

Din sökning på "*" gav 531387 sökträffar

Map change detection using GPS position data

Självkörande bilar är ett hett forskningsområde och utvecklingen går snabbt framåt. För att teknologin ska vara säker krävs det att alla bilar har en uppdaterad karta över hur vägnätverket ser ut. Om bilen ska kunna använda kartan för navigering behöver den innehålla information om mer än bara var man kan svänga. Information ner på centimeterprecision om vägskyltar, trafikljus, vägmarkeringar och Technology advancement in autonomous driving is accelerating. For the technology to be safe it is crucial for the vehicles to have an updated map, meaning all vehicles should have a correct and identical representation of the current road network. This makes change detection in the maps of great importance, in order to continuously understand and recognize the features that need to be updated. Th

Understanding the Effects of Novel Engineering Targets on Sugar Sensing in S. cerevisiae

Baker´s yeast S. cerevisiae has been engineered in order to enable xylose uptake and utilization from lignocellulosic biomass as this yeast cannot naturally metabolize this pentose sugar. However, xylose is not recognized as a fermentable sugar by S. cerevisiae and recent studies on the effect of xylose on the three main sugar signaling pathways (Snf3p/Rgt2p, SNF1/Mig1pt and cAMP/PKA) have indicat

Are innovations getting harder to create? Evidence from Germany

Innovations and economic growth are tightly connected. They are responsible for the humanity’s progress into a modern and industrialized society; they improved welfare, life quality and solved problems in diverse fields. Implicitly, it is expected that innovations will continue to do so. However, some statistics reveal that this view might be overly optimistic, as investments in innovative activit

Playing the Game - A Study of Budgetary Gamesmanship within Financial Planning Processes.

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to look into different financial planning processes and approaches and see whether gaming behavior is more predominant in one financial planning process or approach over the other as theory suggests. Additionally, the research aims to identify whether performance measures directly tied to financial planning targets are evident and whether this could be the

"Mot en socio-ekologisk stadsutvecklingsprocess" - En studie av potentialen för social och ekologisk hållbarhet vid energirenovering och stadsutveckling i miljonprogrammets bostadsområden

Research indicates that social and climate policy are highly interdependent and should thus be perceived and practiced as a joint policy field to avoid conflictual outcomes and to enhance potential synergies. Such an integration of policy is highly relevant in urban planning. The multi-family dwellings of the Swedish Million homes program face extensive renovation and energy retrofitting needs to Research indicates that social and climate policy are highly interdependent and should thus be perceived and practiced as a joint policy field to avoid conflictual outcomes and to enhance potential synergies. Such an integration of policy is highly relevant in urban planning. The multi-family dwellings of the Swedish Million homes program face extensive renovation and energy retrofitting needs to

Modelling Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay and Mortality Using Artificial Neural Networks

Föreställ dig att det går att förutse vistelsetid och överlevnad inom 30 dagar för en patient som läggs in på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Dessa mått kunnat bidra till en djupare förståelse för intensivvård. Dessutom hade dörrar öppnats för jämförelse av vårdavdelningar sinsemellan. I det här projektet har intagningsdata till intensivvårdsavdelningar, in- nehållande allt ifrån information om kroppstA large data set, consisting of 300 000 patients’ admission data to various intensive care units in Sweden, acquired from the Swedish Intensive Care Register, was used in this work. The aim was to enable accurate Length of Stay (LOS) and mortality within 30 days predictions by using feed-forward Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The LOS outcome was predicted as short versus long time stays, with

Integrationsklausuler vid företagsförvärv - Om problematiken i bortavtalandet av dispositiv lagstiftning

Vid en företagsöverlåtelse utgör ofta det skriftliga förvärvsavtalet en omfattande reglering av parternas respektive rättigheter och skyldigheter. I förvärvsavtalet finns allt som oftast också en s.k. integrationsklausul som stadgar att parternas skriftliga förvärvsavtal är den slutliga och fullständiga regleringen av parternas aktuella rättsförhållande. Uppsatsens syfte är att närmare utreda en aThe written agreement for an acquisition of a company is often an extensive regulation of the parties’ rights and obligations. The written agreement usually also contains a so called “integration clause” which proclaims that the written agreement constitutes the parties’ complete agreement of the transaction. The purpose of this thesis is to further examine a certain problem within a contract inte

Uträtta eller underrätta? - en analys avseende underrättelseplikterna i AB 04 och reklamation, preskription och preklusion

Det finns flera underrättelseplikter av olika karaktär i AB 04. Ett exempel är beställarens reklamationsplikt vid fel i entreprenad i 5 kap. 15 § AB 04. Av bestämmelsen framgår när och hur reklamation ska ske, samt vad som följer av en sen eller utebliven reklamation. I många fall ska dock en underrättelse ske även utan att underrättelsen föregåtts av ett kontraktsbrott. Syftet med föreliggande upIn AB 04 there are several duties of notification of different character. One example is the contractee’s duty to file a notice of claim in accordance to 5 kap. 15 § AB 04 when the construction has gone wrong. The provision states how a notice of claim should be filed, and what happens if it’s late or if it hasn’t been filed at all. In many cases, however, a notification should be sent even withou

RF system for mmWave massive MIMO

Due to rapid developments in communication technology, it is likely that 5G networks will be rolled out in 2019. To adapt to 5G, hardware will have to develop to meet the requirements of this new technology. The mmWave communication is one of the main elements of 5G technology. The mmWave frequency bandwidth is used to carry the data links and can achieve a higher transmission data rate than the

Kommunernas framtid - kommunreform eller samverkan

The municipalities in Sweden are the result of a reform executed between the years 1962-1974 in which smaller municipalities were merged with others, to create larger more economically sustainable units. Today the debate, in wheather the municipalities are able to perform their duties towards their citizens, has been revived. The standard for municipal service is set by the more affluent municipal

Göteborg och maktlandskapet - höghus som symbol och medel i en global konkurrens

This Bachelor thesis aims to analyse how the city of Gothenburg can be seen as a landscape of power and how this landscape might change due to the construction of the new CBD area called RegionCity, located just behind the central station. From the end of the 1970s, the city has developed from being an industrial city to become a post-industrial city. This has led to a new planning discourse chara

Nästa station- hållbar utveckling? .En fallstudie om hållbar utveckling i den nya stadsdelen Stationsområdet i Ängelholm

This essay aims to investigate how the Municipality of Ängelholm interprets the concept of sustainable development in the planning process of a new urban area called Stationsområdet and if said area will contribute to the sustainable development of the municipality. The study answers these questions by analyzing documents associated to the planning process of Stationsområdet and conducting intervi

Hållbar kustplanering i förhållande till stigande havsnivåer – En studie om Ystads kommun

Climate change is a global problem that can have negative effects on coastal areas. This study aims to examine if the coast of Ystad municipality is planned according to the laws of sustainable development and the three sustainability dimensions. The study investigates if all dimensions are prioritized equally, and if there are any conflicts that occur when planning this way. Furthermore, it seeks

Araby och social hållbarhet - En undersökande studie av planeringsåtgärder i ett särskilt utsatt område

The million programme (miljonprogrammet) in Sweden is a time between 1965 and 1974 where a bit over 1 million new homes was built. From its start, the program was criticized for its way of building areas. One of these areas is Araby in Växjö, which has for years been seen as a problem area. In the planning debate, tools such as densification and mixed cities has been seen as a part of solving thes

The Default Risk Puzzle - Evidence from the Swedish market

Default risk is a major source of potential losses to equity investors and the effect of default risk on stock returns have therefore been widely examined by several papers. However, whether there exists an anomalous significant relationship between default risk and stock returns is a rather unexplored subject on the Swedish market. This paper is therefore analyzing 436 firms on the Swedish market

De engelska husen i Västra Sorgenfri

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Swedish state-funded housing concept egnahemsrörelsen, translated into ”own-home-movement”, emerged due to an acute shortage of housing amongst the growing working class. Seven properties were built between 1916 and 1936, funded with governmental loans, by a housing-cooperative of workers in Västra Sorgenfri, Malmö. The aim of this study was to examine if

Aktivitetsbalans på äldre dar: En intervjustudie om arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med äldre personer

Bakgrund: Att uppleva balans mellan sina aktiviteter är inom arbetsterapi förknippat med hälsa och välbefinnande. Hur arbetsterapeuter arbetar med äldre personer för att förbättra deras aktivitetsbalans är dock understuderat. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur arbetsterapeuter beskriver arbetet med äldre personer och deras aktivitetsbalans. Metod: En kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturBackground: In occupational therapy, experiencing balance between occupations is associated with health and well-being. There is little known about occupational therapists work with older people to improve their occupational balance. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how occupational therapists describe the work with older people and their occupational balance. Method: A qualitative ap