

Din sökning på "*" gav 536957 sökträffar

Local convergence of proximal splitting methods for rank constrained problems

We analyze the local convergence of proximal splitting algorithms to solve optimization problems that are convex besides a rank constraint. For this, we show conditions under which the proximal operator of a function involving the rank constraint is locally identical to the proximal operator of its convex envelope, hence implying local convergence. The conditions imply that the non-convex algorith

DNA methylation mapping identifies gene regulatory effects in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

Objectives Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune condition with heterogeneous presentation and complex aetiology where DNA methylation changes are emerging as a contributing factor. In order to discover novel epigenetic associations and investigate their relationship to genetic risk for SLE, we analysed DNA methylation profiles in a large collection of patients with SLE and he

Omitting radiotherapy in women ≥ 65 years with low-risk early breast cancer after breast-conserving surgery and adjuvant endocrine therapy is safe

Purpose: The aim of this study was to verify if radiotherapy (RT) safely can be omitted in older women treated for estrogen-receptor positive early breast cancer with breast-conserving surgery (BCS) and endocrine therapy (ET). Patients and Methods: Eligibility criteria were: consecutive patients with age ≥65 years, BCS + sentinel node biopsy, clear margins, unifocal T1N0M0 breast cancer tumor, Els

Women's experience of midwife-led counselling and its influence on childbirth fear : A qualitative study

Background: Women with childbirth fear have been offered counseling by experienced midwives in Sweden for decades without evidence for its effectiveness, in terms of decrease in childbirth fear. Women are usually satisfied with the counselling. However, there is a lack of qualitative data regarding women's views about counselling for childbirth fear. Aim: To explore women's experiences of midwife-

The composite electrolyte with an insulation Sm2O3 and semiconductor NiO for advanced fuel cells

Novel Sm2O3−NiO composite was prepared as the functional electrolyte for the first time. The total electrical conductivity of Sm2O3−NiO is 0.38 S cm−1 in H2/air condition at 550 °C. High performance, e.g. 718 mW cm−2, was achieved using Sm2O3−NiO composite as an electrolyte of solid oxide fuel cells operated at 550 °C. The electrical properties and electrochemical performance are strongly depended

The Japanese skeleton shrimp Caprella mutica (Amphipoda: Caprellidae) in Sweden (Eastern Skagerrak).

The Japanese skeleton shrimp Caprella mutica, originally from the north-west Pacific, artificially introduced to many parts of the world, is recorded in Sweden for the first time. The new record is from Eastern Skagerrak, slightly north of the border between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. A detailed morphological description of the specimens from Swedish waters with notes on habitat is presente

High-redshift AGN in the Chandra Deep Fields : The obscured fraction and space density of the sub-L* population

We investigate the population of high-redshift (3≤z < 6) active galactic nuclei (AGN) selected in the two deepest X-ray surveys, the 7 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South and 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North. Their outstanding sensitivity and spectral characterization of faint sources allow us to focus on the sub-L* regime (logLX ≲ 44), poorly sampled by previous works using shallower data, and the obscured

Parameter studies on optimal absorption and electrophoretic resonances in lossy media

This paper summarizes and elaborates on some new results on the optimal absorption in small spherical suspensions based on electrophoretic (plasmonic) resonances and lossy surrounding media. The main application here is to study the physical limitations for radio frequency absorption in gold nanoparticle (GNP) suspensions and its potential to achieve GNP targeted hyperthermia in cancer therapy. Nu

Every day peace: the ignored role of Civil Society in the Syrian Uprising

This paper discusses the role of civil society in the Syrian war between 2012 and 2016, specifically in the so-called "liberated areas" under the control of the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian opposition. A postdoctoral research project of Copenhagen University between 2014 and 2016, has investigated the role of citizen video journalists and peaceful activists in the Syrian uprisings. Responding t

Limited immune surveillance in lymphoid tissue by cytolytic CD4+ T cells during health and HIV disease

CD4+ T cells subsets have a wide range of important helper and regulatory functions in the immune system. Several studies have specifically suggested that circulating effector CD4+ T cells may play a direct role in control of HIV replication through cytolytic activity or autocrine β-chemokine production. However, it remains unclear whether effector CD4+ T cells expressing cytolytic molecules and β

Motion induced interplay effects for VMAT radiotherapy

The purpose of this study was to develop a method to simulate breathing motion induced interplay effects for volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT), to verify the proposed method with measurements, and to use the method to investigate how interplay effects vary with different patient- and machine specific parameters. VMAT treatment plans were created on a virtual phantom in a treatment planning s

CaSO4 deactivated V2O5-WO3/TiO2 SCR catalyst for a diesel power plant. Characterization and simulation of the kinetics of the SCR reactions

The deactivation of a diesel SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) catalyst by impregnation with CaSO4 was studied. The loss in activity after 2729 h of use on the engine was lower than when deactivated by impregnation. This was the case even if the amount of Ca in the catalyst was high after use on the engine. In the used catalyst a surface layer of CaSO4 was built up on the monolith during use. Th

Migration of all-polyethylene compared with metal-backed tibial components in cemented total knee arthroplasty : A randomized controlled trial

Background and purpose — With a rapidly increasing population in need of total knee arthroplasty (TKA), there is renewed interest in cost-saving all-polyethylene designs. Differences between metal-backed and all-polyethylene designs in initial component migration assessed by radiostereometric analysis (RSA), a proven predictor for late aseptic loosening, have been scantily reported. The purpose of

Spatial vision in diverse invertebrates

Förmågan att uppfatta ljus och vilken riktning det kommer från är utomordentligt användbart för djur. Därför är det inte förvånande att denna förmåga återfinns hos i stort sett varje större djurgrupp, även bland de som anses enkla, såsom koraller och spolmaskar. Endast några få djurgrupper har dock, under evolutionens gång, utvecklat verkligt bra ögon som snabbt kan identifiera objekt av djurens eLight-detection provides incomparabaly rapid information at a range of time scales and, consequently, directional photoreception is found in almost every major metazoan clade. Conversely, a much smaller cohort have evolved sophisticated high resolution vision, which facillitates complex tasks via the detection of fast or small objects,. such as courtship and high-speed pursuit of prey. A few such

Customer value in self-service kiosks: a systematic literature review

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a cohesive overview of the available self-service and customer value literature, identify customer value in self-service kiosks (SSKs), and analyze this value from the customer experience perspective.Design/methodology/approach – The study comprises a systematic literature review of available works on customer value.Findings – The paper presents co

Molecular Characterization of Bladder Cancer Subtypes

Bladder cancer is one of the most common malignancies world-wide, and in Sweden approximately 3000 cases are diagnosed annually. Even though bladder cancer is so common there is low public awareness of the disease, and it has historically been less studied compared to other common types of cancer. This is reflected in the fact that both the treatment methods and outcome for patients have remained