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Beständighet hos vägbeläggningar : workshop 5 april 2001 i Lund
Heart transplantation across antibodies against human leukocyte antigen and ABO-post-transplant follow-up of donor reactive antibodies.
Increased store-operated Ca2+ entry into contractile vascular smooth muscle following organ culture
Ca2+ inflow via store-operated Ca2+ channels was investigated in rings of rat tail and basilar arteries kept in serum-free organ culture, which is known to preserve the contractility of the vascular smooth muscle. After culture for 3-4 days, Ca2+ release from intracellular stores in response to caffeine (20 mM) was augmented 2- to 4-fold. Following depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores by caffein
Emissions from baled municipal solid waste: II. Effects of different treatments and baling techniques on the emission of volatile organic compounds
This paper focuses on the volatile organic compound emissions from baled municipal solid waste (MSW). The analytical methodology was based on sampling with adsorbent tubes once a month during seven occasions within a time period of 1 year. Automated analyses were carried Out on-line work-up with thermal desorption directly connected to a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. The effect of different
Implementing Basque Grammar on the Computer
Kliniska kriterier bästa stöd för diagnosen lätt till måttlig artros. Symtomen, inte röntgenundersökningen, styr valet av behandling
No generally accepted definition of osteoarthritis exists. Traditionally, the diagnosis is obtained by radiographic examination but different definitions are used for different purposes. Since no causal treatment exists, treatment is aiming at reducing symptoms and improving function. The correlation between radiographic features of osteoarthritis and symptoms is poor. Thus, it is recommended that
Keto- and acetyl-keto-boswellic acids inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in Hep G2 cells via a caspase-8 dependent pathway.
Boswellic acids are the compounds isolated from the gum resin of Boswellia serrata and have been used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases for many years in the countries of the east. Recently, a few studies showed that the acids may have anti-cancer effect on leukemia and brain tumours. We investigated the apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of two types of boswellic acids, keto-beta-b
Action spectra for conversions of phycochrome c from Nostoc-muscorum
The reversibly photochromic pigment, phycochrome c, was extracted from the blue-green alga Nostoc muscorum strain A. Action spectra were determined for in vitro conversions of the pigment from the short wavelength to the long wavelength form and vice versa. The action peak for the absorbance decrease at 650 nm is at 630 nm. During this decrease there is only a slight increase of the absorbance in
Approximation Algorithms for Geometric Networks
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det huvudsakliga bidraget i denna avhandling är approximationsalgoritmer för flera problem inom beräkningsgeometri. Den underliggande strukturen för de flesta problemen är ett geometriskt nätverk. Ett geometriskt nätverk är, i sin mest abstrakta form, en mängd noder parvis kopplade med en kant, sådan att vikten på denna kant är lika med det Euklidiska (geometriska) avstThe main contribution of this thesis is approximation algorithms for several computational geometry problems. The underlying structure for most of the problems studied is a geometric network. A geometric network is, in its abstract form, a set of vertices, pairwise connected with an edge, such that the weight of this connecting edge is the Euclidean distance between the pair of points connected. S
Ventiler och Pumpar
How the Co-C bond is cleaved in coenzyme B-12 enzymes: A theoretical study
The homolytic cleavage of the organometallic Co-C bond in vitamin B-12-dependent enzymes is accelerated by a factor of similar to 10(12) in the protein compared to that of the isolated cofactor in aqueous solution. To understand this much debated effect, we have studied the Co-C bond cleavage in the enzyme glutamate mutase with combined quantum and molecular mechanics methods. We show that the cal
Incretin hormones and insulin secretion.
Changes related to age and cerebrovascular symptoms in the extracellular matrix of human carotid plaques.
Chemical effects on cement mortar of calcium magnesium acetate as a deicing salt
Two different products of calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) were tested. Their molar ratios, View the MathML source, were 1.26 and 0.91 respectively. Both products were used as concentrated solutions. In addition, the 0.91 product was also used in a solution, which was diluted so that its freezing point depression was as great as that of a 3 percent (by mass) sodium chloride solution. — Prisms of 0.
Sexual risk behavior in women with cervical human papillomavirus infection
In a study of 972 women, sexual characteristics of 66 women with a cervical human papillomavirus infection (CHPI) were compared to the remaining study population. Among a number of sexual variables that were significantly correlated with CHPI were number of lifetime sexual partners, short partnerships, many recent partners, infidelity, casual travel sex, sexual debut abroad, oral and anal sex, and
Prognostic value of systolic ankle and toe blood pressure levels in outcome of diabetic foot ulcer
The prognostic value of distal blood pressure measurements has been studied in 314 consecutive diabetic patients with foot ulcers. Systolic toe blood pressure was measured with a strain-gauge technique, and ankle pressure was measured with strain-gauge or Doppler techniques. Wound healing was defined as intact skin for at least 6 mo. One hundred ninety-seven patients healed primarily, 77 had amput
Mångkulturell bildning - om lärande och liv i folkbildningens värld
Air - for Health and Comfort, An Analysis of HVAC Systems' Performance in Theory and Practice
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet är att dels studera olika ventilationssystems förmåga att tillföra och föra bort luftflöden. Den andra delen av syftet är att studera konstruktionskriterier och energi användning för ett variabelflödessystem baserat på konstanttryckshållning av det statiska trycket på grenkanalnivå och som endast tillför uteluft. Ventilationssystemens luftflöden studeras med hjälOne part of the objective is to analyze how different ventilation systems perform in practice when it comes to supplying and exhausting designed air flow in different outdoor and indoor conditions. The other part is to analyze the design criterias and the energy use of a variable air volume system based on controlled static pressure at the branch duct level and supplying outdoor air only. To inves