

Din sökning på "*" gav 529590 sökträffar

Nerve Regeneration In Nerve Grafts Conditioned By Vibration Exposure

Regeneration distances were studied in nerves from vibration-exposed limbs. One hind limb of anaesthetized rats was attached to a vibration exciter and exposed to vibration (80 Hz/32 m/s2) for 5 h/day for 2 or 5 days. Seven days after the latest period a 10-mm long nerve graft was taken from the vibrated sciatic nerve and sutured into a corresponding defect in the contralateral sciatic nerve and v

Hypoxia and breast cancer: prognostic and therapeutic implications

Hypoxia affects many important processes in tumour progression and is a key feature in the tumour microenvironment that needs to be taken into account when evaluating prognostics and therapeutic options for cancer patients. Hypoxia-regulating proteins, i.e. hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs), and associated gene products have been linked to certain tumour behaviours and might be useful as prognostic

A comparison between mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete and the corresponding properties of normal concrete

An experimental and numerical study on mechanical properties, such as strength, elastic modulus, creep and shrinkage, of Self-Compacting Concrete, SCC, and the corresponding properties of Normal Compacting concrete, NC, is outlined in this article. The study included eight mix proportions of sealed or air-cured specimens with water-binder ratio, w/b, varying between 0.24 and 0.80. Half of the mixe

Kinesin gene variability may affect tau phosphorylation in early Alzheimer's disease

Kinesin is a microtubule-associated motor protein that transports Alzheimer-associated amyloid precursor protein (APP) in neurons. In animal models, impaired kinesin-mediated APP transport seems to enhance formation of the neurotoxic 42 amino acid fragment of beta-amyloid (A beta 42). In man, one study suggests that a polymorphism (rs8702, 56,836G > C) in the kinesin light chain 1 gene (KNS2) may

An educational tool for demonstrating the TOF-PET technique

A detector system for positron emission tomography with time-of-flight capability has been built to serve as an educational tool for undergraduate students. The set-up consists of 48 BaF2 scintillator crystals, each coupled to a fast photo-multiplier tube, mounted in a circular geometry. The analogue detector pulses are handled by fast constant fraction discriminators. A dedicated unit reduces the

Astrophysical lasers operating in optical Fe II lines in stellar ejecta of η Carinae

After the discovery of space masers based on OH radicals (Weaver et al.cite{Wea65}) and H2O (Cheung et al. cite{Che69}) such microwavelasers have been found to work in more than 100 molecular species(Elitzur cite{Eli92}; Townes cite{Tow97}), as well as in highlyexcited H atoms (Strelnitski et al. cite{Str96}). In the IR region (10mum), the effect of stimulated emission of radiation in the CO2molec

Evaluation of long-term mating disruption of Ephestia kuehniella and Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in indoor storage facilities by pheromone traps and monitoring of relative aerial concentrations of pheromones

The potential for pheromone-based mating disruption (MD) of Ephestia kuehniella (Walker) and Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was investigated in two flour mills and a pet food distributor. Plastic sachets emitting 2–3 mg per d ( Z, E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate, the major pheromone component of both moth species, were used as MD dispensers, which were applied in grid syst

Hydrophobic interaction chromatography of fibroblast proteoglycans

We have investigated the hydrophobic properties of human skin fibroblast proteoglycans and related material by affinity chromatography on Octyl-Sepharose CL-4B in 4 M guanidinium hydrochloride (GdnHCl). Proteoglycans and related material could be separated into non-, medium and highly hydrophobic forms by elution with gradients of Triton X-100 in 4 M Gdn HCl. The non-hydrophobic material included

Lidar Techniques for Environmental Monitoring

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ljus kan beskrivas som en elektromagnetisk våg och har då en viss våglängd. Färgen på ljuset förändras beroende på våglängden. Av det synliga ljuset har violett ljus den kortaste våglängden och rött ljus den längsta. Det finns även elektromagnetisk strålning utanför det synliga området, från Röntgenstrålning till radiovågor. Det vi kallar det optiska området sträcker siAtoms and molecules absorb and emit light at certain, welldefined wavelengths, and this forms the basis of spectroscopy. The wavelengths are given by the discrete energy levels of the atoms/molecules. When illuminated by light of a suitable wavelength, the light will be absorbed, making it possible to deduce information on the presence and concentration of various elements and compounds. When ato

To be or not to be, unraveling molecular mechanisms for lineage decisions in developing blood cells

All hematopoietic cells originate from hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) residing in the BM. The process of differentiation, through which HSCs generate progenitors and subsequently mature blood cells has been extensively studied but many of the regulatory mechanisms involved remains elusive. The classical model for hematopoiesis has been established based on the identification of common myeloid prec

“Stop Whining and Get on with the Basic Business of Being British”: Notes on Robin Wood, Canada and the Concept of National Film Culture

After emigrating from England to Canada in the late 1970s, Robin Wood gained wide recognition as a major “Canadian” film critic, but he was criticized by some for his luke-warm response to the cinema of his adopted country. That response can be traced, in part, to the influence of the English literary critic F.R. Levis, but also to intellectual trends and cultural preferences Wood shared with othe

Jet structure from dihadron correlations in d+Au collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV

Dihadron correlations at high transverse momentum p(T) in d+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV at midrapidity are measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. From these correlations, we extract several structural characteristics of jets: the root-mean-squared transverse momentum of fragmenting hadrons with respect to the jet root < j(T)(2)>, the mean sine-squared of