

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Regulated delivery of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor into rat striatum, using a tetracycline-dependent lentiviral vector.

In this study, a tetracycline-regulated lentiviral vector system, based on the tetracycline-dependent transactivator rtTA2S-M2, was developed for controlled expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in the rat brain. Expression of the marker gene green fluorescent protein (GFP) and GDNF was tightly regulated in a dose-dependent manner in neural cell lines in vitro. Injection

Justification of Federation International de Beton, fib, 2000 model for elastic modulus of normal and high-performance concrete, HPC

This article outlines an experimental and theoretical comparison between the fib 2000 model for elastic modulus of normal concrete, NC, and HPC and 144 laboratory tests. Two dimensions of specimen were studied (diameters 56 and 100 mm) and one climate (20 degreesC, sealed or with ambient relative humidity, RE, 60%). The age dependence did not seem to be well correlated between the derived and the

Conceptions of cognitive functions in a science of knowing

This article presents a critical discussion of the use of the notion “frame”, especially by computer scientists, as a theoretical construct to describe the cognitive representation of information. It is argued that an adequate description of “knowledge” requires the utilization of the notion “schema” as the theoretical construct. Based on this discussion, the construction of abstract cognitive mod

Förändringsarbete och lärande. Om utveckling av förändringspraktik bland vårdbiträden i hemtjänsten

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet för denna avhandling är att bidra till utvecklingen av en teori om förändringsarbete och lärande i arbetslivet. De specifika förändringsprocesser som studerades skedde inom ramen för en interaktiv förändringsansats som syftade till en emancipatorisk utveckling: att de anställda skulle få ökat inflytande över sin arbetssituation, vilket i sin tur The general aim of the investigation is to contribute to the development of a theory of change and learning within the working environment. The specific change processes that were examined, emerged from an interactive initiative for change, intending to facilitate an emancipatory development: employees increasing their control of the work situation, thus improving the quality of service. The empir

Effect of back reactions in the S-cycle on photosynthesis in very weak light

Photosynthesis in light which is so weak that excitation rates are comparable to the decay rates of S-states is modelled. It is found that oxygen evolution rate varies in a non-linear way with Photosystem II excitation rate in this region, but asymptotically approaches a linear relationship (with a slope of one oxygen molecule per four excitations) as excitation rate increases. The asymptote gives

Neuroprotective and behavioral efficacy of nerve growth factor-transfected hippocampal progenitor cell transplants after experimental traumatic brain injury

OBJECT: Immortalized neural progenitor cells derived from embryonic rat hippocampus (HiB5), were transduced ex vivo with the gene for mouse nerve growth factor (NGF) to secrete NGF (NGF-HiB5) at 2 ng/hr/10(5) cells in culture. METHODS: Fifty-nine male Wistar rats weighing 300 to 370 g each were anesthetized with 60 mg/kg sodium pentobarbital and subjected to lateral fluid-percussion brain injury o

Adaptation of postural control to perturbations-a process that initiates long-term motor memory.

The objective was to investigate postural control adaptation during daily repeated posturography with vibratory calf stimulation. The posturography was performed with eyes open and closed daily for 5 days and after 90 days on 12 healthy subjects. The postural control adaptation could be described as two separate processes, a rapid adaptation during the test progress and a long-term habituation bet

Spela snyggt och ha kul : Gemenskap, sammanhållning och musikalisk utveckling i en amatörorkester

In a Swedish brass band a program for change was pursued which aimed to improve the artistic level of playing of the ensemble without replacing less competent members. At the time for the study the band comprised 34 members, four of whom were female. The research question was: How does community and group coherence interact with the goal to improve the musical standard in an amateur brass band? T

Self-reported and observed heroin overdoses in Malmoe

Object: The aim of the present study was to investigate the pattern of non-fatal heroin overdoses for men and women in Sweden, a country with late onset of heroin use. Material: Subjects were recruited through the Syringe Programme and the Addiction Centre in Malmoe. A total of 149 subjects were interviewed, 108 men and 41 women. They were asked about their social situation, experienced and obser

Digter av Jalil Haidar

Jalil Haidar (född i Baghdad 1945, är sedan 1991 bosatt i Malmö)arbetar med ett sparsmakat språk befriat från äldre tiders retorik. Hans texter är täta och intensiva under en skenbar enkelhet. Bakom diktningen ligger ett engagemang i mänsklighetens och poesins vilkor, en strävan efter människans frihet och en bättre framtid.

PROFASI: A Monte Carlo simulation package for protein folding and aggregation

We present a flexible and efficient program package written in C++, PROFASI, for simulating protein folding and aggregation. The systems are modeled using an all-atom description of the protein chains with only torsional degrees of freedom, and implicit water. The program package has a modular structure that makes the interaction potential easy to modify. The currently implemented potential is abl

A component-based approach to the design of networked control systems

Component-based techniques revolve around composable, reusable software objects that shield the application level software from the details of the hardware and low-level software implementation and vice versa. Components provide many benefits that have led to their wide adoption it software and middleware developed for embedded systems: They are well-defined entities that can be replaced without a

Perspectives on research on the formation of nodular graphite in cast iron

Current views on the mechanism of the formation of nodular graphite in cast iron are examined with respect to their explanatory power. The aim of this review is to find, if possible, a rationale for further studies. Arguments are presented in favour of a comprehensive model, encompassing the characteristics of both the nucleation and the growth of the graphite. A plea is made for focusing on the m

Epidemiological evidence on reproductive effects of persistent organochlorines in humans

Organochlorines are widespread pollutants in humans. Concern about adverse reproductive effects of these compounds arises from accidental exposure of humans and experimental studies. Recently, this issue has been addressed by a number of studies of exposed populations and hospital-based case-referent studies. These studies indicate that high concentrations of persistent organochlorines may adverse

Vanadium oxide nanostructures on Rh(111): Promotion effect of CO adsorption and oxidation

The adsorption of CO and the reaction of CO with pre-adsorbed oxygen at room temperature has been studied on the (2 x 1)O-Rh(1 1 1) surface and on vanadium oxide-Rh(1 1 1) "inverse model catalyst" surfaces using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and core-level photoemission with synchrotron radiation. Two types of structurally well-defined model catalyst V3O9-Rh(1 1 1) surfaces have been prepar