

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

Von Willebrand's disease: clinical management

The aim of treatment of von Willebrand's disease (VWD) is to correct the dual defect of haemostasis, i.e. the abnormal platelet adhesion due to reduced and/or dysfunctional von Willebrand factor (VWF) and the abnormal coagulation expressed by low levels of factor VIII (FVIII). Desmopressin (DDAVP) is the treatment of choice for type 1 VWD because it can induce release of normal VWF from cellular c

Clinical characteristics and biological parameters in temperamental clusters of suicide attempters

A sample of 215 suicide attempters was categorized in a cluster analysis into four groups according to temperamental trails. Monoamine metabolites in the cerebrospinal fluid were analysed (n = 106). Dexamethasone suppression tests (DST) were performed (n = 154) and the activity of the enzyme monoamine oxidase in platelets (pl-MAO) was assessed (n = 103). Patients belonging to the two clusters with

Colour perception in a dichromat

Most mammals have dichromatic colour vision based on two different types of cones: a short-wavelength-sensitive cone and a long-wavelength-sensitive cone. Comparing the signal from two cone types gives rise to a one-dimensional chromatic space when brightness is excluded. The so-called ‘neutral point’ refers to the wavelength that the animal cannot distinguish from achromatic light such as white o

Review of André Swanström, Separatistledare i 1700-talets Österbotten

Swanströms doktorsavhandling undersöker fyra aspekter på den separatistiska rörelsen i Österbotten utifrån Catharina Asplund, Abraham Achrenius, Johan Bullich och Friedrich Basilier. Avsnitten präglas av personernas anknytning till maktperspektiv, apokalyptik och själavård, uppror och mental ohälsa, resp. ekonomiska svårigheter. Förf. har bearbetat obeaktat material och kombinerat det med välbekan

The natural course of lateral clavicle fracture. 15 (11-21) year follow-up of 110 cases

110 patients with non-operated on fracture of the lateral end of the clavicle were reviewed on an average 15 years after the injury. There were 73 undislocated Neer Type I fractures, 23 dislocated Type II fractures and 14 intraarticular Type III fractures. The patients' age at trauma was 36 (2-71) years. At follow-up 95 shoulders were asymptomatic. 15 shoulders had moderate pain and dysfunction an

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering and fluorescence near metal nanoparticles

We present a general model study of surface-enhanced resonant Raman scattering and fluorescence, focusing on the interplay between electromagnetic (EM) effects and the molecular dynamics as treated by a density matrix calculation. The model molecule has two electronic levels, is affected by radiative and nonradiative damping mechanisms, and a Franck-Condon mechanism yields electron-vibration coupl

Influence of shear rate on the flux during ultrafiltration of colloidal substances

The shear rate at the surface of a membrane has a distinct influence on the membrane flux in systems containing colloidal substances. If the shear rate is decreased, flux decreases since the thickness of the boundary layer of retained solutes at the membrane surface then increases. When low molecular solutes are used, flux increases again when the shear rate is increased. However, if large solutes

Asbestos, cement, and cancer in the right part of the colon

OBJECTIVE--The aim was to investigate associations between exposure to mineral fibres and dust, and cancer in subsites within the large bowel. DESIGN--Pooled retrospective cohort studies. SUBJECTS AND SETTINGS--Blue collar workers, employed for at least one year in different trades; asbestos cement or cement workers (n = 2507), other industrial workers (n = 3965), and fishermen (n = 8092). MAIN OU

Industrial Symbiosis - A Tool for More Sustainable Regions?

Popular Abstract in Swedish Dagens industriella system är inte långsiktigt hållbara. För detta behövs bland annat fundamentala förändringar av hur samhällets resurser används. Detta gäller den totala volymen som förbrukas men också vilka ämnen som sätts i omlopp i samhället. Därutöver behövs ett mer rättvist utnyttjande av dessa resurser. Industriell ekologi är den vetenskap som studerar de förändToday's industrial systems are regarded to have unsustainable characteristics. In order to acquire a more sustainable state, fundamental changes are needed in the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the resource flows associated with such systems. These need to go hand in hand with a more equitable distribution of the benefits and burdens associated with such resource use. The identification a

Inhibition effects of furfural on alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase.

The kinetics of furfural inhibition of the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; EC, aldehyde dehydrogenase (AlDH; EC and the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex were studied in vitro. At a concentration of less than 2 mM furfural was found to decrease the activity of both PDH and AlDH by more than 90%, whereas the ADH activity decreased by less than 20% at the same concentration.

A Late Weichselian Stable-Isotope Stratigraphy Compared with Biostratigraphical Data - A Case-Study from Southern Sweden

Late Weichselian lake sediments from a site in southern Sweden, were analysed for stable carbon and oxygen isotopes, as well as plant macrofossils and insect remains. By comparison of independent data sets, general climatic changes were demonstrated. Lithological, chemical and stable isotope data reveal two significant climatic oscillations at ca. 12 200-12 000 and ca. 11 000-10 200 yr BP respecti

A robust method for ECG-Based estimation of the respiratory frequency during stress testing

A robust method is presented for electrocardiogram (ECG)-based estimation of the respiratory frequency during stress testing. Such ECGs contain highly nonstationary noise and exhibit changes in QRS morphology which, when combined with the dynamic nature of the respiratory frequency, make most existing methods break down. The present method exploits the oscillatory pattern of the rotation angles of

CNI-1493, an inhibitor of proinflammatory cytokines, retards cartilage destruction in rats with collagen induced arthritis

Objective: To investigate if administration of CNI-1493, an inhibitor of the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and NO, protects against development of joint destruction in collagen induced arthritis ( CIA) in rats. Methods: In a placebo controlled experiment, CNI-1493 was given once daily intraperitoneally after onset of clinical arthritis in DA rats. Disease progression was studied by clinic

Aluminum complexation suppresses citrate uptake by acid forest soil microorganisms

Organo-mineral interactions have been hypothesized to play a major role in biogeochemical cycling and pedogenesis in some forest soils. These processes are likely to be controlled to some extent by their persistence in soil, however, the factors regulating their bioavailability remain poorly understood. Therefore, we investigated the microbial utilization of C-14-labeled citrate in glass bead fill

Mode of action of acidocin D20079, a bacteriocin produced by the potential probiotic strain, Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079

Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 is the producer of a novel bacteriocin termed acidocin D20079. In this paper, mode of action using three various concentrations of acidocin D20079 (2,048, 128 and 11.3 AU/ml) was determined against an indicator strain L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis DSM 20076. These concentrations all led to marked decreases in both the number of viable cells and in optical density

Experimental Details of the Stopped Beam RISING Campaign

The RISING (Rare ISotope INvestigations at GSI) project constitutes a major pan-european initiative to study nuclear structure in exotic nuclei. A brief outline of the technical details specific to studies of isomeric decays following relativistic projectile fragmentation reactions is presented.