

Din sökning på "*" gav 534565 sökträffar

Dataskyddsförordningen i ett internationellt privaträttsligt perspektiv - En analys av frågan om tillämplig nationell rätt i avsaknad av en lagvalsregel

Behandlingen av personuppgifter har i takt med den tekniska utvecklingen intensifierats. Personlig information samlas in i stor omfattning av kommersiella aktörer, inte sällan med syftet att kartlägga individers digitala beteenden. Hanteringen av personuppgifter är emellertid förenad med risken för att individens integritetsskydd åsidosätts och för att unionsmedborgarna ska tillförsäkras ett persoTechnological development has led to a substantial increase in the processing of personal data. Commercial players, usually for the purpose of identifying digital behaviour, collect personal information on a massive scale. The handling of personal data is, however, associated with the risk of privacy interference and in order to ensure EU citizens a protection of their data the EU data protection

Greater Copenhagen – ett väldigt danskt initiativ. En studie om subnationell kapacitet i det gränsöverskridande samarbetet Greater Copenhagen & Skåne Committee

The phenomenon where subnational governments are reaching out for collaboration with external actors in a horizontal dimension are nowadays a common subject for research in local government studies. By examining the transnational organization Greater Copenhagen & Skåne Committee (GCSC), this study aims to develop a further understanding of why subnational governments are joining different kind

Barnmorskestudenters kunskap om och attityder till HBTQ - En webbaserad enkätstudie

Bakgrund: Barnmorskor står idag inför större utmaningar då nutida forskning visar att homosexuella, bisexuella, trans- och queerpersoner upplever diskriminering i vården. Bristande kunskap och därmed dåliga attityder antas kunna påverka kvalitén på vården. Syfte: Syftet med enkätstudien var att undersöka kunskap och attityder till HBTQ-personer bland barnmorskestudenter. Metod: Kvantitativ webbase

Modeling market activity using 1D non-homogeneous Hawkes Processes

This paper can be seen as a light introduction to the study of Hawkes pro- cesses and their applicability in the realms of finance. In particular, this paper is concerned on the topic of modeling market activity and elaborates on how Hawkes processes are superior to non-homogeneous Poisson processes in this re- gard. After some rudimentary theory on point processes it goes more in depth into the a

Development of a high flow aerosol sampling device

Small biological airborne particles (aerosols) reside in the atmosphere and can influence human health, the climate and the environment. Whereas aerosol sampling technology is well-known, there is currently no satisfactory high-volume flow impinger for health and atmospheric monitoring applications. The aim of this thesis was to design and construct a working prototype of an impinger, a sampling d

System of Violence

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of non-conventional violence on the implementation of disaster risk reduction projects in the Northern Triangle of Central America. The Northern Triangle is facing substantial disaster risk from various hazards. Hence, there is a need for disaster risk reduction in the region. However, besides the challenges in terms of disasters, this regi

'A Food Culture in Transition'. Perceptions of Healthy Eating and Reasoning in Food Choices - A Grounded Theory Study of Young Mothers in South Tarawa, Kiribati

The recent shift towards energy-dense and nutrient-poor diets has led to an increase of diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardio-vascular disease. Due to poverty, geographical remoteness and lack of cultivable land, Kiribati experiences a double burden of malnutrition with high levels of NCDs among adults, and undernourishment among children. Since mothers are generally responsible for choosi


The thesis explores efficient implementation strategies for the European Spallation Source (ESS) linear accelerator simulator. The target simulator needs to run at real time, requires high computation accuracy, and should be scalable for high density beam scenarios. The high data processing, communication, and storage requirements due to a large data set, along with a strict accuracy requirement,

Comparative Analysis of Social Vulnerability Indices: CDC’s SVI and SoVI®

As interest in social vulnerability to hazards grows, more indices are formulated for identifying and mapping population groups that may experience differential consequences from natural hazards. However, less attention has been given to the underlying choices researchers make when creating these indices. With the aim to contribute to understanding the issues surrounding social vulnerability indic

Electrical Characterization of GaN Device Structures and Coalesced Films

Wide band gap semiconductors such as gallium nitride (GaN) are attractive candidates for short wavelength optoelectronic devices and high-power/high-temperature electronics. Widespread commercial adoption has been hindered by great difficulties encountered in obtaining high-quality materials. No suitable substrate material is available, making lattice matching unattainable and resulting in high th

Does repetition make perfect? Comparing scanpaths over repeated visual search to investigate how scanpath similarity evolves with experience

Visual search efficiency improves with repeated exposure to the same search problem, yet the mechanisms behind these search efficiency gains remain unclear. Investigating how eye-movement sequences evolve over repeated viewings is fundamental for understanding how skilful search develops over time and its role in learning and gaining expertise. Scanpath theory holds that repeated displays are inve

Ett pragmatiskt perspektiv på nonsens: om översättning av nonsensvers i en science-fictionnovell av Cordwainer Smith

Denna magisteruppsats grundar sig på en översättning av första hälften av Cordwainer Smiths science-fiction-novell ”Drunkboat”. Uppsatsen består av tre större avsnitt: en textanalys, en övervägandedel och en översättningsanalys. I textanalysen analyseras texten i enlighet med Hallidaytraditionen för att undersöka de stilistiska drag som är typiska för genren och de som är säregna för författaren.

Unaccompanied Children’s Right to Legal Assistance in Asylum Proceedings. An overview of the universal and regional systems of human rights protection in Europe and the Americas.

The situation of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children is nowadays a global issue affecting an important number of children all over the world. Nevertheless, the special needs and vulnerabilities of this group of children have not yet been effectively assessed. In fact, unaccompanied minors constitute the most vulnerable group among all asylum seekers and face human rights’ violations continuously

Simulation and data analysis of peer-to-peer traffic for live video streaming

Evaluating and testing changes or configurations to peer-to-peer systems or even understanding their behaviour can be complicated. One approach is to simulate a large peer-to-peer system and visualise the results. In this master's thesis a study is performed to understand how an actual implementation of a hybrid peer-to-peer live video streaming system behaves and performs under different scen

Anonyma vittnesmål enligt svensk och europeisk rätt

Att vittna är en lagstadgad skyldighet i Sverige. Om man vägrar att inställa sig som vittne trots att man är kallad riskerar man att tvångsmedel riktas mot en. Under senare tid har möjligheten till anonyma vittnesmål diskuterats på en rad olika håll i samhället, då man allt oftare ser en ovilja att vittna på grund av rädsla att drabbas av repressalier. Enligt en allmän uppfattning är det inte tillTo testify is a statutory duty in Sweden. If one refuses to testify, even though one are called by the court, one risks that compulsions will be directed towards one. Recently, the possibility of anonymous testimony has been discussed in the Swedish society, as the reluctance to testify has increased due to the fear of reprisals. But according to the general view in Sweden, it is not allowed to wi

Exklusivitets- och trohetsskapande rabatter - En åtskillnad utan skillnad

Sedan avgörandet i Hoffmann-La Roche, som meddelades 1979, har EU-domstolen framhållit att rabatter som är villkorade med exklusivitet utgör missbruk av dominerande ställning i den mening som avses i artikel 102 FEUF. I Hoffmann-La Roche tillämpades ett formbaserat angreppssätt genom vilket exklusivitetsrabatterna presumerades inneha konkurrensbegränsande ändamål till sin natur och var därför otilIn Hoffmann-La Roche, delivered in 1979, the CJEU held that rebates conditional upon exclusivity were abusive within the meaning of Article 102 TFEU. The CJEU applied a rule-based approach in which the exclusivity rebate was presumed to serve an anticompetitive purpose. Put differently, there was no plausible explanation other than the aim to eliminate competitors. Where a rebate was not deemed

Sanning och konsekvens - Om anonyma vittnen skulle tillåtas i Sverige

Frågan om man ska låta vittnen vara anonyma i en rättegång har varit föremål för debatt sedan länge och behandlas för närvarande i Justitieutskottet. I denna uppsats ämnar jag därför att redogöra för omständigheter och skäl till att låta vittnen vara anonyma. För att göra ämnet störst rättvisa ämnar jag att redogöra för det gällande rättsläget i frågan utifrån ett svenskt och EU-rättsligt perspekt

Public Relations in the Creative Industries: Networks in the Limelight

Networking has been found to be ever more important in the economy of today’s globalised world. In recent years, public relations has started to pay attention to the process of networking and network theories. A branch which is understood to be based on networks and which is at the centre of current economic processes is that of creative industries. Creative industries consist of a diversity of sm

Modulation of Osteopontin Production and Chemokine-derived Fragments as Host Defense Peptides

Our bodies are defended by inborn protective strategies aimed against microorganisms, the so-called innate immune system. In this system, small peptide molecules characterized by positive charge serve as antibiotics. During allergic reactions, as exemplified hay fever and asthma, molecules named eotaxins are released. These attract a group of white blood cells named eosinophils to sites of inflamm