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Review of David Lowe & Tony Joel. Remembering the Cold War: Global Contest and National Stories. 2014.
Review of David Lowe & Tony Joel. Remembering the Cold War: Global Contest and National Stories. 2014.
Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA Kadmium är en giftig metall vilken finns i mat som vi rekommenderas äta mycket av, exempelvis sädesprodukter, grönsaker och skaldjur. Våra matjordar är kontaminerade med kadmium och föroreningen kommer att kvarstå under mycket lång tid framöver. Kadmium skadar framförallt njurarna och skelettet och kan antagligen även orsaAbstract: Cadmium (Cd) is ubiquitous in the environment. Human exposure in non-smokers occurs mainly via intake of healthy food like vegetables, cereals, and shellfish. Adverse health effects on kidney and bone at low-level environmental Cd exposure are well-documented in adults. There is considerable inter-individual variation in both metabolism (toxicokinetics) and toxicity (toxicodynamics) of C
Twenty-five comparative cycle assessments (LCAs) addressing food waste treatment were reviewed, including the treatment alternatives landfill, thermal treatment, compost (small and large scale) and anaerobic digestion. The global warming potential related to these treatment alternatives varies largely amongst the studies. Large differences in relation to setting of system boundaries, methodologica
Popular Abstract in Swedish Dödligheten i skador i Sverige har under de senaste årtiondena minskat, en minskning som idag dock har planat ut. Antalet dödade i transportolyckor och i arbetsplatsolyckor i Sverige har minskat under de senaste 40 åren vilket kan ses som ett resultat av ett effektivt säkerhetsarbete. När det gäller fallolyckor så har däremot andelen som dör av sina skador ökat markant Injuries are often associated with long-term suffering and lowered functioning, and personal injuries impose a huge burden on medical care and health services in addition to the costs associated with impaired functional ability. Each year in Sweden, falling accidents are experienced by a third of those aged 60 or over and half of those aged 80 or over, while injuries from traffic accidents still a
Stable isotope analysis provides a powerful tool for describing the energetic pathways in a variety of ecosystems. However, isotope ratios of animal tissues can be altered by preservation methods, potentially leading to biased estimates of energy pathways when they are not taken into account. Here, we investigated the direct preservation effects of formalin, ethanol, NaCl, and drying on the delta
The guest editors introduce a feature issue containing papers based on research presented at the BIOMED 2014 conference, held in Miami, FL, April 26-30, 2014. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America
Background: An association between N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) slow acetylation and bladder cancer has been consistently observed in epidemiologic studies. However, evidence has been mainly derived from case-control studies and was sparse from cohort studies. We evaluated the association between NAT2 slow acetylation and bladder cancer in a case-control study nested in the European Prospective In
My PhD submission is made up of a constellation of three elements that form a body of textual material / theory and practice event / exhibition. (1) A dimension of critical writing or dissertation that has two parts: (a) Retrospective / Prospective: Activating the Archive, September 1, 2010, and (b) an accretion of further analysis, Archive, Archived, Archiving, September 1, 2011. (2) A testin
We present an angle-resolved photoemission study of the valence band of Au/(root 3 x root 3-) - R30 degrees-4H-SiC(0 0 0 1). Several different two-dimensional states could be identified, depending on the Au coverage and annealing temperature. In the case of silicide at the surface, two-dimensional Shockley-like state is observed for higher coverages, but a potential interface state is observed at
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess how technology-based university research drives innovation in Europe and China. Design/methodology/approach – This paper draws on extensive theoretical research and literature reviews, and presents a framework based on theories on networking, knowledge creation and innovation. It then introduces three European cases to illustrate practical appli
In most species, males do not abandon offspring or reduce paternal care when they are cuckolded by other males. This apparent lack of adjustment of paternal investment with the likelihood of paternity presents a potential challenge to our understanding of what drives selection for paternal care. In a comparative analysis across birds, fish, mammals, and insects we identify key factors that explain
Industrial robots are traditionally programmed using only the internal joint position sensors, in a sense leaving the robot blind and numb. Using external sensors, such as cameras and force sensors, allows the robot to detect the existence and position of objects in an unstructured environment, and to handle contact situations not possible using only position control. This thesis presents work on
Studies have suggested poorer health in the homosexual and bisexual groups compared to heterosexuals. Tobacco smoking, which is a health-related behavior associated with psychosocial stress, may be one explanation behind such health differences. Social capital, i.e. the generalized trust in other people and social participation/social networks which decreases the costs of social interaction, has b
BACKGROUND: It is not known whether snuff (moist smokeless tobacco) affects disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). OBJECTIVE: This study aims to study the effect of snuff on disease activity and function in Swedish patients with early RA. METHODS: Between 1992 and 2005, 2800 adult patients were included in the Better Anti-Rheumatic FarmacOTherapy (BARFOT) early RA study in Sweden. Disease
Biological invasions often cause major perturbations in the environment and are well studied among macroorganisms. Less is known about invasion by free-living microbes. Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae) is a freshwater phytoplankton species that has increased in abundance in Northern Europe since the 1980's and has expanded its habitat range. In this study, we aimed to determine the genetic popul
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how increased mobility of indigenous student migrants in Dhaka from the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh affects notions of belonging and indigeneity. By applying a theoretical framework of mobility, global interconnectedness and lifestyle, the study challenges representations by indigenous rights advocates of indigenous people as inherently immobile an