

Din sökning på "*" gav 530573 sökträffar

Measurement of Tc in the scaling region of (2+1)-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory

The deconfinement temperature Tc of (2+1)-dimensional SU(2) gauge theory is measured on lattice sizes varying from 2 × 202 to 6 × 602 and with β in the rate 3-9. Approximative scaling is found for β > 6.5 and Tc/√σ = 0.94 ± 0.03 is obtained. This value is in excellent agreement with (3/π) 1 2, as predicted from the breakdown of SU(2) confinement in terms of an effective scalar string theory.

Inter-regional correlation of palaeoclimatic records for the last Glacial-Interglacial Transition : A protocol for improved precision recommended by the INTIMATE project group

The remit of the INTIMATE project of the INQUA Palaeoclimate Commission is to synthesise marine, terrestrial and ice-core data for the North Atlantic region during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition (LGIT: ca 13-1014C kyr BP; ca 15-11.5 ice-core kyr BP). A major problem, however, is the difficulty of effecting correlations at a temporal resolution that are adequate for defining 'leads' and '

Carbon Nanotube Matrix for Highly Sensitive Biosensors to Detect Pancreatic Cancer Biomarker CA19-9

Biosensors fabricated with nanomaterials promise faster, cheaper, and more efficient alternatives to traditional, often bulky devices for early cancer diagnosis. In this study, we fabricated a thin film sensing unit on interdigitated gold electrodes combining polyethyleneimine and carbon nanotubes in a layer by layer fashion, onto which antibodies anti-CA19-9 were adsorbed with a supporting layer

Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX)

We present an initial design study for LDMX, the Light Dark Matter Experiment, a small-scale accelerator experiment having broad sensitivity to both direct dark matter and mediator particle production in the sub-GeV mass region. LDMX employs missing momentum and energy techniques in multi-GeV electro-nuclear fixed-target collisions to explore couplings to electrons in uncharted regions that extend

System Simulation of Partially Premixed Combustion in Heavy-Duty Engines : Gas Exchange, Fuels and In-cylinder Analysis

The concept of partially premixed combustion (PPC), applied to conventional diesel engines, has shown to yield high gross efficiencies and low emissions of oxides of nitrogen and soot. PPC emerged from the knowledge gained from homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) research. To extend the load range and thus reduce cylinder pressure rise rates, the fuel is directly injected during the comThe concept of partially premixed combustion (PPC), applied to conventional diesel engines, has shown to yield high gross efficiencies and low emissions of oxides of nitrogen and soot. PPC emerged from the knowledge gained from homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) research. To extend the load range and thus reduce cylinder pressure rise rates, the fuel is directly injected during the com

Delta 2.0 - A program for finding dependencies in tables of data

A package written in C for identifying variable dependencies in tables of data is presented. The key ingredient is the δ-test, which establishes dependency structures by exploiting the properties of continuous functions using conditional probabilities formed out of the data. The method estimates most relevant variables, embedding dimensions and noise levels. The program, which is self-contained, a

Solving optimization problems with mean field methods

A brief review is given for the use of feed-back artificial neural networks (ANN) to obtain good approximate solutions to combinatorial optimization problems. The key element is the mean field approximation (MFT), which differs from conventional methods and "feels" its ways towards good solutions rather than fully or partly exploring different possible solutions. The methodology, which is illustra

Osynliga pengar : Kulturella perspektiv på ett kontantlöst samhälle

I texten diskuteras vilka kulturella och sociala konsekvenser en snabb tillbakagång för kontanter till fördel för andra betalningssätt kan komma att få. Vem riskerar att lämnas utanför en snabb digital utveckling och hur förändras pengars kulturella och symboliska mening?

UV and IR Absorption Cross-sections of HCHO, HCDO, and DCDO

UV (240-370 nm) and IR (3200-1500 cm-1) absorption cross-sections of HCHO, HCDO, and DCDO in abath gas of N2 at atmospheric pressure and 296 K are reported from simultaneous measurements in the twospectral regions. Cross-sections were placed on an absolute scale through quantitative conversion offormaldehyde to CO and HCOOH by titration with Br atoms, also monitored by FTIR. The integrated UVabsor

Atmospheric chemistry of cis-CF3CHCHF: Kinetics of reactions with OH radicals and O3 and products of OH radical initiated oxidation

Long path length FTIR-smog chamber techniques were used to measure k(OH + cis-CF3CHCHF) = (1.20 ± 0.14) × 10−12 and k(O3 + cis-CF3CHCHF) = (1.65 ± 0.16) × 10−21 cm3 molecule −1 s−1 in 700 Torr of N2/O2 diluent at 296 K. The OH initiated oxidation of cis-CF3CHCHF gives CF3CHO and HCOF in molar yields which are indistinguishable from 100%. The atmospheric lifetime of cis-CF3CHCHF is determined by it

Splice variants of the Drosophila PS2 integrins differentially interact with RGD-containing fragments of the extracellular proteins tiggrin, Ten-m, and D-laminin α2

Two new potential ligands of the Drosophila PS2 integrins have been characterized by functional interaction in cell culture. These potential ligands are a new Drosophila laminin α2 chain encoded by the wing blister locus and Ten-m, an extracellular protein known to be involved in embryonic pattern formation. As with previously identified PS2 ligands, both contain RGD sequences, and RGD-containing

Using two jet events to understand hadronization

While the hard phase of the strong interaction is well described by perturbative QCD, the soft hadronization phase is less understood. Benefiting from the high statistics from e+e− experiments at the Z0 resonance, it is possible to impose strong two-jet cuts on the data without losing the statistical significance. In these events perturbative activity is suppressed and hadronization effects can be

Infrared singularities in one-loop amplitudes

In this talk we discuss a purely numerical approach to next-to-leading order calculations in QCD. We present a simple formula, which provides a local infrared subtraction term for the integrand of a one-loop amplitude. In addition we briefly comment on local ultraviolet subtraction terms and on the required deformation of the contour of integration.

Bistability of Contact Angle and Its Role in Achieving Quantum-Thin Self-Assisted GaAs nanowires

Achieving quantum confinement by bottom-up growth of nanowires has so far been limited to the ability of obtaining stable metal droplets of radii around 10 nm or less. This is within reach for gold-assisted growth. Because of the necessity to maintain the group III droplets during growth, direct synthesis of quantum sized structures becomes much more challenging for self-assisted III-V nanowires.

Gendered parenthood in the 21st century: Everyday time use and stress in Sweden

This paper examines gender differences in everyday stress among parents in Sweden. Recently, maternal stress has become a public health concern. One of the explanations to why mothers more than fathers get stress-related diagnoses is the unequal division of labor at home. This paper investigates mothers’ and fathers’ time allocation and its association with everyday stress in Sweden, using time di

Teneurin-1, a vertebrate homologue of the Drosophila pair-rule gene ten-m, is a neuronal protein with a novel type of heparin-binding domain

The Drosophila gene ten-m is the first pair-rule gene not encoding a transcription factor, but an extracellular protein. We have characterized a highly conserved chicken homologue that we call teneurin-1. The C-terminal part harbors 26 repetitive sequence motifs termed YD-repeats. The YD-repeats are most similar to the core of the rhs elements of Escherichia coli. Related repeats in toxin A of Clo