Membrane traffic in neutrophils and neutrophil-like cells
Popular Abstract in Swedish Neutrofiler försvarar oss mot sjukdomsframkallande mikroorganismer. Deras primära funktion är att känna igen, fagocytera och avdöda de invaderande mikroorganismerna. I denna avhandling studeras membrantrafik i neutrofiler och neutrofil-lika celler. Här visas att icke-opsoniserade S. pyogenes bakterier inducerar ett snabbt och lokaliserat pinocytossvar hos neutrofiler. PThe neutrophil constitutes the first line of defence against invading organisms and its primary function is to recognize, phagocytose and kill intruding microorganisms. In this thesis, the membrane traffic in neutrophils and neutrophil-like cells was studied. Non-opsonised S. pyogenes bacteria was shown to induce a rapid and localised pinosome formation in neutrophils. The pinocytosis was not an i