

Din sökning på "*" gav 530556 sökträffar

Mechanism of TNFα-induced downregulation of salt-inducible kinase 2 in adipocytes

Salt-inducible kinase 2 (SIK2) is highly expressed in white adipocytes, but downregulated in individuals with obesity and insulin resistance. These conditions are often associated with a low-grade inflammation in adipose tissue. We and others have previously shown that SIK2 is downregulated by tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), however, involvement of other pro-inflammatory cytokines, or the mechanis

The Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Swedish Exports during the 2008 Financial Crisis

The thesis aims to answer the research question: To what extent was the increased Economic Policy Uncertainty during the Financial Crisis associated with the decline in Swedish exports from January 2007 to January 2010? During the 2008 Financial Crisis, Swedish trade fell by ten percentage points, slightly more than the world average. The thesis aims to investigate whether the increased EPU at the

Children’s education and parents’ mortality – Do parents with highly educated children live longer?

While there exists a large literature on mortality inequalities by an individual’s level of education and other socioeconomic characteristics this thesis looks at the relationship between the children’s level of education and parents’ mortality, which has been relatively less studied. I use longitudinal data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) for the years 2004-2017

Understanding the Norwegian Petroleum Industry: How does Oil explain Norwegian Public Expenditure and Social Spending? How vulnerable is it to shocks?

There are few people who deny that Norway's social welfare was achieved after Oil Discoveries. But there is concern about the sustainability of the Norwegian economy regarding the volatility of the Oil market. This study provides a quantitative analysis of the relationship between Central Government Expenditure and Oil exports plus vulnerabilities measured by Gold to Oil ratio, Exchange Rate V

Ready to Respond to Freddy? Shock-Responsive Social Protection for Nutrition in Malawi

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and the increasing pace and intensity of climate-related shocks have driven the emergence of international interest around the role of national social protection systems for shock-responsiveness. An increasing number of already vulnerable people is in need of humanitarian assistance, risking to fall into poverty and malnutrition. In this context, predictable n

Intergenerational Educational Mobility among Immigrants and Natives in Germany

This study examines the intergenerational educational mobility among immigrants and natives in Germany. Three regression models are estimated to investigate potential differences in the transmission of human capital from parents to their children between immigrants and natives. First, a linear regression model is used to assess the strength of the association between parental and individual educat

Transcriptional intra-tumour heterogeneity predicted by deep learning in routine breast histopathology slides provides independent prognostic information

Background: Intra-tumour heterogeneity (ITH) causes diagnostic challenges and increases the risk for disease recurrence. Quantification of ITH is challenging and has not been demonstrated in large studies. It has previously been shown that deep learning can enable spatially resolved prediction of molecular phenotypes from digital histopathology whole slide images (WSIs). Here we propose a novel me

Framställandet av en utsläppshandel baserad på näringsämnen inom det svenska jordbruket

Detta arbete har undersökt möjligheten till att implementera ett handelssystem baserat på utsläpp av näringsämnen i Östersjöområdet. Liknande handelssystem baserade på växthusgas har visat sig vara väldigt effektiva med att minska dess utsläpp inom bland annat EU. Ett utsläppshandelssystem ger ett starkt incitament till de deltagande industrierna att använda mer miljövänliga metoder inom derasThis study examines the potential of a nutrient-based emissions trading system and focuses on its possible implementation in the Baltic Sea region to address the problem with eutrophication in the inland sea. Emissions trading has proven to be an effective method for reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the EU through the EU ETS. The study evaluates whether similar outcomes can be achieved

Chinese FDI and the African Health System

Numerous African governments are actively implementing diverse strategies to attract increased foreign direct investments (FDI) to bolster their economies. However, there remains an ongoing debate regarding the impact of FDI on economic development, particularly concerning healthcare. Furthermore, there is a notable lack of understanding regarding the influence of Chinese FDI on the African health

Kundresa för One-Stop Shop

Den här guiden är en av tre guider som publiceras inom detta projektoch bygger på tidigare forskning, med syftet att utveckla kunskap och metoder för aktörer på efterfråge- och utbudssidan på marknaden för energieffektiv renovering av villor. Guiden ger en översikt över den kundresa som villaägare följer i sitt beslut att genomföra eller inte att energirenovera sin villa, och hur One-stop-shop (OS

Feature semantic alignment and information supplement for Text-based person search

The goal of person text-image matching is to retrieve images of specific pedestrians using natural language. Although a lot of research results have been achieved in persona text-image matching, existing methods still face two challenges. First,due to the ambiguous semantic information in the features, aligning the textual features with their corresponding image features is always tricky. Second,

Weakening temperature control on the interannual variations of spring carbon uptake across northern lands

Ongoing spring warming allows the growing season to begin earlier, enhancing carbon uptake in northern ecosystems. Here we use 34 years of atmospheric CO 2 concentration measurements at Barrow, Alaska (BRW, 71° N) to show that the interannual relationship between spring temperature and carbon uptake has recently shifted. We use two indicators: the spring zero-crossing date of atmospheric CO 2 (SZC

Swedish House Owners’ Intentions Towards Renovations : Is there a Market for One-Stop-Shop?.

In this paper, we examine factors affecting owners’ intention for renovation of their detached houses. Furthermore, we analyze their interest in choosing a one-stop-shop (OSS) service for the renovation, even though such a concept is not yet established in Sweden, but emerging in other parts of Europe. Our study is based on responses to an online questionnaire survey of 971 house owners residing i