish bookstores place and advertise young adult books in the store. We went to six different booksto


Sweden has a vision of building a sustainable society. To reach this vision a number of goals, such as transportation political goals, regional goals and environmental goals, have been set. One way to reach the aforementioned transportation political goals for a good and safe traffic environment is to increase the use of public transport and thereby reduce the need for people to use their car. Com

En kopp kaffe - eller mötet med tretton industrier i södra Sverige

This project aims to highlight the manufacturer as an important asset in product development. In order to design a product, it is necessary, especially for industrial designers to have good knowledge of the manufacturing technologies that are available and to have knowledge of the working environments in which our ideas are put into practice. Increased cooperation between local actors opens opport

Demographic Changes, Household Savings and Economic Growth in All China: A Time-Series Approach

This paper investigates the effects of population age structure and economic growth on the household saving rate in China and examines whether life cycle hypothesis (LCH) holds in the country like China, where LCH may be less applicable. By applying two popular time series econometric techniques (cointegration technique and vector error correction model), the author examines the long-run convergen

Forests as carbon sinks : a comparison between the boreal forest and the tropical forest

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Världens skogar spelar en viktig roll i den globala kolcykeln. Med den ökade nivån av CO2-koncentrationen i atmosfären, orsakad av bränning av fossila bränslen och avskogning, så är det viktigt att analysera skogens roll som global kolsänka. Denna uppsats analyserar den boreala skogen och den tropiska skogen genom att undersöka hur mycket kol som tas upp och var The world’s forest biomes have an important role in the global carbon cycle. With an increasing level of atmospheric CO2 concentration, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuel and deforestation, it is important to analyze the significance of the forests biomes as carbon sinks. This review analyses the boreal forest and the tropical forest by investigating the amount of carbon taken up and where m

Prokrastinering: Ett problem som inte bör skjutas upp. Motivation och self-efficacy i relation till uppskjutarbeteende

The present study had two primary objectives; one, to examine whether general self-efficacy was correlated with procrastination; and two, to investigate if a specific motivation approach could be linked to the tendency to procrastinate. It was hypothesized that self-efficacy would be negatively correlated with procrastination, and that avoidance-oriented motivation and mastery-oriented motivation

The obscurity with standard settings

This thesis takes its inspiration from two statements of objections given by the Commission of the European Union and compares it with the equivalent legal development in the US. The objections hint to the EU judiciary’s stance towards standard setting organizations and conduct exclusive to standard setting processes. Focus will be given to the development on EU competition law under article 102 T