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Graphical Languages for Enterprise Control
The Days of Immanuel: Good Tidings or Bad News?
Bicyclic Ligands and Catalysts in Asymmetric Synthesis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Asymmetrisk katalys är ett omfattande forskningsområde där ett flertal olika typer av enantioselektiva katalysatorer har utvecklats och använts i en mängd olika kemiska reaktioner med varierande resultat. Det finns ingen katalysator som fungerar lika väl i alla applikationer, utan resultaten varierar från fall till fall och för vissa typer av substrat behövs det därför Synthesis of compounds based on the structurally rigid bicyclo[2.2.2]octane and the dibenzobicyclo[3.3.1]nonane frameworks and also their application as ligands and catalysts in asymmetric synthesis are described. For the synthesis of 1,3-diols based on the bicyclo[2.2.2]octane framework, an improved synthesis of the starting material bicyclo[2.2.2]octan-2,6-dione was developed and performed at 0
Tooth wear in wild boar (Sus scrofa).
In order to study the limitations and possibilities of age estimation based on tooth wear of skeletal remains from wild boar, 315 mandibles from five different populations of wild boar from Poland, Germany and Sweden were analysed. Asymmetric tooth wear between the right and left mandibles was found to be rare and no systematic difference in tooth wear between males and females (less than 36 month
Wideband Reconfigurable Capacitive shunt-feedback LNA in 65nm CMOS
A differential LNA using capacitive shunt feedback is demonstrated in 65nm CMOS. The capacitive shunt feedback structure gives a wideband input matching, S11 ;44dBm for high band.
High GAD65 autoantibody levels in nondiabetic adults are associated with HLA but not with CTLA-4 or INS VNTR.
OBJECTIVES: To explore the relationship between genetic background and antibody levels in a nondiabetic population. We evaluated if high levels of autoantibodies against the 65 kDa isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65Ab), were associated with high-risk genes, i.e. HLA, CTLA-4 and INS VNTR genes. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: Seventy-five (M/F 39/36) subjects exceeding the 95th percentile of GAD65
Vanitas vanitatum. Fåfänglighetsmotivet i konsten och livskänslan
Policy Development in a Non-OECD Context Energy Efficiency Policy for Argentine Buildings
Energy efficiency has gained attention as an important means of ensuring energy supply, fostering countries’ competitiveness and cost-effectively mitigating CO2 emissions. Yet, evaluations of energy efficiency policies are often lacking or insufficient. Moreover, researchers have tended to overlook these types of policies in non-OECD countries, although at this very moment many of these countries
T cell Recognition of Type II Collagen - A Cartilage Glycoprotein of Importance for Autoimmune Arthritis
Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) is a T cell-dependent autoimmune disease that serves as an animal model for human rheumatoid arthritis. CIA can be induced in H-2q mice by a single immunization with the cartilage-specific protein type II collagen (CII). This study has focused on CII immunity and tolerance with respect to the interactions between antigen, antigen-presenting cells and T cells. CIA-r
A Framework for providing QoS routing in MANETs
The aim of this work is to propose a framework for providing QoS routing in MANETs. The proposed framework uses local information of nodes such as node's speed, buffer, and power to select path for routing. Deploying these information, more stable paths are selected and hence QoS routing parameter could be satisfied. Moreover, routing performance has been improved, especially in terms of end-to-en
Innovation and productivity growth in the Swedish pharmaceutical industry during times of change
Religionsrättens källor och metoder: konflikt och konvergens: nordisk rättskultur i mötet med den europeiska utmaningen: seminarium vid Roskilde Universitetscenter 14. maj 2003
Inhibitors of Human and Malaria Parasite Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase
Popular Abstract in Swedish Pyrimidiner är DNA-byggstenar som är essentiella för cellens överlevnad och delning. I mänskliga celler finns pyrimidiner att tillgå antingen genom återupptag eller genom biosyntes (nysyntes). Biosyntesen av pyrimidiner sker i flera steg och i ett av dem spelar enzymet Dihydroorotat dehydrogenas (DHODH) en avgörande roll genom att katalysera en oxidationsreaktion. När cIn the first part of the PhD work, small chemical entities (fragments) found to inhibit human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH), were chemically optimized. As part of an ample program at Active Biotech to find new drugs against autoimmune diseases, expanded fragments were repeatedly designed, synthesized and evaluated in a human DHODH assay. Potent inhibitors were identified within three classe
No title
Abstract in German Als Daniel Hartmann 1907 beim Sandschaufeln in der Sandgrube Grafenrain auf den Unterkiefer des Homo heidelbergensis stieß, war die Lokalität Mauer bereits für ihre Fossilfunde in der Paläontologie weithin bekannt. Sie zählte mit Mosbach bei Wiesbaden, Jockgrim (Pfalz) sowie Taubach, Ehringsdorf und Süßenborn bei Weimar schon im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert zu den maßgebenden
The Battle of the Muses: Language policies and literary polemics in 17th Century Sweden
Abstract not available.
Enzymatic treatment of wastewater sludge. Sludge solubilisation, improvement of anaerobic digestion and extraction of extracellular polymeric substances.
The processing and disposal of sludge from wastewater treatment plants is an important topic of increasing environmental, ecological, technological, economic and social concern. The large amounts of sludge produced represent an urgent problem today, new treatment methods being very much needed. Reducing the volume of sludge can be achieved either by decreasing the amounts of it produced during the
En skattkammare av människoöden. Universitetsbibliotekets brevsamlingar.
On Discrete-Event Simulation and Integration in the Manufacturing System Development Process
Popular Abstract in Swedish Diskret händelsebaserad simulering av tillverkningssystem är sällan använd i utvecklingsprocessen av tillverkningssystem. Många gånger dras slutsatsen att analyser som involverar simulering i sig själv ger ökade kostnader. Detta synsätt är inte korrekt eftersom analyser måste göras ändå. I denna avhandling visas på metoder att utnyttja simuleringstekniken genom tillverkDES is seldom used in the manufacturing system development process, instead it is usually used to cure problems in existent systems. This has the effect that the simulation study alone is considered being the cost driver for the analysis of the manufacturing system. It is argued that this is not a entirely correct view since the analysis has to be performed anyway, and the cost directly related to