

Din sökning på "*" gav 533777 sökträffar

Autonomous transportation - material handling design

This thesis was initiated with Toyota Material Handling Europe. The aim of the project was to find a business area in the world of material handling, and develop a conceptual design fulfilling the material handling need. Stepping outside of what is considered conventional material handling, I looked for a new context within consumer trends and future predictions. I found a correlation between th

Drivers and barriers of successful climate commitment development in the fast-food industry The case of MAX Burgers

Despite the fast food industry’s significant contribution to climate change, climate action plans are not common practice. Furthermore, there is a lack of academic works devoted to researching climate change issues within the fast-food industry. This thesis project examined the Swedish fast food chain MAX Burgers’ involvement with climate responsibility. By applying an internal and external influe

Sex and the City - en analys av sambandet mellan mode och språk i skapandet av stereotyper

This dissertation will analyze how fashion and language is used to create stereotypes in film. Sex and the City will be used as the case study and the aim is to analyze the correlation between fashion and language in the making of the four main characters stereotypes. we will analyze these following questions: Why and in which way is fashion being used in Sex and the City to express sterotypes, an

Nya boendeformer för äldre

Befolkningen i Sverige står inför en demografisk utveckling och en allt större andel av Sveriges befolkning kommer vara äldre. År 2018 estimerades att andelen personer äldre än 80 år kommer öka med upp till hela 50 procent i Sverige under de närmaste tio åren Det leder i sin tur till en större påfrestning på landets vård och omsorg och det kommer behövas fler äldreboenden för att möta den ökande eThe Swedish population is facing a demographic development that will result in a larger proportion of the population being older than it is today. This will lead to a greater strain on the country’s health- and elderly care systems. In 2018, it was estimated that the proportion of people older than 80 years will increase by as much as 50 % in Sweden over the next ten years. With an increased numbe

Lost at the intersections: a postcolonial approach to the Swedish Sex Purchase Act

This study focuses on the Swedish Sex Purchase Act and their claims of help and support to prostitutes, as outlined by two propositions: Kvinnofrid (proposition 1997/98:55) and in the 10-year evaluation of the Act (SOU 2010:49). It investigates these claims through an ethnography of law method and data collected from fieldwork is interpreted and reflected through the conceptual framework of postco

En studie om yrkesverksammas uppfattning om projektet Sluta skjut i Malmö

The aim of this study is to investigate professionals’ perception of the project Sluta skjut in Malmö, Sweden. This will be done by examining the outcomes of the project, which are identified by the professionals along with their perception of the implementation of the Group Violence Intervention strategy (GVI). The chosen method is qualitative semi-structured interviews with 10 workers from vario

Media discourse of legalization of prostitution in Ukraine: an intersectional analysis

The intersectional analysis was applied in a sociological study on the arguments of the legalization of prostitution in Ukraine and the characteristics of the main actors of media discourse. The theoretical rationale for the discourse on the phenomenon of prostitution was the application of Margaret Archer's structural-activity approach and the concept of intersectionality, to describe and exp

Investigation of heat transfer and mass transfer parameters in a convection oven for model foods

Forced air convection systems are the most preferred design of choice in many of the industrial-scale convection ovens. In this study, experimental investigation on convective heat transfer and mass transfer within a forced air convection oven was performed at different oven temperatures (100℃, 110℃ and 120℃) and at flow velocity (2 m/s, 3 m/s and 4 m/s) using potato slices (10*10*60 mm) as model

Deepfakes as a commercial and creative tool within strategic communication

It is a huge challenge for any strategic communicator to reach its audience as they are constantly overwhelmed with information. A current trend is to create so-called deepfakes, where a photo, audio, or video can be manipulated while making it feel authentic. Although it is an effective way to engage and entertain that has become increasingly popular, it has also received a lot of criticism as it

Soft Service Firms: A deep dive into foreign entry mode decisions

With the forces of globalization, previously safe home markets open up to foreign competition. This urges companies to expand internationally to keep growing. Current literature on how a company should enter a foreign market, namely the choice of entry mode, is based on findings for manufacturing firms and studies on service firms are scarce. In recent years, the service sector has grown steadily

TURN THE LIGHTS ON: A multilevel analysis of sustainable energy implementation in the global south: The case of Monkey Bay, Malawi

Nation-wide access to sustainable energy is central to socio-economic development in Malawi. It is particularly challenging in rural areas where a significant amount of the population does not have access to energy, let alone sustainable energy. Nonetheless, renewable electricity deployment is slowly increasing in rural Malawi and manifests itself on the local, national as well as the internationa

Cannabis, att legalisera eller inte : Kvalitativ innehållsanalys av debatten om att legalisera cannabis

The aim of this study was to examine and understand the ethical reasoning and the fundamental values of the underlying argumentation for or against a legalization of cannabis in Sweden. My empirical of this study was 20 debate articles from known newspapers in Sweden where they debate cannabis legalization. From the articles I took out themes that was reoccurring, the themes I found where, “Care a

Appropriation or Appreciation? Examining the Phenomenon of Cultural Appropriation in Fashion Branding

Due to the social revolution, social issues such as racism, human justice and cultural appropriation have evolved rapidly and included in many aspects of life. Brands are taking advantage of cultural values and/ or artifacts to promote for their equities yet acknowledging the possible backfire that would damage their reputation. Most existing research regards the practice of cultural appropriation

Vilken rätt till hälso- och sjukvård har barn som är EU-medborgare och som lever i ekonomisk utsatthet i Sverige?

De senaste åren har alltfler EU-medborgare, främst romer från Rumänien och Bulgarien, kommit till Sverige för att försörja sig på svenska gator och torg. I folkmun kallas de ”tiggare”, i svenska officiella dokument kategoriseras de som ”utsatta EU-medborgare”. Ungefär 100 av unionsmedborgarna som bor i utsatthet i Sverige är barn. Denna uppsats handlar om tillgången till hälso- och sjukvård för baIn recent years Sweden have seen an increase in the number of EU citizens, mainly from Romania and Bulgaria, that make their living by begging on the streets. In official Swedish documents they are referred to as vulnerable EU citizens. About a hundred of them are believed to be under the age of 18. The purpose of this essay is to examine vulnerable EU citizen children’s access to healthcare in Sw

Aktiekapitalsänkningen i privata aktiebolag år 2020 - En analys av de bakomliggande faktorerna

Aktiebolaget är dagens absolut mest populära bolagsform. Den är i Sverige ungefär 250 år gammal och har naturligt utvecklats i takt med samhället. Sedan Sverige gick med i EU har dock en trend kunnat ses där kravet på aktiekapital i privata bolag minskat. Detta har skett genom den konkurrenssituation som uppstått på den inre marknaden inom EU. Denna konkurrenssituation har uppstått som ett resultaLimited companies are today's most popular form of companies in Sweden. Limited companies has existed in Sweden about 250 years and has naturally evolved in line with society. However, since Sweden joined the EU, a trend has been seen where the requirement for share capital in private companies has decreased. This has been done through the competitive situation that has arisen in the internal

To consume or not to consume?

This thesis seeks to investigate the connection between consumption and anticipated subjective wellbeing using the framework of Human Scale Development developed by Max Neef and colleagues (1991). The work intends to contribute to a wider discussion concerning the effects of a retracting economy on subjective wellbeing. The material was gathered by using deliberative forums, a method that is due l

Inte rasist, men... En kvalitativ diskursanalytisk studie av högerpopulistiska retoriska strategier och skapandet av ett positivt vi och ett negativt dem

Trots att Sverigedemokraterna anklagas från flera håll för att driva en diskriminerande politik har väljarstödet fortsatt öka sen de kom in i riksdagen 2010. En diskursanalytisk teori påvisar hur högerpopulistiska partier använder sig av en kalkylerad ambivalens för att kommunicera dubbla budskap till sina åhörare. De dubbla budskapen kan bidra till att stärka en positiv bild av en grupp som vi oc

United in Diversity? An inquiry into European trade unions' views on the European Commission's minimum wage initiative

The idea for a European minimum wage has a long history, but the initiative launched by the von der Leyen Commission is the first time the Commission is considering taking legislative action. The initiative has divided the European trade union movement. The purpose of this thesis is to explore why a European minimum wage policy is such a contentious issue in the European trade union movement and t

Investigation of Impact Parameter Profiles in Multi-Parton Interactions

När en utredare observerar en olycksplats är bevisen de kan hitta viktiga. Bevisen är det som gör att de kan återskapa hur olyckan hände och förstå vad som hände. Men om de inte förstår bevisen, eller använder dom för att återskapa olycksplatsen på fel sätt, kan svaret de får vara fel. Inom partikelfysik kolliderar vi atomkärnor med extrema energier för att se vilka hemligheter universum har. För The purpose of this thesis was to implement an alternative method to calculate the overlap function, which describe to what extent two protons overlap with each other spatially, into PYTHIA8 in order to determine how it affected the average number of multiparton interactions. The new overlap function is based on an explicit impact parameter picture, whereas PYTHIA8s overlap function uses an implic

Konsumtion i kris: En kvalitativ studie om människors förhållningssätt till konsumtion under coronapandemin

Titel: Konsumtion i kris: En kvalitativ studie om människors förhållningssätt till konsumtion under coronapandemin Seminariedatum: 2020-06-04 Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Azra Merdanovic, Alexander Mozaffari & Tim Roslund Handledare: Peter Svensson Nyckelord: Coronapandemin, kriskonsumtion, konsumentbeteende, förhållningssätt, Title: Consumption in crisis: A qualitative study about people’s attitudes towards consumption during the corona pandemic Seminar date: 2020-06-04 Course: FEKH29, Degree Project in Marketing, Undergraduate Level, 15 credits Authors: Azra Merdanovic, Alexander Mozaffari & Tim Roslund Advisor: Peter Svensson Key words: Corona pandemic, crisis consumption, consumption behavior, consumption a