

Din sökning på "*" gav 535574 sökträffar

Under ytan. Om omedveten kommunikation i psykodynamisk samtalsterapi - upplevelser och tankar.

Studiens syfte var att undersöka och belysa upplevelser av omedveten kommunikation i psykodynamisk psykoterapi. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex personer som arbetar professionellt inom fältet psykodynamisk psykoterapi och psykoanalys. Materialet analyserades med tematisk analys och tio teman identifierades. Studiens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att omedveten kommunikation upplevs geThe aim of this study was to explore and illustrate aspects of the unconscious communication within the therapeutic interaction in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six individuals who work professionally in the field of psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. The material was analyzed by thematic analysis and ten themes were identified. The study&

Legal Aspects of Remuneration for Workers - Living Wage: International Law, Experience and the Case of Vietnam

The right to a living wage is the right to living a life of dignity with a condition deemed acceptable by the society which adherents to everyone who works. Analysing the international law system, where right to a living wage is deeply rooted, it has not explicitly regulated and become an obstacle for its full realisation, despite being an ultimate goal of international labour standard on wages. W

Risky Asset Holding and Labour Income Risk: Evidence from Italian Households

Household portfolio choice problem has been in debate for a long time, and it be- comes more relevant nowadays. Substantial works have been done to understand the relationship between labour income risk and risky asset holding, despite that inconsistent empirical relationships are revealed. In this paper, we investigate the age-variant effects of labour income risk on households participation deci

Multilocus Phylogeography of Reed Buntings

In order to understand how the Pleistocene glacial cycles have influenced the diversification in the Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) subspecies complex, we conducted a multilocus phylogeographic study. We analysed DNA sequences from 32 breeding populations, covering the species’ Palearctic distribution, and used population genetics, phylogenetic and coalescent methods to uncover genetic struct

Viro - ett framtidskoncept kring hanteringen av virussmitta på arbetsplatser

My master degree project started with an open brief, setting out to explore new possibilities within healthcare in relation to the benefits of IoT. By looking at medical trends, cutting edge diagnostic technologies, hypothesis about the future and by interviewing patients and medical personnel a couple of interesting project directions emerged. A decision was made to focus on prevention and one to

Internet-of-Things in Low Voltage Electricity Grids

When evaluating future technologies for smart metering and automatic meter reading (AMR) E.ON Elnät Sverige AB has set up a pilot to test a communication technology supplied by Connode AB. Connode have developed a mesh radio solution based on 6LoWPAN, IPv6 over Low Powered Wireless Personal Area Network. By using this technology the communication unit on every meter is acting as both receiver and

Investigation Of Scalloping Effects Of Radial Turbines With Computational Fluid Dynamics

Turbochargers should both have high efficiency and rapid engine response. By removing material from the rotating parts in the turbocharger, decreases the inertia. Most suited is the turbine in the turbocharger, which has high density because of nickel-based alloys. The material is removed between the radial blades in a shape that looks like a scallop and therefore called scalloping. Volvo Powertra

Identifying Dimensions of Information Quality: Development of a Model to Support Information Flow in Malawi Health Information Systems

This thesis explores and maps the current flow of information within the Malawi Health Information Systems (HIS), which is paper based but now moving towards a digitalized system. This transition provides a unique opportunity to map and study how dimensions of Information Quality (IQ) can indicate the effectiveness of information flow. In comparing the paper based information flow and the transiti

Ungdomars upplevelse av livstillfredsställelse och psykisk ohälsa: En korrelationsstudie

Denna studie syftade till att, för tjejer och killar separat, beskriva ungdomars livstillfredsställelse inom aspekterna familj, vänner, boendemiljö, skola och själv och psykisk ohälsa med avseende på depression, ångest och stress samt att undersöka hur dessa aspekter är associerade. En grupp bestående av 121 ungdomar mellan 16 och 19 år i en svensk kommun besvarade en webenkät. Resultaten visade pThis study aimed to examine relationships of five aspects of life satisfaction (family, friends, neighborhood, school and self) and three aspects of mental health problems (depression, anxiety and stress) among adolescents. An online survey was administered to a sample of 121 adolescents aged 16 to 19 in a Swedish town. The results showed a relatively high degree of life satisfaction in all aspect

Assessment of forcing mechanisms on net community production and dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean using glider data

In the Subantarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean, a combination of physical forcings, chemical solubility and biological fixation is controlling the carbon uptake and thus the role the Southern Ocean is playing in the remediation of global climate change. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms controlling oceanic carbon budgets and to quantify biological uptake rates to make reliabl

Ensam men hemma

Enorma mängder människor är just nu på flykt i världen. Många av dessa är barn som har kommit till Sverige utan förälder eller annan legal vårdnashavare. Dessa barn är en extra känslig grupp och jag har i detta examensarbete därför valt att designa ett HVB (hem för vård eller boende) för 24 ensamkommande flyktingbarn, på området Möllevången, i centrala Malmö. Jag har ställt mig frågan: Hur arkite

Betydelsen av interkulturell utbildning, kulturell intelligens och tid i värdlandet för kulturell anpassning – En studie bland anställda som är utstationerade i Sverige

Med globalisering och internationalisering har det blivit allt vanligare för företag att skicka chefer eller andra anställda att jobba utomlands. De som skickas kallas för utstationerade. Vissa utstationerade anställda misslyckades med sina uppdrag eftersom de inte kunde anpassa sig till den nya kulturen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka relationen mellan tid i värdlandet, kulturell intelligen

Isolating Laser Capture Microdissected Single Neurons from Human Tissues and Evaluating Preliminary DNA Quality

Mutationer avslöjar släktskap mellan celler i människa En generell uppfattning är att en människa skulle bestå av ett genom. Egentligen har vi mellan 30-40 triljoner kopior av genomet, distribuerade i varje enskild cell av vår kropp. Genom att studera mutationer som uppkommer när en cell delar sig kan släktskapet mellan celler undersökas. Vi utvecklar en metod för att kunna hitta dessa mutationerTracing cell lineage has not been considered feasible in humans due to the invasive procedures. However, by analysing somatic mutations acquired during cell division it is possible to compare the relationship between cells within an individual. Knowledge about cell lineage relationships can shed light on the origins of new cells. In order to track cell fate in humans, we are developing a method en

Our health, Our choices: A case study of adolescents’ pregnancy prevention in Mexico City.

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health is crucial to sustainable development. Regional and national trends emphasise the need to address this issue. Despite national efforts, Mexico continues to have high rates of adolescent birth rates. Insufficient sex education seems to be among the factors contributing to these high rates. According to effective interventions, the integration of Comprehensi

Natural molecules to protect membranes against dehydration. Osmolytes and dehydrin proteins.

In this study, we have investigated some mechanisms used in nature to protect membranes and other self-assembled biomolecular structures against changes in hydration. One common mechanism used by many living organisms is the accumulation of small polar solutes with low vapor pressure that stabilize the cell membranes in cases of osmotic stress.1 These molecules are known as osmolytes. Among other

Merger Failure within the Integration Process & the Contributing Extent of Human Resources

This thesis investigates the role of the Human Resource (HR) departments in the success or failure of the Merger or Acquisition (M&A) process. Through M&As, companies aim to gain strategic advantages by obtaining another company’s core competences, buying their biggest competitor or building a stronger organization by merging with another. In contrast of the high quantity of M&As condu

LLVM-Based Fortification for Kernel Drivers

In today’s operating systems, drivers are linked with the kernel where handling pointers and performing memory accesses must be considered with much more care than in application user space. This thesis focuses on two issues. First, memory access to user space must never be done directly, because the access may fault due to insufficient access permissions or unmapped pages. Second, pointers enter

"Where do I belong, when they call me a foreigner in my homeland?"

This thesis examines the situation of people living in statelessness by asking 'What is statelessness?' With the aim of contributing to the contemporary understanding of the topic, the text reviews both the resonating theories of Hannah Arendt, as well as original interviews with people living in statelessness today. In accordance with recent critique directed towards the Arendtian school

Mötesförmedlingen - En kvalitativ studie om hur unga vuxna upplever & använder Tinder.

Nätdejting har blivit ett populärt sätt att möta andra människor på. Sedan dejting- applikationen Tinder etablerades i Sverige har en yngre generation än tidigare börjat nätdejta. Syftet med denna uppsats är att tolka och analysera unga vuxnas beskrivningar av hur de upplever och använder Tinder som verktyg för att möta andra människor. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av djupintervjuer med tolv pe