

Din sökning på "*" gav 533103 sökträffar

A crack in the Swedish welfare façade? A review of assessing social impacts in transport infrastructure planning

A comparison of social impact categorisation in strategic planning across European Union Member States shows that Sweden neither categorises nor breaks down categories of social impact in areas such as transport infrastructure development. This is surprising because Sweden is known as a country concerned about social issues and having a high standard of welfare. This article accordingly studies ho

Resistivity-ip characterisation and short term monitoring at filborna waste deposit

Buried waste in old landfills is an increasing problem as cities expand and grow into areas with former waste deposits. In order to be able to manage and as far as possible reclaim land in such areas, better tools are needed for mapping and characterisation of buried waste and contaminated land. Other problems associated with landfills are leachate water and methane emissions. In the results prese

Religion inifrån och utifrån : Perspektiv på autenticitet och andlighet i fält

En forskare som arbetar i fält kommer inte undan frågeställningar som den praktiknära forskningen genererar. Riter följer inte alltid klockrent den föreskrivna liturgin. Gamla traditioner blandas upp med nya inslag där samhällsförändringar, modernitet och kultur tillsammans regisserar den performance som för tillfället spelas upp av deltagarna. Makt kan befästas eller kullkastas, eller så kan delt

Simple and complex polymer electrolyte fuel cell stack models : A comparison

In this paper, two distinct polymer electrolyte fuel cell stack models are constructed: a detailed numerical model (DNM) employing a fine-scale computational mesh and a coarse-mesh approach based on a distributed resistance analogy (DRA) where diffusion terms in the transport equations are replaced by rate terms. Both methods are applied to a 5-cell, high-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cell

Lär av upphandlingen och ta marknaden i handen

Detta kapitel handlar om marknadskrafter och hur dessa kan användas av offentliga myndigheter, medvetet och effektivt, till gagn för medborgarna och skattebetalarna. Ämnet har i många avseenden blivit politiskt. Marknaden har för en del blivit en frälsning, för andra en förbannelse. Det saknas entydiga empiriska belägg för att en fri marknad genererar ökat välstånd, en avsaknad som effektivt hålle

Modeling and Identification of a Nuclear Reactor

Some representative results from modeling and identification experiments on the Halden boiling water reactor (HBWR) in Norway are presented in this chapter. Linear input–output models, as well as time invariant and time variable linear state models, have been used as model structures. The chapter describes the different phases of identification and modeling of a complex dynamical system. Different

State of the Art in Sewage Treatment Plant Control

In this survey the state of the art of wastewater treatment system control is presented. Instrumentation, dynamical models, and identification applications are reviewed. Current practice in control is described, and computerization of wastewater treatment plants is discussed. Biological treatment systems have been emphasized. The interactions between unit processes and between the sewage treatment

Dead-beat control and the Riccati equation

Connections between dead-beat control strategies and optimal control policies for linear, time-invariant, discrete-time systems are established. The performance index of the system is quadratic and only the terminal state of the system is penalized. An explicit solution to the singular Riccati equation, associated with this optimization problem, is given. Properties of the time-variable gain matri

Controllability Issues of Robots in Singular Configurations

Examples are given that modify some oversimplified statements usually made about the motion of robots in singular configurations. A robot may be controlled in an arbitrary direction from a singular configuration if the velocity profiles are shaped in a proper way. The observations on possible motions open a number of questions, since a wider class of motions is possible that at first sight. Hence,

Islamizing the present, challenging the past

The trajectories of politically activist and socially committed interpretations of Islam in (late)modern societies continue to spur heated debate and academic discussion. A recurrent theme is the compatibility of Islamic ideological/legal foundations vis-à-vis secular state institutions and liberal democracy. Other debates concern rights and identity politics, problematizing the recognition of relThe trajectories of politically activist and socially committed interpretations of Islam in (late)modern societies continue to spur heated debate and academic discussion. A recurrent theme is the compatibility of Islamic ideological/legal foundations vis-à-vis secular state institutions and liberal democracy. Other debates concern rights and identity politics, problematizing the recognition of rel

Survival following combination chemotherapy in advanced high grade non‐Hodgkin's lymphomas : Relation to proliferative activity of the lymphoma cells

In 18 untreated adult patients (median age 62.5 yr) with advanced non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma of unfavourable histology, thymidine labelling indices (LIs) of the lymphoma cells were assessed. The patients were treated with combination chemotherapy and have been followed for 29–60 (median 52) months or until death. The survival curve had a steep fall during the first 2 yr. Between 2–5 yr after treatment