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Bevekelsegrunder vid placeringar av barn och unga – : En kartläggning av förutsättningar, tillvägagångssätt, överväganden och utmaningar i Sjuhäradsregionen.
Denna rapport sammanställer och sammanfattar arbetsmaterial i förhållande tillarbetsgruppens fyra frågeställningar och syftar till att ge underlag för verksamheternas fortsatta diskussioner. På så sätt följer den inte gängse utformning för en FoU-rapport och gör inte heller anspråk på att rapportera några färdiga slutsatser. Analyserna kommer att bearbetas vidare på olika sätt; praktiskt i verksam
The 10,000-year biocultural history of fallow deer and its implications for conservation policy
Over the last 10,000 y, humans have manipulated fallow deer populations with varying outcomes. Persian fallow deer (Dama mesopotamica) are now endangered. European fallow deer (Dama dama) are globally widespread and are simultaneously considered wild, domestic, endangered, invasive and are even the national animal of Barbuda and Antigua. Despite their close association with people, there is no con
With an infrared camera in an amusement park : heating and cooling of magnetic brakes
A handheld infrared camera was used to visualize heating and cooling of magnetic brakes in drop towers and roller coasters. The images also display the cooling effect of trees and the warming effect of clouds. This paper discusses what can be discerned from the photos with connections to data from data sheets, as well as from accelerometer and barometer sensors. The heating and cooling proces
Rollernas roll i grupparbete
Types and functions of roles in work groups are presented in overview followed by a discussion of relations between roles, personality and team roles. Role conflicts, role stress and problems in roles are discussed and advice is given on how to apply small group role theory to group work in higher education and the chapter ends with suggestions for exercises and a few role related instruments.
Reducing Initial Loss to Follow-up Among People With Bacteriologically Confirmed Tuberculosis : LINKEDin, a Quasi-experimental Study in South Africa
Every person diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) needs to initiate treatment. The World Health Organization estimated that 61% of people who developed TB in 2021 were included in a TB treatment registration system. Initial loss to follow-up (ILTFU) is the loss of persons to care between diagnosis and treatment initiation/registration. LINKEDin, a quasi-experimental study, evaluated the effect of 2 in
Solid-phase microextraction analysis of volatile organic compounds in the headspace of decomposing bodies
Introduction: The ability to find human remains as well as locating surfaces that previously have been exposed to human remains, is essential for crime solving and is widely known throughout the whole forensic community to be a complex process. Background: Human bodies will undergo a decomposition process that generates volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The scientific community has been evaluat
Investigating the effect of lecithin on acute and second-meal postprandial glycemia and appetite sensations in healthy adults - a single blind randomised crossover study
A healthy diet has demonstrated its effectiveness in preventing globally rising lifestyle-related diseases including type 2 diabetes. Moreover, previous researches investigating polar lipids suggest that these compounds could potentially enhance metabolic variables associated with type 2 diabetes. Consequently, the present study assessed two commercial lecithin preparations, rich in polar lipids,
Finding Known and Novel Errors in Heat Pumps Using Unsupervised ML
Performing Creative Work in Public
This chapter addresses artistic research through the concept of co-costuming in public—a material-discursive practice between humans and more-than-human materialities with co-creational potentials. The chapter documents how co-costumed entanglements cultivate the wearers’ sociomaterial relation-spatial sensitivity towards each other as well as towards other humans and more-than-human materialities
Consonant-vowel coarticulation patterns in Swedish and Mandarin
The joint effects of genetic liability and the death of close relatives on risk for major depression and alcohol use disorder in a Swedish national sample
Background. To determine whether genetic risk factors for major depression (MD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) interact with a potent stressor – death of spouse, parent, and sibling – in predicting episodes of, respectively, MD and AUD. Methods. MD and AUD registrations were assessed from national Swedish registries. In individuals born in Sweden 1960–1970, we identified 7586, 388 459, and 34 370
CONT - a Versatile and Adaptable Luminaire Designed for Longevity
The aim of this bachelor degree project is to design a modular luminaire with a longer lifespan, in order to reduce consumption. The project aims to explore how design can contribute to sustainable development by creating a durable and adaptable lighting solution. The luminaire is versatile and can either be hung from the ceiling, mounted on the wall, or placed on a table. It can be expanded
Rational Reconstruction and International Legal Reasoning
Initial Development and Validation of Language-Based Assessments for Meaningful Change
Meningsfull förändring har diskuterats i flera studier, med den återkommande frågan om hur den skulle kunna konceptualiseras och bedömas för att identifiera vad som utgör meningsfull förändring och var den uppstår. Tidigare studier har genomfört statistiska analyser baserade på traditionella betygsskalor (d.v.s. PHQ-9) för att bedöma meningsfull förändring. Det finns inga bevis för att tidigare stMeaningful change has been discussed in multiple studies, with the recurring question of how it could be conceptualized and assessed to identify what determines meaningful change and where it occurs. Previous studies have conducted statistical analyses based on traditional rating scales (i.e., the PHQ-9) to assess meaningful change. There is no evidence to be found of previous studies attempting t
En för alla, alla för en: Identitetsledarskap kopplat till socialt stöd på arbetsplatsen
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om de fyra dimensionerna av identitetsledarskap (prototypikalitet, avancemang, entreprenörskap och direktörskap) predicerade olika former av socialt stöd (upplevt stöd från närmaste chef och stöd från medarbetare) samt social gemenskap på arbetsplatsen. Insamlingen av data utfördes i Sverige i form av en digital enkätundersökning som besvarades av personerThe purpose of this study was to examine if the four dimensions of identity leadership (prototypicality, advancement, entrepreneurship and impresarioship) could predict different forms of social support (perceived supervisorial support and collegial support) as well as social community in the workplace. The data was collected in Sweden through a digital survey which was answered by people who had
Spawning and Probing Verses : The Mundania Case
100 ancient genomes show repeated population turnovers in Neolithic Denmark
Major migration events in Holocene Eurasia have been characterized genetically at broad regional scales1–4. However, insights into the population dynamics in the contact zones are hampered by a lack of ancient genomic data sampled at high spatiotemporal resolution5–7. Here, to address this, we analysed shotgun-sequenced genomes from 100 skeletons spanning 7,300 years of the Mesolithic period, Neol
Risk of subsequent gliomas and meningiomas among 69,460 5-year survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer in Europe : the PanCareSurFup study
Background: Childhood cancer survivors are at risk of subsequent gliomas and meningiomas, but the risks beyond age 40 years are uncertain. We quantified these risks in the largest ever cohort. Methods: Using data from 69,460 5-year childhood cancer survivors (diagnosed 1940–2008), across Europe, standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) and cumulative incidence were calculated. Results: In total, 279 g
Population-Based Validation of the MIA and MSKCC Tools for Predicting Sentinel Lymph Node Status
Importance: Patients with melanoma are selected for sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) based on their risk of a positive SLN. To improve selection, the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) developed predictive models, but the utility of these models remains to be tested. Objective: To determine the clinical utility of the MIA and MSKCC models. Design