

Din sökning på "*" gav 530573 sökträffar

DFA as a window into postural dynamics supporting task performance : Does choice of step size matter?

Introduction: Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) has been used to investigate self-similarity in center of pressure (CoP) time series. For fractional gaussian noise (fGn) signals, the analysis returns a scaling exponent, DFA-α, whose value characterizes the temporal correlations as persistent, random, or anti- persistent. In the study of postural control, DFA has revealed two time scaling region

Beräkningar av energi och klimatpåverkan kopplat till stomval och köldbryggor vid anslutningar.

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Energi- och klimatberäkningar kopplat till olika byggmaterial och värmeförluster som uppkommer i anslutningar där byggdelar möts. Klimat och miljö har under de senaste åren blivit alltmer uppmärksammat och äntligen följer Boverket med! Med den nya lagen som trädde i kraft under 2021, om att undersöka klimatpåverkan hos nybyggda hus har man satt byggbranschens mConsidering the current energy and climate crisis, it is important to examine how the impact on these can be managed and reduced within the building sector. One of the objectives of this study is to analyze the impact of several typical thermal bridges for a single-family house on the energy use and show how these vary depending on the choice of framing system. The framing systems studied are CLT,

Konsten att värma sig i biblioteksrummet : En studie av aktiviteten i det fysiska rummet på två integrerade skol- och folkbibliotek

This master's thesis presents a qualitative analysis of the activity played out by the users in the physical library room. The study focuses users different activities and therefor also some of the activities made by librarians. The aim of this study is to put light on the activity played out by the user of the physical room at the local library. More precisely two smaller library rooms locat

Straightforward Regeneration of Reduced Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide Required for Enzymatic Tryptophan Halogenation

Flavin-dependent halogenases are known to regioselectively introduce halide substituents into aromatic moieties, for example, the indole ring of tryptophan. The process requires halide salts and oxygen instead of molecular halogen in the chemical halogenation. However, the reduced cofactor flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH 2 ) has to be regenerated using a flavin reductase. Consequently, coupled

Library Managers’ Use of Digital Technologies in Everyday Work Practices: : An Application of Human Activity Systems Modelling

As has been argued by systems thinking scholars, science and scientific thinking can be seen as socially constructed systems of institutionalized sets of activities through which systems thinking emerged. In this paper, the development of systems approaches is discussed to argue for the research approach adopted. Further, main concepts of systems thinking such as complexity, worldview, and human a

Digital Nomads’ Experiences on the Support of Digital Technologies in Relation to Social Isolation

The paper presents digital nomads’ experiences about the support of digital technologies in relation to social isolation. Despite the abundant access to digital technologies for organizational cooperative purposes, the challenge of social isolation constitutes one of the central concerns in nomadicity practices, affecting employees’ choice of working arrangements. To gain further knowledge on the

What should academics do about conspiracy theories? : Moving beyond debunking to better deal with conspiratorial movements, misinformation and post-truth.

Many people use conspiracy theories to make sense of a changing world and its ever more complexif social structures (e.g., international financial systems, global bodies of governance), tragic events (e.g., terrorist attacks, man-made catastrophes, or natural disasters), or socio-political and economic issues (e.g., security, migration, distribution of resources, health care). The widespread flour

The Battle of Words. Uncovering the Narratives of the Conflict in Ukraine

What if the true battleground lies not in the physical confrontations but in the complex realm of narratives? This study explores the use of narratives employed by Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy while shedding light on their techniques and the construction of competing narratives in the context of the conflict in Ukraine. Drawing on narrative theory and Philip Smith's narrative genres,

Administrative Transfers by Settler Colonial States and Their Subjugation of Native Populations’ Land Use - A study on mechanisms of settler colonial states in Sweden and Canada during the second half of the nineteenth century

This thesis examines how administrative transfers by settler colonial states in nineteenth-century Sweden and Canada contributed to the subjugation of indigenous land use. Using qualitative analysis of historical documents and legal sources, the study reveals the pervasive presence of administrative transfers and their implications. In Canada, the study highlights the imposition of non-physical bo

Regulation of ESR1 expression by promoter methylation and single nucleotide variants in predicted miRNA target sites in the 3' untranslated region

Background The estrogen receptor alpha (ERa), encoded by ESR1, is overexpressed in 75 – 80 % of breast cancers. Treatments targeting ERa are challenged by development of resistance due to loss of ERa expression. It is crucial to increase understanding of regulatory mechanisms of ERa expression and identify alterations in these mechanisms. Modifications of miRNA target sites in ESR1 3’ UTR or meth

Quantification of chondroitin sulfates and hyaluronan in synovial fluid using high performance liquid chromatography

Purpose: Extracellular proteins such as aggrecan may be primed with specific glycan-patterns which result in their degradation, and hence may play a role in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA). To be able to use glycans as molecular biomarkers, the method of analysis of these molecules needs to be validated. The primary aim of this study was to validate quantitative high performance liquid chr

Marknadsföringens roll i kommersiella fastighetsföretag under en lågkonjunktur

Examensarbetets titel: Marknadsföringens roll i kommersiella fastighetsföretag under en lågkonjunktur Seminariedatum: 2023-06-02 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Daniella Boras, Anna Kovacevic & Marcus Schoug Handledare: Veronika Tarnovskaya Fem nyckelord: Marknadsföringsstrategier, marknadsföringskostnader, kommersiella faTitle: The role of marketing in commercial real estate businesses during a recession Seminar date: 2023-06-02 Cours: FEKH29, Degree project in marketing at bachelor’s level, 15 University Credits Points Authors: Daniella Boras, Anna Kovacevic & Marcus Schoug Advisor: Veronika Tarnovskaya Key words: Marketing strategies, marketing costs, commercial real estate, recession, relationshi

Att bli cancellerad i den digitala eran

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur cancelleringsprocesser ser ut i samband med skandaler för influencers och hur de utvecklas under tidens gång. Detta görs i form av en fallstudie, närmre specifikt skandalfallet med Margaux Dietz som inträffade år 2022. För att kunna dra vetenskapliga slutsatser baserat på empiri som följer narrativet, tar rapporten fäste i två teoretiska utgångspunkter - This study aims to investigate the dynamics of cancellation processes in relation to scandals involving influencers and how they evolve over time. It is conducted through a case study, specifically focusing on the scandal involving Margaux Dietz that occurred in 2022. In order to draw scientific conclusions based on empirical evidence that aligns with the narrative, the report adopts two theoretic

A time adaptive multirate Dirichlet–Neumann waveform relaxation method for heterogeneous coupled heat equations

We consider partitioned time integration for heterogeneous coupled heat equations. First and second order multirate, as well as time-adaptive Dirichlet-Neumann Waveform relaxation (DNWR) methods are derived. In 1D and for implicit Euler time integration, we analytically determine optimal relaxation parameters for the fully discrete scheme. We test the robustness of the relaxation parameters on the

Between the Spiritual and Practical: Individual Motives and Collective Experiences Among Catholic Lithuanians in Sweden and Norway

Coming from a predominantly Catholic country, Lithuanian immigrants in Scandinavia find themselves in a contrasting Protestant context of the host societies. This ethnographic study of diasporic Lithuanian communities and their transnational Catholic practices aims to understand what motivates immigrant Lithuanians to join the church in Sweden or Norway and whether this foreign environment influen