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Phase Behavior and Solution Properties of Aqueous Polyion-Surfactant Ion Systems
Popular Abstract in Swedish Polymerer och tensider är molekyler som vi stöter på dagligen. Många produkter som vi använder, t.ex. tvål och tvättmedel, målarfärg eller olika läkemedel, innehåller dessa typer av molekyler. Din arvsmassa, ditt DNA, är en polymer och väggarna i dina celler är uppbyggda av s.k. lipider som är en sorts tensider. Dessa typer av molekyler har alltså väldigt stor betydelsePolyelectrolytes and oppositely charged surfactants interact through attractive electrostatic forces, which in many cases lead to phase separation already at low total concentrations. During the past 10-15 years investigations of these systems have been simplified through the use of complex salts that consist of surfactants with polymeric counterions in a 1:1 charge stoichiometry (no excess simple
Vad menar vi med aktivering?
Statarnas geografiska rörlighet, sociala ursprung och fruktsamhet
Rhetorical Argumentation in Biblical Texts. Essays from the Lund 2000 Conference
Children in residential and foster care - a Swedish example.
Hur nära kan man tillåta sig att komma? Att pendla mellan närhet och distans i forskninhgsprocessen
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The Role of HoxB4 in Hematopoiesis
Popular Abstract in Swedish I kroppen produceras varje dag ca 1 000 000 000 000 nya blodceller för att ersätta celler som förbrukats eller sorterats undan som odugliga. I toppen av hierarkin finns den hematopoietiska stamcellen, eller blodstamcellen, en cell med ett antal unika egenskaper: (i) Förmågan att dela sig och ge upphov till minst en ny blodstamcell (cell med samma egenskaper som modercelHOXB4 is one of 39 members of the homeobox (HOX) family, a family of transcription factors involved in embryonic development. Several HOX transcription factors, including HOXB4, are highly expressed in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) but are downregulated upon differentiation towards more mature progeny cells. Enforced expression of HOXB4 dramatically increases the regeneration of murine HSC follo
Central bank power is a matter of faith
This paper reconsiders how central banks get involved in the process of determining nominal variables such as market interest rates and inflation rates. It is argued that the traditional story deriving central bank power from its monopoly of issuing base money is flawed. That story - in its various guises - is based on the quantity equation. This equation, however, is only applicable in the hypoth
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De nordiska länderna har i stort sett likalydande avtalslagar. Den svenska avtalslagen har i år varit i kraft i 100 år och avtalslagarna i de övriga nordiska länderna är nästan lika gamla.I denna bok bidrar ett antal nordiska rättsvetenskapliga forskare med analyser av avtalslagarnas bakgrund, deras nuvarande betydelse i den moderna nordiska avtalsrätten liksom frågan om hur väl de kan förväntas f
Everyday life of older persons in a suburb in Sweden
Tystnaden talar grekiska
Electricity Supply Reliability: Evaluation of Improvement Solutions for Existing Electricity Networks
Regulation of the electricity network business is continuously under development in many countries. This is a reaction of an increasingly electricity dependent society, which demands electricity supplies at acceptable quality levels and at reasonable tariffs. Thus, electric network companies are facing new requirements that change the conditions for exercising network activities. Generally, incent
Adaptive flexibility in migratory behaviour of shorebirds
Popular Abstract in Swedish I århundranden har vi människor fascinerats av flyttfåglar och frågat oss vart de ska, var de kommer ifrån och hur de hittar. Idag, tack vare forskning, vet vi mer om fågelflyttning än någonsin, men det finns fortfarande mycket kvar att ta reda på. Vadare som häckar i Arktis är riktiga långflyttare med många arter som flyttar mer än 10 000 kilometer varje vår och höst oThe phenomenon of bird migration has long fascinated us humans and it has prompted questions like where do they go or come from and how do they find their way? Arctic shorebirds are well known for their spectacular long-distance migrations with some species travelling more than 10 000 km every spring and autumn, and some even cover this distance in one single nonstop flight. The aim of my thesis w
15-årsuppföljning av drogberoende personer.
En representativ sample drogberoende patienter på sjukhus 1988 - 89 (n=125) följdes upp vid 5 år och vid 15 år. Kliniska ata och utfallsdata registrerades vid indevårdtillfället och vid uppföljningarna med en semistrukturerad intervju omfattande demografiska karakteristika, kliniska diagnoser kompletterade med kliniska test och skattningsskalor. Registerdata används för validering och jämförelse.
High-fidelity spectroscopy at the highest resolutions
Establishing Timing Requirements and Control Attributes for Control Loops in Real-Time Systems
Advances in scheduling theory have given designers of control systems greater flexibility over their choice of timing requirements. This could lead to systems becoming more responsive and more maintainable. However, experience has shown that engineers find it difficult to exploit these advantages due to the difficulty in determining the “real” timing requirements of systems and therefore the techn
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A Model-Based Framework for Flexible Safety-Critical Software Development - A Design Study
This paper presents the findings from a design study of a model-based framework for safety-critical software development, called SimPal. The objective of the study was to better understand the necessary properties of such a framework and to learn more about the challenges of realizing it. Our research approach can be labeled as design research, which means that we try to answer our research questi