Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar
Flexibility in daily travel routines causes regional variation in bird migration speed
We used novel Global Positioning System-based satellite telemetry to reconstruct daily time budgets on travelling days of a long-distance migrant, the Osprey Pandion haliaetus, to reveal how landscape affects migratory performance. We compared daily travel routines between the Ospreys' passage of Europe and the Sahara. In Europe, where feeding habitat is abundant, Ospreys fed both before-after fli
Targeting Expression of the Leukemogenic PML-RAR alpha Fusion Protein by Lentiviral Vector-Mediated Small Interfering RNA Results in Leukemic Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) results from a chromosomal translocation that gives rise to the leukemogenic fusion protein PML-RAR alpha (promyelocytic leukemia-retinoic acid alpha receptor). Differentiation of leukemic cells and complete remission of APL are achieved by treatment of patients with pharmacological doses of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), making APL a model disease for different
Coulomb excitation of In-107
The radioactive isotope In-107 was studied using sub-barrier Coulomb excitation at the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. Two gamma rays were observed during the experiment, corresponding to the low-lying 11/2(+) and 3/2(-)states. The reduced transition probability of the 11/2(+) state was determined with the semiclassical Coulomb excitation code GOSIA2. The result is discussed in comparison to large-sc
Robotic Assembly Using a Singularity-Free Orientation Representation Based on Quaternions
New robotic applications often require physical interaction between the robot and its environment. To this purpose, external sensors might be needed, as well as a suitable way to specify the tasks. One complication that might cause problems in the task execution is orientation representation singularities. In this paper quaternions are used as a singularity-free orientation representation within t
Increasing thermoelectric performance using coherent transport
We show that coherent electron transport through zero-dimensional systems can be used to tailor the shape of the system's transmission function. This quantum-engineering approach can be used to enhance the performance of quantum dots or molecules in thermal-to-electric power conversion. Specifically, we show that electron interference in a two-level system can substantially improve the maximum the
The housing environment of people with severe mental illness
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bostäder med särskild service som upplevs ge möjlighet till socialt umgänge, avskildhet och återhämtning har positiva effekter på livskvaliteten hos människor med psykisk funktionsnedsättning. Vidare visar resultaten från denna avhandling att den visuella upplevelsen av miljön och upplevelsen av hemlikhet är betydelsefulla för att etablera en stödjande atmosfär. BoendemSupported housing facilities (SHF) are among the most common housing solutions for people with severe mental illness (SMI). A poor level of physical-environment qualities and the re-creation of institutional atmospheres in these settings have been found in recent studies. The research focus in the psychiatric field has, however, largely neglected these topics and the available knowledge does not p
Precipitation of AMP carbamate in CO2 absorption process
Mn-silicide nanostructures aligned on massively parallel silicon nano-ribbons
The growth of Mn nanostructures on a 1D grating of silicon nano-ribbons is investigated at atomic scale by means of scanning tunneling microscopy, low energy electron diffraction and core level photoelectron spectroscopy. The grating of silicon nano-ribbons represents an atomic scale template that can be used in a surface-driven route to control the combination of Si with Mn in the development of
Lecidea variegatula – ny för Norden
I lavbulletinen 2014:2 skrev Ulf om en skånsk hotspot för stenlavar och rapporterade också om en obestämd Lecidea. Den har nu blivit bestämd till L. variegatula och det visade sig att det var en ny art för Norden. Här beskrivs den kortfattat än en gång.
Giant cell tumor of bone The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group experience
Ventilation in situ after cardiac death improves pulmonary grafts exposed to 2 hours of warm ischemia
Background. The pulmonary donor pool would increase substantially if lungs could be donated after cardiac death (DCD). There have been ethical and legal obstacles since administration of heparin and cooling has to be done immediately after cardiac death. This study examines whether ventilation of DCD lungs without administering heparin or cooling the lungs after cardiac death could improve graft f
Mutual coupling reduction of two PIFAs with a T-shape slot impedance transformer for MIMO mobile terminals
Abstract in UndeterminedAn efficient technique is introduced to reduce mutual coupling between two closely spaced PIFAs for MIMO mobile terminals. The proposed mutual coupling reduction method is based on a T-shape slot impedance transformer and can be applied to both single-band and dual-band PIFAs. For the proposed single-band dual PIFAs, the 10 dB impedance bandwidth covers the 2.4 GHz WLAN ban
Computations of the Flow around a Wind Turbine: Grid Sensitivity Study and the Influence of Inlet Conditions
The flow around a complete model wind turbine is computed using LES and the immersed boundary method. The influence of inlet velocity profile and turbulence level is evaluated. The inlet velocity profile was found to have major influence in the upper regions of the flow field. The imposed turbulence level had no major influence on the turbulent spectra but it's effect is clearly seen on the genera
Characterization of shear and compaction bands in a porous sandstone deformed under triaxial compression
The study of localized deformation in porous sandstones at the laboratory scale can yield valuable insights into the internal structures and mechanisms of shear zones and compaction bands that might impact on flow at a reservoir scale. Herein, we report results of a laboratory study of shear and compaction band formation in a porous sandstone using a range of full-field experimental techniques: ac
User-driven housing solutions, methodological development, and empirical findings from the InnovAge projet.
A microscopic investigation of miR-34c and miR-205 in Prostate Cancer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Förr trodde man att de delar av genomet som inte uttrycks till proteiner är oviktiga, eftersom man trodde att det nästan uteslutande är proteinerna som utför de nödvändiga funktionerna i cellen. Man kände till att DNA och RNA innehåller information om hur proteiner ska se ut och när de ska uttryckas, men man kände bara till ett fåtal andra uppgifter som RNA har i cellenThe complex genetics of cancer allows tumors to grow and spread undeterred by the control mechanisms of the cell. The importance of protein-coding genes in tumorigenesis is well established. Recently, microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerge as key regulator of development and cellular processes such as differentiation, cell growth and cell death; processes closely linked to cancer. The aim of this thesis w
Is drinking alcohol associated with sexual coercion among Ugandan university students?: a cross-sectional study.
Sexual coercion is prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa and is a risk factor for unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and mental health problems. Alcohol consumption patterns have been suggested to be an important factor behind the experience of sexual coercion among university students.
A Closed Form Expression for the Exact Bit Error Probability for Viterbi Decoding of Convolutional Codes
In 1995, Best et al. published a formula for the exact bit error probability for Viterbi decoding of the rate R=1/2, memory m=1 (2-state) convolutional encoder with generator matrix G(D)=(1 1+D) when used to communicate over the binary symmetric channel. Their formula was later extended to the rate R=1/2, memory m=2 (4-state) convolutional encoder with generator matrix G(D)=(1+D^2 1+D+D^2) by Lent