

Din sökning på "*" gav 531363 sökträffar

First evidence of microplastic contamination in the freshwater of Lake Guaíba, Porto Alegre, Brazil

The ubiquitous presence of microplastics in the aquatic environment has raised concern about their potential impacts on and risks to the biota. While the presence of microplastics in a marine environment has been well studied, the impact of microplastic contamination in freshwater bodies is understudied. In the present study, baseline data about contamination with microplastics in Lake Guaíba in s

Sorption of endocrine disrupting compounds onto polyamide microplastics under different environmental conditions : Behaviour and mechanism

Microplastics of polyamide are commonly found in aquatic environments and might act as vectors of different contaminants such as endocrine disrupting compounds (EDC). Therefore, sorption of 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2), 17β-estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3) on polyamide microplastics was studied under different simulated environments. The results suggest that the sorption process was affected by the

Repeatability of Epithelium Thickness Measured by an AS-OCT in Different Grades of Keratoconus and Compared to AS-OCT/Placido Topography

PURPOSE: To compare agreement of corneal epithelium thickness (ET) between AS-OCT system (RTVue, Optovue) and AS-OCT/Placido topographer (MS-39, CSO) in eyes with different stages of keratoconus (KC), and to assess the repeatability of RTVue AS-OCT. DESIGN: Prospective reliability analysis. METHODS: KC eyes were classified into forme fruste KC (FFKC), mild, moderate, and severe KC. Agreement was e

Imprecision Plateaus in Quantum Steering

In 1935, Schrödinger noted that if one of two entangled particles is subjected to a suitable measurement, it appears as if the state of the other particle is instantaneously influenced at a distance. This phenomenon, which Schrödinger referred to as quantum steering, exhibits properties favorable for quantum information theory. Therefore, much research has been put into developing criteria to dete

Civil-military cooperation in the early response to the COVID-19 pandemic in six European countries

Background The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many countries with significant health system and economic challenges. The role of civil-military cooperation in a health crisis of the magnitude presented by COVID-19 remains virtually unexplored. This review aims to detect and identify typologies, if any, of associations between security or military systems and the national response measures during

Frequency of breaks, amount of muscular rest, and sustained muscle activity related to neck pain in a pooled dataset

BACKGROUND: Neck pain remains a persistent challenge in modern society and is frequently encountered across a wide range of occupations, particularly those involving repetitive and monotonous tasks. It might be expected that patterns of trapezius muscle activity at work, characterized by few breaks and prolonged periods of sustained muscle activity, are linked to neck pain. However, previous cross

The Use of Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds for Evaluating Health Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries From 2015 to 2020 : A Review

Objectives: Evidence-informed priority setting, in particular cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), can help target resources better to achieve universal health coverage. Central to the application of CEA is the use of a cost-effectiveness threshold. We add to the literature by looking at what thresholds have been used in published CEA and the proportion of interventions found to be cost-effective, b

Chrome-rich spinels in micrometeorites from modern Antarctic sedimentary deposits

Each year, approximately 5000 tons of extraterrestrial material reaches the Earth's surface as micrometeorites, cosmic dust particles ranging from 10 to 2000 μm in size. These micrometeorites, collected from diverse environments, mainly deep-sea sediments, Antarctic ice, snow and loose sediments, and hot deserts, are crucial in understanding our Solar System's evolution. Chrome-rich spinel (Cr-spi

Electricity and Process Heat Generation from Rice Husk Utilizing Technology of Separate Reactors for Pyrolysis and Gasification Focused on a Rice Mill

Agricultural biomass to energy holds promise for the sustainability of energy production and positive reduction of CO2 emission. This thesis explores the potential of rice husk as a sustainable energy source for electricity and process heat generation focusing on a rice mill in Sri Lanka. It utilizes advanced thermochemical conversion technologies specifically separate reactors for pyrolysis and g

Adaptive multi-beam X-ray ptychography

Ptychography has evolved as an important method for nanoscale X-ray imaging with synchrotron radiation. Recently, it has been proposed to work with multiple beams in parallel. The main advantage of so-called multi-beam ptychography is that larger areas can be imaged much faster than with a conventional single beam scan. We introduce adaptive multi-beam ptychography performed with two Fresnel zone

Feasibility of a pioneer social service treatment for gambling disorder—The first 6-month follow-up data

Gambling disorder can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), but treatment is under-dimensioned in many settings. For example, in Sweden, a setting with mixed responsibility for addiction treatment between health care and social services, treatment for gambling disorder has only recently been introduced in the responsibilities of public institutions. After the introduction of gambling

Associations of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors with cognitive functions – a prospective, population-based, 17 years follow-up study of 3,229 individuals

Background: Although several cardiovascular, demographic, genetic and lifestyle factors have been associated with cognitive function, little is known about what type of cognitive impairment they are associated with. The aim was to examine the associations between different risk factors and future memory and attention/executive functions, and their interaction with APOE genotype. Methods: Participa

The promise of community-driven preprints in ecology and evolution

Publishing preprints is quickly becoming commonplace in ecology and evolutionary biology. Preprints can facilitate the rapid sharing of scientific knowledge establishing precedence and enabling feedback from the research community before peer review. Yet, significant barriers to preprint use exist including language barriers, a lack of understanding about the benefits of preprints and a lack of di

Disease progression modelling reveals heterogeneity in trajectories of Lewy-type α-synuclein pathology

Lewy body (LB) diseases, characterized by the aggregation of misfolded α-synuclein proteins, exhibit notable clinical heterogeneity. This may be due to variations in accumulation patterns of LB neuropathology. Here we apply a data-driven disease progression model to regional neuropathological LB density scores from 814 brain donors with Lewy pathology. We describe three inferred trajectories of LB

Forskare: Skapa inte mer polarisering mellan människa och natur, Moderaterna

Viljan att skydda växter och djur får ibland orimliga effekter. Det skriver flera företrädare för Moderaternas arbetsgrupp för en kommande miljöpolitik på DN debatt.Farlig polariseringDe tar bland annat upp viktiga frågor om ”människans plats i naturen”. Men konflikten mellan utveckling och miljö är en återkommande missuppfattning. Frågan om naturvården främst bör utgå från människans eller nature

Microplastics in Latin America Ecosystems : A Critical Review of the Current Stage and Research Needs

The ubiquity of microplastics ecosystems has gained global attention. In this context, Latin America, which is responsible for 8% of the world's consumption of plastic material and has a small recycling rate (4.5%), does not have enough data on microplastics contamination in its environmental matrices. This systematic review analyzed 196 studies from 16 territorials in Latin America and provided i