

Din sökning på "*" gav 531812 sökträffar

Managing change in the absence of sense: An interpretive case study on how the non-management of meaning can affect the performance of organisational change initiatives

The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of an organisation’s change process by observing how the non-management of meaning can impact organisational change performance. With an emphasis on technological change, we will draw upon Weick’s theoretical concept of sensemaking to analyse how individuals within such change projects formulate meaning towards events, allowing us to inve

Synliggörandet och osynliggörandet i mångfaldsarbetet: en kvalitativ studie om en banks arbete med mångfald

The aim of this qualitative essay is to examine how diversity is interpreted by a company and study how this interpretation is translated into real-life practice, additionally, it aims to identify possible gaps in the implementation process. A bank is chosen as the object of study and the material is gathered through semi-structured interviews conducted with six managers. Furthermore, an analysis

Unmasking Identities in a Professional Service Firm

Purpose We aim to investigate how professionals make sense of the culture in the context of PSFs and how they engage in organizational and professional identification. Methodology The researchers look into the sensemaking processes professionals attach to organizational culture from a symbolic interactionism tradition, while from a critical perspective challenging the mainstream assumptions about

Market research and analysis of the legal frameworks that may be applied for the commercialization of heme-iron based products produced using biotechnological tools

Järnbrist är idag ett växande problem, i både utvecklings- och industrialiserade länder, och uttrycker sig oftast genom att den drabbade individen känner sig trött och svag. Om sjukdomen däremot inte behandlas kan konsekvenserna bli större. Järn är nämligen en viktig komponent för produktion av röda blodkroppar, det vill säga blod, och fungerar som en syre-transportör till kroppens alla energidrivIron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder in the world. It is the only nutrient deficiency that is not exclusively prevalent in non-industrialized nations but also in all industrialized countries. Despite this, the treatment for the disease is inefficient, long and associated with side effects such as constipation and nausea. In recent years several studies have highlighted the diffe

Förändringsarbetet mot NIS-direktivet

Cyberhoten mot vårt samhälle ökar med dagen och det blir allt viktigare att skydda sig mot denna typen av hot. EU såg denna problematik och införde NIS-direktivet som tvingar leverantörer av samhällsviktiga tjänster att bedriva informationssäkerhetsarbete på ett systematiskt och riskbaserat sätt. Sveriges kommuner är hårt pressade att efterleva direktivet eftersom de driver samhällsviktiga tjänste

Allting är relativt, även LAS-åldern - En analys av 67- och 68-årsregeln och dess relation till Likabehandlingsdirektivet samt Diskrimineringslagen

Enligt den nuvarande 32a – 33 §§ LAS, den så kallade 67-årsregeln, har en arbetstagare rätt att kvarstå i anställningen till utgången av den månad då hen fyller 67 år, om arbetsgivaren meddelar arbetstagaren om att dennes anställning avslutas minst en månad innan arbetstagaren fyllt 67 år. I samband med att Sverige får en allt mer åldrande befolkning och det finns ett behov av att förlänga arbetslAccording to section 32a – 33 of the Swedish Employment Protection Act, commonly known as the 67-year rule, an employee has the right to remain in employment until the employee’s sixty seventh birthday, if the employer notifies the employee about the employee’s termination of employment. In connection with Sweden having a more ageing population and the need of a prolonging of working life for empl

Vilka Attityder har personer med Mörka Personlighetsdrag gentemot Etiska Företagspolicies?

Denna studie undersökte förhållandet mellan de tre personlighetsdragen som ingår i den Mörka Triaden (Machiavellianism, Narcissism och Psykopati) och attityder gentemot etiska företagspolicies. 114 deltagare deltog i en onlineundersökning som mätte den Mörka Triaden och sju policyfrågor. Deltagarna med de högsta poängen på Mörka Triaden (övre 30 procenten) jämfördes med deltagarna med de lägsta poThis study investigated the relationship between the three personality traits of the Dark Triad (Machiavellianism, Narcissism and Psychopathy) and attitudes towards ethical company policies. 114 participants took part in an online survey, measuring the Dark Triad and seven policy-questions. The participants with the highest scores on the Dark Triad (upper 30 percent) was compared to the participan

Sjuksköterskors attityder till personer med demenssjukdom inom akutsjukvården

Bakgrund: Antalet personer med demenssjukdom som behöver akutsjukvård ökar i världen. Inom akutsjukvården finns det stora utmaningar gällande bemötandet av personer med demenssjukdom. Akutsjukvården har idag en hög belastning och det kan leda till negativa attityder till att vårda personer med demenssjukdom. Negativa attityder riskerar att leda till att personer med demenssjukdom far illa vid besö

Can male nurses make nursing more appealing to young men? An experimental manipulation using counter-stereotypical role models

The male nurse is still a rare occurrence. Considerable effort has been spent on attempts at increasing the presence of women in male-dominated agentic fields and much fewer efforts have been made to increase men’s presence in female-dominated communal fields. The present study tested if the appeal of nursing for 9th grade boys (and girls) could be increased by a counter-stereotypical male role mo

Religionsfrihet i arbetslivet - I vilken omfattning kan arbetsgivarens arbetsledningsrätt begränsas av arbetstagarens religionsfrihet?

Arbetsgivaren har som utgångspunkt arbetsledningsrätt i alla de situationer där det inte finns någon reglering som anger något annat. Med detta sagt finns det begränsningar i arbetsgivarens arbetsledningsrätt. Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera i vilken utsträckning arbetstagarens religionsfrihet utgör en sådan begränsning samt vilka skillnader som finns mellan offentlig och privat sektor. I uppsThe employer has the right to operate the business in every situation where there are no legal rules saying something else. Consequently, there are limitations of this managerial prerogative. The purpose of this essay is to analyse if the freedom of religion is such a limitation and if there is a difference between public and private sector. The essay explains the managerial prerogative, the emplo

Finns det mikroplaster i Lunds dagvatten och fungerar densitetseparation som analysmetod?

Microplastics are being found in large amounts in the environment. In samples from Sweden’s west coast 4000-100000 particles of microplastic/kilogram of dry samplewas found. One of the larger pathways into theenvironment for microplastic is believed to be stormwater. Yet there is no standard method to analyse this pollution. This study was made to get an understanding of the amount of microplastic

Sliding into a Gendered Division of Labour

In Switzerland the one-and-a-half-earner model where the father is the primary wage-earner working full-time and the woman is the secondary wage-earner working part-time while taking over the majority of care and housework responsibilities is predominant. This is discussed criti-cally as the normative and institutional context incentivises parents to adopt a division of labour that disadvantages w

Detecting Smartphone Insurance Fraud

De flesta svenskar äger en smartphone, en ägodel som normalt täcks via hemförsäkring. Smartphones ingår i uppemot 50 % av alla skador som rapporteras till försäkringsbolaget Hedvig (Hedvig, 2019). Vissa experter rapporterar att så mycket som 40 % av alla smartphoneärenden som anmäls till försäkringsbolagen är bedrägliga. Den ersättning som betalas ut till bedragarna subventioneras via övriga försäThe vast majority of Swedes are in possession of a smartphone, typically covered via one’s household insurance policy and smartphones are included in upwards of 50 % of household insurance claims (Hedvig, 2019). Some estimates say that upwards of 40 % of all smartphone claims are fraudulent. Payments to fraudsters falls on honest policy holders pay for with higher premiums. There are several vulne

Subsurface characterization of the Lund Sandstone – 3D model of the sandstone reservoir and evaluation of the geoenergy storage potential, SW Skåne, south Sweden-merged

In order to decrease the dependence on fossil fuels it is of paramount importance that renewable sources are used as effectively as possible. Therefore it is necessary to store excess energy when supply is higher than de-mand. One way to do so is by storing the energy as compressed air in a porous aquifer. The Lund Sandstone in the Kyrkheddinge area, Skåne, southern Sweden, has previously been inv

Understanding and Managing Tourists’ Freshwater Demand in Relation to Water Equity

The problematization of water (in)equity concerning tourism has, as a result of the growing tourism industry and its demands, gained more attention in academic literature over the last few years. However, whereas current research primarily describes the supply side of the questions around water (in)equity, the underlying reasons for the tourists’ demand-side, remains a largely understudied topic.

”Det är ju mördarhysteri just nu” - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors intresse för true crime

Abstrakt Författare: Veronica Härebo Titel: ”Det är ju mördarhysteri just nu” – En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors intresse för true crime Kandidatuppsats: SOCK04, 15 hp Handledare: Mimmi Barmark Sociologiska institutionen, vårterminen 2019 Intresset för true crime tycks vara väldigt stort just nu. Det finns mängder av dokumentärer, podcasts och filmer som tillhör genren true crime. Bland konsumen

Emerging Principles in Obstetric Teamwork

There is widespread consensus that teamwork constitutes one of the key requirements in today’s multidisciplinary and highly complex system of delivering care. In recent years, increasing attention has been given to questions of how to define, teach, measure, and improve teamwork in healthcare. However, one cannot help but feel a certain disconnect between this ongoing trend, with an associated bia

Ingen (e-mail) reklam tack!

Title: No e-mail marketing, please! A qualitative study about e-mail marketing Seminar date: 4th of June 2019 Course: FEKH29 Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 credits Authors: Christoffer Andreasson, Johannes Ehn & Julia Rosberg Advisor: Burak Tunca Key words: Direct marketing, e-mail marketing, permission marketing, relationship marketi

The fake-real or the real-fake? : En bild- och innehållsanalys om Lil Miquela, Kenza och Johanna E. Olsson på Instagram

The purpose of this bachelor thesis, The fake-real or the real-fake? An image and content analysis about Lil Miquela, Kenza and Johanna E. Olsson on Instagram, is to make an qualitative analysis of influencers which is in a unclear state between reality and virtuality. The thesis is investigating the virtual influencer Lil Miquela and the two human influencers Johanna Emma Olsson and Kenza Zouiten