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Pain and sensory dysfunction 6 to 12 months after inguinal herniotomy
Inguinal hernia repair is associated with a 5%-30% incidence of chronic pain, but the pathogenesis remains unknown. We therefore evaluated pain and sensory dysfunction by quantitative sensory testing 6-12 mo after open herniorrhaphy. Before sensory testing, all patients (n = 72) completed a short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire and a functional impairment questionnaire. Sensory dysfunction in the i
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Abstract in French L'objectif de cette étude exploratoire est de voir si l'utilisation des formes interlangagières du type "je parlE" ou "je veux habite" par des apprenants suédophones adultes du français langue étrangère seraient influencées par la fréquence des formes dans l'input. L'étude est faite à partir de données de production orale (apprenants) et de données du français parlé (input).
Wishing, choosing and wanting. On the decision to have a child
Falling birth rates within the European Union have given rise to a number of studies, trying to analyse and interpret why women (and men) choose not to have (many) children. One attempt in this direction is made by an ongoing EU-project, involving eight countries, including Sweden. Qualitative interviews focusing on couples' decisions to have- or not have - children have been carried out in each c
Mild Microwave-Assisted Hydrolysis of Acetals Under Solvent-Free Conditions
Acetals are efficiently hydrolyzed with silica gel‐supported pyridinium tosylate moistened with water in solvent‐free conditions under microwave irradiation. The method is efficient and mild, with acid‐sensitive 3‐hydroxyacetals and 3‐methoxyacetals being hydrolyzed in minutes in good yields.
Responses to antidromic trigeminal nerve stimulation, substance P, NKA, CGRP and capsaicin in the rat eye
In the rat eye, intracameral injections of substance P in doses of 10-30 pmol caused a maximal long-lasting miosis and a leakage of plasma proteins into the aqueous humor, indicating a breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier. Neurokinin A seemed equipotent to SP, but calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) (17 pmol) caused neither miosis nor protein leakage into the aqueous humor. The same result wa
Prognostic factors in soft tissue sarcoma. Tissue microarray for immunostaining, the importance of whole-tumor sections and time-dependence.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Maligna mjukdelstumörer, så kallade mjukdelssarkom, utgör hos vuxna en ovanlig tumörform som uppkommer i kroppens stödjevävnader. Till dessa räknas muskler, fett, bindväv, slemsäckar samt kärl och nerver som försörjer dessa vävnader. Trots att stödjevävnaderna omfattar mer än hälften av den totala kroppsvikten, utgör mjukdelssarkomen mindre än 1 % av alla maligna tumöreIn adult soft tissue sarcoma (STS) of the extremities and trunk wall, improved prognostic factors are needed to identify patients at high-risk for metastasis. Various factors are included in the many prognostic systems currently in use and the prognostic value of immunohistochemical (IHC) expression of biological markers is unclear. The tissue-preserving, high throughput tissue microarray (TMA) te
Asymptotic distributions in random graphs with applications to social networks
Various kinds of subgraph counts have been proposed as important statistics in the social sciences: for instance, in connection with studies of the structural properties of social networks. Since the empirical structure in question often involves an element of randomness, subgraph counts are random variables and, consequently, we need to describe their probabilistic properties. In this paper we gi
Risk of haemorrhagic stroke in patients with oral anticoagulation compared with the general population
Objectives. To compare the incidence of haemorrhagic stroke (HS), and the risk of fatal outcome after HS in patients with oral anticoagulation (OA) treatment and in the general population. Design. Five-year cohort study. Setting. The Anticoagulation Clinic, Malmo University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Subjects. A total of 4434 patients treated with OA (6693 treatment years) from 1 Oct 1993 to 30 Sept
Relay Feedback of Simple Systems
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Effects of Ca2+ on force-velocity characteristics of normal and hypertrophic smooth muscle of the rat portal vein
Portal hypertension was induced in rats by partial ligation of the hepatic branches of the portal vein. After 5 days of hypertension the portal veins were taken out and mounted for isometric and quick-release experiments. Portal veins from sham-operated normal rats served as controls. The ligated veins had an increased cross-sectional area, indicating smooth-muscle hypertrophy. Although the absolu
Early-Late Permian palynostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of Vestfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
The preliminary results of a palynological investigation of 62 samples from the southern section of a sedimentary sequence exposed at Fossilryggen in the Vestfjella mountain range in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica are reported. The sequence, which is cut by dolerite dykes, is considered to have been deposited in a near-shore marine environment. Palynomorphs recovered show high degrees of thermal a
The antiporter-like subunits of respiratory chain complex I show ion translocation ability when expressed in Bacillus subtilis
Calibration and assessment of channel-specific biases in microarray data with extended dynamical range
Background: Non-linearities in observed log-ratios of gene expressions, also known as intensity dependent log-ratios, can often be accounted for by global biases in the two channels being compared. Any step in a microarray process may introduce such offsets and in this article we study the biases introduced by the microarray scanner and the image analysis software. Results: By scanning the same sp
Recovery of recombinant cutinase using detergent foam
Foam generated by vigorous stirring of a nonionic detergent, Triton X-114, was used for the recovery of recombinant cutinase expressed by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The enzyme with a hydrophobic fusion tag, (Trp-Pro)(4), was recovered with a higher yield as compared to the wild-type cutinase, indicating the involvement of hydrophobic interactions in protein isolation with the foam. The influence of
Release of endothelin-1 into rat airways following Sephadex-induced inflammation; modulation by enzyme inhibitors and budesonide
The intratracheal (i.t.) instillation of Sephadex beads into rat induced inflammation and a 30-fold increase in the endothelin-1-like immunoreactivity (ET-1-LI) of broncho-alveolar lavage fluid. The levels were highest 24 h after the instillation and had declined significantly after 48 h. At a dose of 1 mg kg-1 i.t., the glucocorticosteroid budesonide almost abolished this response. Phosphoramidon
Analysis of Parameter Effects on Transport Phenomena in Conjunction with Chemical Reactions in Ducts Relevant for Methane Reformers
Various transport phenomena in conjunction with chemical reactions are strongly affected by reformer configurations and properties of involved porous catalyst layers. The considered composite duct is relevant for a methane steam reformer and consists of a porous layer for the catalytic chemical reactions, the fuel gas flow duct and solid plate. In this paper, a fully three-dimensional calculation
Internkontroll och systemtillsyn av arbetsmiljön i fyra svenska kommuner : En rättssociologisk studie
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna rättssociologiska avhandling studerar delar av den svenska arbetsmiljöregleringen: arbetsgivarens internkontroll av arbetsmiljön (numera systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete) och yrkesinspektionens efterkontroll av internkontrollen inom den kommunala sektorns äldreomsorg. Undersökningens syfte är att undersöka om och i vad mån genomförandeprocessens aktörer förstår intThis sociology of law dissertation studies parts of the Swedish work environment regulations: the employer’s internal control of the work environment (nowadays systematic work environment activities) and the labour inspectorate’s auditing of internal control within the municipalities’ care of the elderly. The aim of the study is to investigate whether and to what extent the actors of the implemen
Combining Auto-Tuning and Adaptation
Comamonas testosteroni strain TI as a potential base for a microbial sensor detecting surfactants
Strain Comamonas testosteroni TI, capable of degrading the nonionic surfactant (NIS) nonylphenolethoxylate (OP-10), was used for constructing a pilot cellular biosensor. The lower NIS detection limit for the biosensor was 0.25 mg/l. We studied the substrate specificity of the biosensor with respect to a wide range of organic compounds: surfactants, polyaromatic compounds (PAC), carbohydrates, alco