

Din sökning på "*" gav 534632 sökträffar

Barnet i främsta rummet : En kvalitativ analys av tingsrättens domslut gällande vårdnadsöverflyttningar

The aim of this study was to understand how the Swedish district court makes decisions concerning transfer of custody based on the best interest of the child, child’s will and parents rights of their child. The method for this study was a qualitative content analysis of 17 verdicts from the Swedish district courts when a child has been placed in a family home and the child custody case begins. The

Analyzing Safe Haven and Hedge Currencies Against the U.S. Stock Market During the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis

The recent COVID-19 pandemic crisis has resulted in great uncertainty and potential losses to the financial market. Investors must find the safe haven and hedge currencies in the current crisis to manage portfolios. In this paper, I demonstrate how to use the dynamic conditional correlations (DCC) model with student-t error distribution to assess the role of foreign exchange, cryptocurrencies, and

Evaluation of the In-House Production of Insulation Material for Meal Kits - A Case Study at HelloFresh

Meal-kit boxes are considered a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the food waste in the supply chain and households. Nevertheless, the consumers are concerned about the amount of packaging that comes with such a box, which is connected to higher carbon emissions than a grocery store meal. Thus, HelloFresh, a global market-leader in meal-kit boxes is driven to find more sustai

The impact of ecological interactions & population size on fitness traits & conservation in a perennial herb, Arabis alpina

1. Conservation biology has traditionally neglected evolutionary processes, which are however fundamental in both the emergence and maintenance of biodiversity. Understanding adaptation can further allow conservationist to make predictions for species responses to changing environments which are vulnerable to climate change, such as mountain areas. 2. The size of a population is often important f

Biodiversity in the air - Using eDNA to detect flying insects in the air

Insekters DNA i luften? På senare år har flera forskningsrapporter visat att olika insektgrupper drastiskt minskar i antal. Till följd av detta kan man även se att artkompositionen förändrats och att andra organismer som är beroende av insekter, antingen för pollinering eller som föda, också minskar i antal. För att kunna förstå varför dessa förändringar sker så krävs en kontinuerlig övervakning In the face of widely reported declines in insect abundance and diversity, there is a great need for faster and easier insect monitoring methods as the already established methods are time consuming and only target specific species groups. In this study I investigate if metabarcoding of eDNA samples collected from the air can i) detect and identify insect species, ii) help quantify spatial and tem

Discrimination of women in local politics in Ukraine

This research is dedicated to a problem of discrimination of women in local politics in Ukraine. It explores what are the forms of discrimination that women engaged in local politics face, how they perceive and handle discrimination and what kind of impact it has on their political careers. This thesis employs socio-psychological theories of discrimination, the ambivalent sexism theory and the con

Building tunnels, burning bridges : a feminist critical discourse analysis on the gender-infrastructure nexus in the case of planning inter-island linkages on the Faroe Islands.

This study concerns hegemonic claims of knowing and how they manifest as discourses on interconnecting infrastructure planning on the Faroe Islands. The archipelago can be considered a substantial infrastructural project, with several sub-sea tunnels in the construction and planning-stages. Following the increasing attention to the gendered nature of infrastructure planning, this study travels to

Planering för cykelparkering vid bostaden - En studie av planeringsstrategier utifrån boendes perspektiv

Det finns idag nationella målsättningar om att öka andelen resor som genomförs med cykel och arbetet sker bland annat genom förbättrad infrastruktur. En del av infrastrukturen som idag anses vara bristfällig är cykelparkering vid bostaden, vilket somliga kommuner börjat reglera genom att ställa krav vid nybyggnation. Men trots att arbetet med frågan blir vanligare finns bristfällig kunskap kring bThere are national goals in Sweden for increasing the proportion of trips made by bicycle. Many believe that this partly can be achieved by improving bicycle infrastructure and recently parking facilities have been gaining more attention in bicycle planning. Most bicycle trips start or end at home and this is also the location where many bikes are parked a majority of the time. However, there is a

A Dignified Life: How poverty fosters loneliness and how people manage to engage in alternative forms of socialization in an urban landscape

Loneliness as a social issue has been gaining extensive interest in recent years, but the subject has lacked results stemming from qualitative research and the link between loneliness and low income has been understudied. This thesis is one minor part in covering these both gaps. I have aimed at using previous quantitative findings on loneliness among low income earners in order to expand on the l

Smartphone-based shade analysis using hemispherical fisheye imaging for local solar energy potential

In the emerging trend of smartphone use and a rising demand for solar photovoltaic (PV) power worldwide, this master thesis project explores the potential to utilize commercially available fisheye lens optics in combination with a smartphone camera to capture and analyze local shading conditions. Photogrammetric studies involving hemispherical sky photos have since long been used for environmental

Kriminalisering, lagstiftningsteknik och ansvarsplacering: Ett bättre miljöskydd – En komparativ studie av det miljöstraffrättsliga systemet i Sverige respektive Finland

Syftet är att undersöka om det går att uppnå en miljöstraffrättslig reglering som uppfyller kraven för kriminalisering samt leder till ett bättre miljöskydd. Rättsdogmatisk metod i kombination med komparativ metod an-vänds, där Finland används som jämförelseland. Kriminalisering bör utgöra den sista utvägen för kontroll av icke önskvärda beteenden och bör ha allmänpreventivt syfte. För att ett sThe thesis purpose is to examine different possibilities to achieve an environmental criminal law that fulfills the principles for criminalization and leads to better environmental protection in Swedish law. Legal dogmatic method and comparative method are used, where Finnish law is used for the comparison. Criminalization should be the last resort for controlling undesirable behavior. Criminali

How digitalization affects elderly care. - Is digitalization the holy grail solution to the issue of increasing costs in Sweden's elderly care?

This thesis analyzes how digitalization in elderly care affects cost-efficiency and quality of care. More specifically, digitalization in elderly care is divided into welfare technologies and E-services. The study goes into how well digitalization meets its promises of solving many of our society's future problems regarding elderly care, such as an aging population. In order to analyze this, I

Bevisvärderingsmodell för muntliga utsagor - rättsstridigt eller rättssäkert?

I svensk rätt råder fri bevisvärdering. Med fri bevisvärdering menas att domstolen inte är bunden av legala regler om viss metod eller visst tillvägagångssätt när denne värderar bevis. Endast ett fåtal hållpunkter till ledning för domstolen har satts upp i förarbeten, resten lämnas till rättstillämparen att fastställa. Vid bevisvärderingen använder sig domaren av allmänna erfarenhetssatser för attThe evaluation of evidence is free in Swedish law. A free evaluation of evidence means that the court is not governed by any legal rules which makes demands on a specific method or procedure while evaluating evidence. In the preparatory work there has only been established a few points of guidance, the rest is left to the legal practitioners to establish. When evaluating evidence, the judge uses c

In accordance with its own rules?: The role of the European Court of Human Rights in developing the protection for seriously ill migrants under Article 3 ECHR

Uppsatsen undersöker, genom att använda en doktrinär forskningsmetod, Europadomstolens roll i att utveckla skyddsomfånget för svårt sjuka migranter enligt artikel 3 i den Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna (4 november 1950, ETS. 5). Genom utredningen besvarar uppsatsen frågan om Europadomstolen har agerat inom de metoder och principer soThe thesis examines, through the use of the doctrinal research method, the role of the European Court of Human Rights in developing the scope of protection for seriously ill migrants under Article 3 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (4 November 1950, ETS. 5). Through the examination, the thesis answers the question as to whether the Court has acted withi

En diskursanalys av problemet med mäns våld mot kvinnor

Mäns våld mot kvinnor har på senaste tiden uppmärksammats, men har sedan lång tid tillbaka varit ett stort problem. Tidigare sågs det som en privat angelägenhet inom familjen medan det idag förstås som ett offentligt problem som berör flera i samhället samt flera samhällsområden. Avvikelseförklaringar till våldet har tidigare präglat förståelsen kring mäns våld mot kvinnor och frågan om våld har sMen's violence against women has recently attracted a lot of attention but has been a major problem for a long time. Previously, it was seen as a private matter within the family, while today it is understood as a public problem that affects many and several areas of society. Explanations of deviations in individuals to violence have previously characterized the understanding of men's viol

Pushing the Limits of Externalisation Policy: A case study on Danish migration policy examined in light of European core values

Danish migration policy became extremely restrictive after the 2015 migration crisis, with the most striking measure being the amendment of the Aliens Act in June 2021. This law allows the Danish government to negotiate a deal with a third country to process asylum applications outside of Denmark. During the 1980s, migration policy in Europe was securitised, portraying migration as a threat to the

Ordning och reda i välfärden. En beskrivande idéanalys av Välfärdsutredningen (SOU 2016:78).

The Swedish public sector has experienced an extensive change towards a more market-oriented structure since the latter part of the 20th century. This essay examines how ideas regarding welfare production in modern day Sweden can be linked to three different principles: a communitarian principle, an autonomous principle and an economic principle . By applying a theoretical framework in a descripti

Fri, förvirrad eller övergiven? En kvalitativ studie av prästers personliga böneliv

In the Church of Sweden, priests do not have a specific vow concerning their personal prayer life, which some other church traditions in the world do have. Concerning this, the purpose of this paper is to give a picture of how newly ordained priests in the Church of Sweden, more specifically the diocese of Lund, describes their personal prayer and whether the priests feel that they have received t

Skolkuratorn och hemmasittaren - En kvalitativ intervjustudie av grundskolans skolkuratorer och deras erfarenheter av att arbeta med hemmasittande elever

The purpose of this study was to examine experiences among compulsory school counselors in Sweden working with truants ,“hemmasittare” in Swedish. The method chosen for this study was qualitative interviews, seven different school counselors were interviewed. The gathered empirical material was analyzed using neo-institutional theory, with the three main questions of this study as background. Resu

UngDOK - stödjande eller styrande? Socialarbetares erfarenhet av att använda bedömningsinstrumentet UngDOK

The aim of this study was to explore social workers’ experiences with the assessment tool UngDOK at Maria clinics in Skane. The past 30 years has seen a rise in popularity of evidence based practices and increased requirements for scientific evidence of the effects of various treatments. Several manual based evaluation and assessment instruments have been implemented in the field of social work in