

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

Development of a Tool to Assess Urban Transport Sustainability – The Case of Swedish Cities

This paper presents a framework and a tool to assess transport sustainability in Swedish cities that was developed for and together with some cities in Sweden in strong cooperation with the researchers. The tool, called the Transport Sustainability Barometer (TSB), includes a set of hierarchical indicators to measure sustainability in respect to Efficiency, Accessibility, Safety, Liveability, Emis

Ligand affinities estimated by quantum chemical calculations

We present quantum chemical estimates of ligand-binding affinities performed, for the first time, at a level of theory for which there is a hope that dispersion and polarization effects are properly accounted for (MP2/cc-pVTZ) and at the same time effects of solvation, entropy, and sampling are included. We have studied the binding of seven biotin analogues to the avidin tetramer. The calculations

Nutrient imbalance in Norway spruce

Popular Abstract in Swedish Studierna som presenteras i min avhandling visar att granmonokultur inte är uthålligt skogsbruk i en miljö med högt nedfall av kväve och svavel, som i södra Sverige. Markens näringskapital minskar p g a onaturligt hög tillväxt, orsakad av den höga kvävetillgången, och utlakning p g a markförsurning. När den begränsade tillgången på näring inte motsvarar trädens näringsbThe studies presented in my thesis indicate that growing Norway spruce in monoculture does not constitute sustainable forest management in a high N and S deposition environment, such as in southern Sweden. The combination of N-induced high growth rates and leaching due to soil acidification causes soil reserves of nutrients to decrease. This will increase the risk of nutrient imbalance within the

From Crew Resource Management to Operational Resilience

This paper questions the correspondance between resilience engineering theory and the theoretical fundaments of traditional CRM training, with its related behavior assessments. Reviewing the theoretical roots of CRM it is concluded that such concepts are rather founded in the information processing paradigm hiding the complexities of adaption to rapidly changing situations. An alternative approach

Skin hydration - How water and osmolytes influence biophysical properties of stratum corneum

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hudens fuktighet kan påverkas av många faktorer så som torr luft, ett varmt bad, användning av diskhandskar eller plåster, osv. Men hur påverkas hudbarriären av förändringarna av de yttre förhållandena? Frågan är särskilt relevant i situationer då läkemedel läggs på huden eftersom detta, i de flesta fall, för med sig en förändring av de yttre villkoren som kan påverka bThe outermost layer of skin (i.e., the stratum corneum, SC) is the interface that separates the water-rich inside of the body from the relatively dry external environment. SC forms an effective permeability barrier, which has to be overcome in transdermal drug delivery. Its function as a barrier for molecular diffusion depends on the SC molecular structure and phase behavior. Both structure and ph

On synthesis in the later phases of the mechanical engineering design process

Only 15% to 30% of product development projects require the development of new product concepts. This means that the majority of design projects are carried out within the embodiment design and detail design phases. However, the majority of the research studies on the mechanical engineering design process, or design process for short, have been focusing on the conceptual design phase. The embodime