Din sökning på "*" gav 534793 sökträffar
Discovery and refinement of loci associated with lipid levels
Levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol are heritable, modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease. To identify new loci and refine known loci influencing these lipids, we examined 188,577 individuals using genome-wide and custom genotyping arrays. We identify and annotate 157 loci associated with
C4b-Binding Protein: A Forgotten Factor in Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Blood coagulation and complement pathways are two important natural defense systems. The high affinity interaction between the anticoagulant vitamin K-dependent protein S and the complement regulator C4b-binding protein (C4BP) is a direct physical link between the two systems. In human plasma, similar to 70% of total protein S circulates in complex with C4BP; the remaining is free. The anticoagula
Evaluation of immune cell markers in tumor tissue treated with radioimmunotherapy in an immunocompetent rat colon carcinoma model.
Immune cells within the tumor can act either to promote growth or rejection of tumor cells. The aim of the present study was to evaluate immune cell markers (number and localization) within the tumor before and during rejection due to radioimmunotherapy, to determine whether there is a change in markers related to rejection and/or tolerance of the tumor cells.
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Review of "Heretics: Adventures with the Enemies of Science" by Will Storr
Experimental Aspects of Topical Haemostatic Agents
Control of haemorrhage is vital in all operative settings. As complement to traditional surgical haemostatic techniques, a heterogeneous collection of absorbable substances with haemostatic capacity have been developed; topical haemostatic agents. The widespread variety of the products and the study-populations (clinical or experimental) make interpretation of previously performed studies difficul
Inhibition of delta-protein kinase C by delcasertib as an adjunct to primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: results of the PROTECTION AMI Randomized Controlled Trial
Aims Delcasertib is a selective inhibitor of delta-protein kinase C (delta-PKC), which reduced infarct size during ischaemia/reperfusion in animal models and diminished myocardial necrosis and improved reperfusion in a pilot study during primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Methods and results A multicentre, double-blind trial was perform
Kristendomen har en ny plats på schemat
A planning palimpsest: neoliberal planning in a welfare state tradition
In this article, we analyse the evolution and transformation of Danish spatial planning from its tentative origins in liberalist politics, through its rise as a central feature of the welfare state project, to its more recent entrepreneurial forms in a context of neoliberalisation. The article demonstrates how transformations of Danish spatial planning discourses and practices must be understood i
Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Lake Poopo Basin, Bolivia
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a relatively new approach in Bolivia. However, it is now generally accepted that this approach needs to be established in order to find sustainable solutions for development and is actively promoted by the Water Ministry, especially in environmentally fragile regions, such as the Lake Poopo basin. The Lake Poopo basin is one of the poorest regions in
Rapid Enzymatic Response to Compensate UV Radiation in Copepods
Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) causes physical damage to DNA, carboxylation of proteins and peroxidation of lipids in copepod crustaceans, ubiquitous and abundant secondary producers in most aquatic ecosystems. Copepod adaptations for long duration exposures include changes in behaviour, changes in pigmentation and ultimately changes in morphology. Adaptations to short-term exposures are little studi
Rotation of Water in Solid Parahydrogen and Orthodeuterium.
The far-infrared spectra of solid orthodeuterium and solid normal deuterium are presented and compared to the corresponding spectra of solid parahydrogen and solid normal hydrogen. Spectra of water in orthodeuterium are compared to spectra of water in parahydrogen. The water rotation constants in orthodeuterium are approximately 80% of the rotation constants of water in parahydrogen. The S(0)(0) b
WINROP Identifies Severe Retinopathy of Prematurity at an Early Stage in a Nation-Based Cohort of Extremely Preterm Infants
Objective: To evaluate the ability of a postnatal weight-gain algorithm (WINROP) to identify sight-threatening retinopathy of prematurity (ROP type 1) in a nation-based extremely preterm infant cohort. Methods: This study enrolled all 707 live-born extremely preterm (gestational age [GA]
Nordisk Lichenologisk Förenings 20e exkursion i Vadstena, Östergötland, 11-15 augusti 2013.
Vartannat år anordnar Nordisk Lichenologisk Förening en exkursion, vanligen till något av medlemsländerna. 2013 var det Sveriges tur att vara värdland. Den första exkursionen gick till Saxnäs i Lappland och nu den 20e till Vadstena. Läs denna ingående rapport från arrangemanget.
Phenotypic Expression of ADAMTS13 in Glomerular Endothelial Cells
Background: ADAMTS13 is the physiological von Willebrand factor (VWF)-cleaving protease. The aim of this study was to examine ADAMTS13 expression in kidneys from ADAMTS13 wild-type (Adamts13(+/+)) and deficient (Adamts13(-/-)) mice and to investigate the expression pattern and bioactivity in human glomerular endothelial cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: Immunohistochemistry was performed on k
Measurement of inelastic, single- and double-diffraction cross sections in proton-proton collisions at the LHC with ALICE
Measurements of cross sections of inelastic and diffractive processes in proton-proton collisions at LHC energies were carried out with the ALICE detector. The fractions of diffractive processes in inelastic collisions were determined from a study of gaps in charged particle pseudorapidity distributions: for single diffraction (diffractive mass M-X < 200 GeV/c(2)) sigma(SD)/sigma(INEL) = 0.21 +/-
Atypical femoral fractures are a separate entity, characterized by highly specific radiographic features. A comparison of 59 cases and 218 controls
Background: Estimations of the risk of bisphosphonate associated atypical femoral fractures vary between different population-based studies, from considerable to neglectable. A possible explanation for these discrepancies could be different definitions of atypical fractures. We aimed to identify specific radiographic fracture characteristics associated with bisphosphonate use. Methods: In a previo
Radiotherapy in Early Breast Cancer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bröstcancer är den vanligaste maligna sjukdomen hos kvinnor i världen. Årligen insjuknar mer än 7300 kvinnor i Sverige, vilket innebär nästan 30 % av all kvinnlig cancer. Mer än 80 000 kvinnor i Sverige är friska efter att ha blivit behandlade för bröstcancer, och cirka 3000 kvinnor lever med återfall av sjukdomen. Prognosen har förbättrats de senaste decennierna, delviRadiotherapy (RT) after mastectomy has been part of the treatment for early breast cancer since the 1940s. The treatment reduces the risk of loco-regional recurrences, but implies risk of late side effects that can begin decades after RT. Aims of the thesis were: - To analyse the long term effects of postmastectomy radiotherapy and systemic treatment for 1100 stage II breast cancer patients in t
The Effect of Postadded Ethylene Glycol Surfactants on DNA-Cationic Surfactant/Water Mesophases.
The addition of amphiphiles grafted with polyethylene glycol units to constructs of DNA-amphiphiles is of most relevance for applications demanding colloidal stability. In this work, we study the self-assembly behavior of a true ternary mixture comprising (i) an electroneutral complex of DNA and a cationic surfactant (dodecyltrimethylammonium, DTA), (ii) water, and (iii) nonionic surfactant (dodec