

Din sökning på "*" gav 534718 sökträffar

Branched-linear polyion complexes at variable charge densities

Structural behavior of complexes formed by a charged and branched copolymer and an oppositely charged and linear polyion was examined by Monte Carlo simulations employing a coarse-grained bead-spring model. The fractional bead charge and the branching density were systematically varied; the former between 0e and 1e and the latter such that both the comb-polymer and the bottle-brush limits were inc

HPV-16 E2 contributes to induction of HPV-16 late gene expression by inhibiting early polyadenylation.

We provide evidence that the human papillomavirus (HPV) E2 protein regulates HPV late gene expression. High levels of E2 caused a read-through at the early polyadenylation signal pAE into the late region of the HPV genome, thereby inducing expression of L1 and L2 mRNAs. This is a conserved property of E2 of both mucosal and cutaneous HPV types. Induction could be reversed by high levels of HPV-16

Forecasting risk of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE): Using data from wildlife and climate to predict next year's number of human victims

Background: Over the past quarter century, the incidence of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) has increased in most European nations. However, the number of humans stricken by the disease varies from year to year. A method for predicting major increases and decreases is needed. Methods: We assembled a 25-y database (1984-2008) of the number of human TBE victims and wildlife and climate data for the St

Introduction of total knee arthroplasty in Lithuania

Background and purpose We have previously reported that the first 10 years of hip arthroplasty in Lithuania resulted in a higher cumulative revision rate than that observed in Sweden. We thus compared the corresponding results after introduaction of total knee replacement in Lithuania. Methods The 10-year revision rate for the first 595 primary ScanKnee arthroplasties inserted in Klaipeda, Lithuan

Three-dimensionally preserved integument reveals hydrodynamic adaptations in the extinct marine lizard ectenosaurus (reptilia, mosasauridae).

The physical properties of water and the environment it presents to its inhabitants provide stringent constraints and selection pressures affecting aquatic adaptation and evolution. Mosasaurs (a group of secondarily aquatic reptiles that occupied a broad array of predatory niches in the Cretaceous marine ecosystems about 98-65 million years ago) have traditionally been considered as anguilliform l

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This paper is a discussion of the balance between two forms for the voter to express his/her opinions: to elect a representative in general elections and to take part in a referendum on a specific question. It deals with some of the problems in this relationship from the Swedish experience from the democratization around 1900 until today’s discussion. It also discusses the constitutional and legal

Surfactants modify the release from tablets made of hydrophobically modified poly (acrylic acid)

Many novel pharmaceutically active substances are characterized by a high hydrophobicity and a low water solubility, which present challenges for their delivery as drugs. Tablets made from cross-linked hydrophobically modified poly (acrylic acid) (CLHMPAA), commercially available as Pemulen™, have previously shown promising abilities to control the release of hydrophobic model substances. This stu

The influence of fracture on activity, social participation and quality of life among older adults. Results from the population study Good Ageing in Skåne.

The aims of this thesis where the target population has been older adults suffering from osteoporosis related fractures were firstly to study the association between functional impairment due to pain, and activity expressed as walking speed (WS) and Timed Get up and-Go (TUG), and to examine the associations between functional impairment and social participation (SP) and quality of life (QoL). Seco

An approach of coupling topographic indices to dynamic ecosystem modelling

The dynamic ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS combines sophisticated plant physiological and biogeochemical processes and has been successfully used in predicting vegetation dynamics at different scales. However, the water cycling is limited to vertical water movement between the atmosphere plant-soil. Thus we have developed an enhanced version of LPJ-GUESS (called LPJ-DH) by coupling water routing and la

Comparison of Moisturizing Creams for the Prevention of Atopic Dermatitis Relapse: A Randomized Double-blind Controlled Multicentre Clinical Trial

Atopic dermatitis (AD) affects adults and children and has a negative impact on quality of life. The present multicentre randomized double-blind controlled trial showed a barrier-improving cream (5% urea) to be superior to a reference cream in preventing eczema relapse in patients with AD (hazard ratio 0.634, p = 0.011). The risk of eczema relapse was reduced by 37% (95% confidence interval (95% C

Escalation: Explorative studies of high-risk situations from the theoretical perspectives of complexity and joint cognitive systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish I högrisksystem såsom sjukvården är det frestande att härleda såväl framgång som motgång till enskilda individer. Vi prisar hjälten Dr. House för framgångssagor och vi drar syndabocken SOS-sköterskan inför domstol för att inte ha uppfattat allvaret i en specifik situation. Den enskildes professionalitet, erfarenhet och klokskap används som förklaringsmodeller för framgåThe main aim of the research is to explore different aspects of organisational resilience in escalating situations, with an investigation of both theoretical and practical implications. From the platform of an explorative approach, this study makes use of naturalistic research in the domain of health care and experimental simulation studies, in order to establish a broad theoretical framework vis-

The child with tension-type headache. Physical factors and interactive interventions

Popular Abstract in Danish Børn og især piger med spændingshovedpine (på engelsk tension-type headache,TTH) har en høj forekomst på verdensplan og betyder for børnene en risiko for skolefravær, medicin over forbrug og vedvarende hovedpine. Den viden, der findes om fysiske faktorers sammenhæng med hovedpine, er begrænset, ligesom viden og dokumentation for interventioner er det. Det overordnede målTension-type headache (TTH) in children and especially girls is a prevalent problem worldwide, and means there is a risk of school absenteeism, medication overuse and persistent headache. Knowledge about the associated physical factors is limited, as is knowledge on evidence based interventions. The overall aim of this thesis was to examine the associations of physical factors with frequent or chr

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Artikel om Jan Karski, polsk motståndsman som informerade polska och amerikanska politiker om förintelsen och som efter andra världskriget var verksam som statsvetare i USA.

I historiekanons skugga : historieämne och identifikationsformering i 2000-talets mångkulturella samhälle

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sverige har i olika sammanhang beskrivits som ett land som präglas av så kallade mångkulturella sociala relationer. I avhandlingen I historiekanons skugga: Historieämnet och identifikationsformering i 2000-talets mångkulturella samhälle analyseras implikationer av framväxten av det så kallade mångkulturella samhället på historieämnet. Avhandlingens övergripande syfte ärSweden has on various occasions been described as a multicultural society. So-called multicultural social change has resulted in numerous implications regarding attitudes in respect of history as a subject taught at upper secondary schools. The aim of this study is to problematise the relationship between students' (ethnic) identification and their view of history as a subject. The study focuses o

Electronic Rearrangement upon the Hydrolyzation of Aqueous Formaldehyde Studied by Core-Electron Spectroscopies.

We have combined near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to study the electronic rearrangement associated with the hydrolyzation of formaldehyde to methanediol in aqueous solution. The spectra are contrasted against those of aqueous formamide and urea, which are structurally similar but do not undergo hydrolysis in solution. We hav

Solar radiation and human health

The Sun has played a major role in the development of life on Earth. In Western culture, people are warned against Sun exposure because of its adverse effects: erythema, photoimmunosuppression, photoageing, photocarcinogenesis, cataracts and photokeratitis. However, Sun exposure is also beneficial, since moderate doses give beneficial physiological effects: vitamin D synthesis, reduction of blood