

Din sökning på "*" gav 534479 sökträffar

P fimbriae enhance the early establishment of Escherichia coli in the human urinary tract

This study examined the role of P fimbriae in the establishment of bacteriuria. Patients (n = 17) were subjected to intravesical inoculation with an asymptomatic bacteriuria strain, Escherichia coli 83972, or its P-fimbriated (pap+/prs+) transformants. As shown by groupwise analysis, the pap+/prs+ transformants established bacteriuria more rapidly than E. coli 83972 (P = 0.021) and required a lowe

Animal models of l-dopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease

Understanding the biological mechanisms of l-dopa-induced motor complications is dependent on our ability to investigate these phenomena in animal models of Parkinson's disease. The most common motor complications consist in wearing-off fluctuations and abnormal involuntary movements appearing when plasma levels of l-dopa are high, commonly referred to as peak-dose l-dopa-induced dyskinesia. Parki

A genome level survey of Burkholderia pseudomallei immunome expressed during human infection.

Burkholderia pseudomallei is the etiological agent of melioidosis, a severe infectious disease of humans and animals. The role of the bacterium's proteins expressed in vivo during human melioidosis continues to remain an enigma. This study's aim was to identify B. pseudomallei target proteins that elicit the humoral immune response in infected humans. A small insert genomic expression library was

Tjänstelogik i välfärden : En modell för samskapande mellan professionella med barnet i fokus

Denna bok handlar om hur välfärdsorganisationer kan samskapa värde tillsammans med den som de är till för. Boken belyser betydelsen av att förstå olika verksamheters perspektiv – socialtjänsten, barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin och skolan – genom yrkesgruppernas egna röster för att effektivt kunna ta tillvara varandras kompetenser. I boken föreslås en modell för samskapande i välfärdstjänster som bygge

Emittance manipulation by first- and second-order lattice control

The lattice of the MAX-I electron storage ring has been investigated and tuned towards small momentum compaction values. By measurements of the synchrotron frequency, bunch length, horizontal beam size and beam movement, the beam has been found to behave in reasonable agreement with the predictions of the lattice model up to second order in energy deviation. Both longitudinal and horizontal emitta

A kinetic study of almond-β-glucosidase catalysed synthesis of hexyl-glycosides in low aqueous media : Influence of glycosyl donor and water activity

A variety of alkyl and aryl glycosides were investigated as substrates for almond β-glucosidase catalysed synthesis of hexyl-β-D-glycosides in low aqueous hexanol media. The rate-limiting step in the organic media was determined to be the glycosylation of the enzyme. The kinetic constants V max , K m (glycosyl donor) and V max /K m were all influenced by the water activity and they all increased

Fatty acid selectivity of a lipase purified from Vernonia galamensis seed

Vernonia galamensis is an annual herb whose seed oil contains high levels of an epoxy fatty acid, vernolic (cis-12,13-epoxy cis-9-octadecenoic) acid. The seed also contains lipase activity in the dormant state. A lipase was purified from the seed and its substrate specificity studied in isooctane. The lipase shows pronounced selectivity for the native triacylglycerol, trivernolin. The rate of hydr

Use of fumaric acid derivatives (FADs) in Italian reference centres for psoriasis

BACKGROUND: Several therapies are available for psoriasis, including in some countries oral fumaric acid derivatives (FADs). Even if FADs are not available in the Italian market, they can be prescribed and reimbursed by the National Health Service, on request from the treating physician, when considered as a valuable option in selected patient.METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of the

On-chip crystallization for serial crystallography experiments and on-chip ligand-binding studies

Efficient and reliable sample delivery has remained one of the bottlenecks for serial crystallography experiments. Compared with other methods, fixed-target sample delivery offers the advantage of significantly reduced sample consumption and shorter data collection times owing to higher hit rates. Here, a new method of on-chip crystallization is reported which allows the efficient and reproducible

Spatial analysis of HIV-TB co-clustering in Uganda

BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death for individuals infected with Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Conversely, HIV is the most important risk factor in the progression of TB from the latent to the active status. In order to manage this double epidemic situation, an integrated approach that includes HIV management in TB patients was proposed by the World Health Organizati

Validation of habitat assessment services in Natura 2000 sites : streamlining the role of stakeholders from user needs to conservation status evaluation

A key success factor of the Copernicus programme is to ensure the acceptance of services by users. This acceptance and further adoption is based on high quality products that meet the specific information requirements of the user. In the realm of biodiversity monitoring and reporting on conservation status of Natura 2000 habitats, such products must meet different needs of local site manager and n

Band-selective dynamics in charge-transfer excited iron carbene complexes

Ultrafast dynamics of photoinduced charge transfer processes in light-harvesting systems based on Earth-abundant transition metal complexes are of current interest for the development of molecular devices for solar energy conversion applications. A combination of ultrafast spectroscopy and first principles quantum chemical calculations of a recently synthesized iron carbene complex is used to eluc

Work identity development in young adults with mental health problems

Background: How we identify ourselves is strongly related to employment. Young adults are a vulnerable group with regard to entering the Labor market. If they also have mental health problems, entering becomes more difficult and increases risk of early marginalization. Nevertheless, working can be essential for personal recovery process. Aims: To explore experiences of young adults with mental hea