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During most of the 20th century shelters for the homeless has been criticized as being of too low standard and an unworthy way of living in a welfare society. During the 1960s and 1970s most shelters in Sweden were shut down and replaced with other forms of housing for the homeless. Since the late 1980s and early 1990s the issue of homelessness has returned to the political agenda as an existing s

Leadership style and managerial type as related to working climate, gender and personality in terms of the Spiral Aftereffect Technique (SAT)

The study considers relations in a group of 95 managers, 41 women and 54 men, between working climate of their units, their leadership styles in terms of their subordinates’ ratings of employee-centeredness, change-centeredness and production-centeredness, and their personality patterns according to the Spiral Aftereffect Technique (SAT). Eight managerial types were distinguished, based on low and

Production systems aligned with distributed economies: Examples from energy and biomass sectors

This article builds on the introduction to the concept of distributed economies (DE) by Johansson et al. [Johansson A, Kisch P, Mirata M. Distributed economies - a new engine for innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production, this issue] and takes the discussion further by reviewing examples of production systems that, due to certain characteristics, can be seen as illustrative DE elements. Through se

Maximally aligned states in Ag-99

Excited states of Ag-99 were populated via the Cr-50 + Ni-58 (261 MeV) reaction using the NORDBALL detector array equipped with charged-particle and neutron. detector systems for reaction channel separation. On the basis of the measured gammagamma-coincidence relations and angular distribution ratios a significantly extended level scheme has been constructed up to E-x similar to 7.8 MeV and I = 35

Direct exposure to corticosterone during embryonic development influences behaviour in an ovoviviparous lizard

It is becoming increasingly clear that conditions experienced during embryonic development can be of major importance for traits subsequent to parturition or hatching. For example, in mammals, offspring from stressed mothers show a variety of changes in behavioural, morphological, and life-history traits. The effects of maternal stress on trait development are believed to be mediated via transfer

Is bone mineral density advantage maintained long-term in previous weight lifters?

This cross-sectional study was done in order to ascertain whether there is a lifelong beneficial effect on bone mineral density (BMD) of early, long-lasting, and intense physical exercise. Forty-eight male ex-weight lifters, mean age 64 years (range 50-79) participated. They had followed a training program of an average of 10 hours/week (range 4-20) for an average of 13 years (range 1-34). They ha

Quality of life in older people receiving ADL help: Help, help providers, and complaints.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Äldre personer som erhåller permanent hjälp i sitt dagliga liv har ökat i takt med att livslängden ökat. Många äldre personer kommer troligen framöver att erhålla hjälp i sitt ordinära boende, eftersom den kommunala vården och omsorgen framför allt inom särskilt boende har minskat i omfattning i förhållande till antalet äldre över 65 år. Svensk policy strävar mot att alThe aim of this thesis was to investigate self-reported diseases and complaints, quality of life (QoL), help received with activities of daily living among older people and in relation to who provided the help, and in comparison with those without ADL help. The aim was also to investigate older people’s experiences of receiving help. Data were collected using postal questionnaires in two populatio

Cloning of human cDNA encoding a novel heptahelix receptor expressed in Burkitt's lymphoma and widely distributed in brain and peripheral tissues

Using PCR with degenerate primers and screening of a human B-cell lymphoblast cDNA library, a full-length cDNA encoding a 375-amino-acid protein was isolated. It contains seven regions of hydrophobic amino acids probably representing membrane-spanning domains of a novel heptahelix receptor, tentatively named CMKRL2. It shows nearly 30% overall identity with the high-affinity IL8 receptor and simil

Torp och backstugor i Länghem : en studie av bebyggelsens förändringar från 1600-talet till början av 1900-talet.

The paper is based on an inventory of crofts and cottages that was made in the parish of Länghem in the southern part of the province of Västergötland, Sweden at the end of the 1950ies and the beginning of the 1960ies. The parish of Länghem has both manors (the medieval Torpa and Hofsnäs and the 17th century Sällerås) and independent villages. The inventory was made quite traditionally. We tried t

Enhancement of apomorphine-induced penile erection in the rat by a selective alpha(1D)-adrenoceptor antagonist.

Effects of A-322312 (alpha(1B)-adrenoceptor (AR) antagonist), A-119637 (alpha(1D)-AR antagonist), prazosin (non-selective alpha(1)-AR antagonist), and yohimbine (alpha(2)-AR antagonist) were studied in rat corpus cavernosum (CC) and cavernous artery (Acc) preparations. Effects of intracavernous (i.c.) or intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of alpha(1)-AR antagonists on apomorphine-induced erecti

Influence of the characteristic curve on the clinical image quality of lumbar spine and chest radiographs.

The "European Guidelines on Quality Criteria for Diagnostic Radiographic Images" do not address the choice of the film characteristic (H&D) curve, which is an important parameter for the description of a radiographic screen–film system. The image contrast of clinical lumbar spine and chest radiographs was altered by digital image processing techniques, simulating images with different H&D