

Din sökning på "*" gav 531363 sökträffar

Membrane traffic in neutrophils and neutrophil-like cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Neutrofiler försvarar oss mot sjukdomsframkallande mikroorganismer. Deras primära funktion är att känna igen, fagocytera och avdöda de invaderande mikroorganismerna. I denna avhandling studeras membrantrafik i neutrofiler och neutrofil-lika celler. Här visas att icke-opsoniserade S. pyogenes bakterier inducerar ett snabbt och lokaliserat pinocytossvar hos neutrofiler. PThe neutrophil constitutes the first line of defence against invading organisms and its primary function is to recognize, phagocytose and kill intruding microorganisms. In this thesis, the membrane traffic in neutrophils and neutrophil-like cells was studied. Non-opsonised S. pyogenes bacteria was shown to induce a rapid and localised pinosome formation in neutrophils. The pinocytosis was not an i

Multiple-window cepstrum analysis for estimation of periodicity

Multiple windows have been used in spectrum analysis to reduce variance. In this paper, a multiple-window approach is suggested in cepstrum analysis, where the period of the system response should be estimated. The logarithm of the spectrum as well as the liftering are approximated by a division of two multiple-window spectra. The method is useful especially in the case of short periods of the per

Area averaging of land surface-atmosphere fluxes in NOPEX: challenges, results and perspectives

The NOPEX experimental campaigns dealt with the land-surface-atmosphere exchange of momentum, heat, water and CO2 on local and regional scales. In this paper emphasis is put on the NOPEX experiences with respect to the spatial integration of fluxes of momentum, heat, humidity and CO2 over the mosaic of forest, agricultural land, lakes and mires that make up the southern part of the NOPEX area. It

Master's Theses in Automatic Control 1983-1984

The report contains abstracts of Master Theses (examensarbeten) made at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund, during the academic year 83/84. During this year 7 theses were made by 8 students. Most of the theses are written in Swedish with an English abstract.

Nitrates and Left Ventricular Dysfunction

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nyligen genomförda undersökningar pekar på att mellan en och två procent av den vuxna befolkningen lider av hjärtsvikt (hjärtinsufficiens/hjärtinkompensation), en oförmåga hos hjärtat att med ett normalt fyllnadstryck förse kroppens olika organ med blod. Vanligtvis är orsaken primärt kardiell (utgående från hjärtat) där ischemisk hjärtsjukdom (kranskärlssjukdom) utgör dUse of beta-blockers and inhibitors of the renin angiotensin system (RAS) is established practice in the treatment of chronic heart failure (CHF). Clinical studies also suggest beneficial long-term effects of nitrates in CHF. In the Veterans Administration Heart Failure Trial (V-HeFT) I, the combined use of a nitrate and hydralazine reduced the mortality rate. However, it is not possible to determ

Arch-shaped versus flat arthrodesis of the ankle joint: strength measurements using synthetic cancellous bone

The aim Of this Study was to see if preservation of the arch shape of the ankle at arthrodesis contributes to stability. The ankle joint was simulated by paired blocks of a synthetic material corresponding to rheumatoid cancellous bone with low stiffness and strength. Flat end constructs with and without subchondral bone were compared with arch-shape constructs with and without subchondral bone. T

Lead abundance in the uranium star CS 31082-001

In a previous paper we were able to measure the abundance of uranium andthorium in the very-metal poor halo giant BPS CS31082-001, but only obtained an upper limit for the abundanceof lead (Pb). We have got from ESO 17 h of additional exposure on thisstar in order to secure a detection of the minimum amount of leadexpected to be present in CS 31082-001, the amountarising from the decay of the orig

Sweet and fat taste preference in obesity have different associations with personality and eating behavior

The aim of this study was to test associations between self-reported attitudes of sweet and fat taste preferences and psychological constructs of eating behavior and personality in obesity. Sixty obese patients were included. The Three Factor Eating Questionnaire was used for the assessment of psychological constructs of eating behavior, and the Swedish universities Scales of Personality was used

Behavior of reinforced concrete beams with loss of bond at longitudinal reinforcement

The effect of loss of bond for longitudinal reinforcement on the structural behavior of RC beams is investigated in a test series of six beams where nominal length without bond is varied. Loss of bond is created with plastic tubes surrounding the longitudinal reinforcement leaving short bonded lengths over support and at positions where stirrups are crossing the longitudinal reinforcement. Using a

Identification and characterization of frontal lobe degeneration - Historical perspective on the development of FTD

This is a historical account of the development of the concept frontotemporal dementia, beginning with our discovery in the late 60s of a simple degenerative form. It was named frontal lobe degeneration of non-Alzheimer type to clearly separate it from the then almost totally dominating diagnosis Alzheimer disease. In the absence of immunohistochemical methods for specific disease markers, we had

Tolerance and efficacy of Omniscan (gadodiamide injection) in MR imaging of the central nervous system

PURPOSE: This Swedish multicenter trial was performed on patients with known or suspected lesions of the CNS for which an MR examination using a contrast medium was indicated. A total of 8 MR centers participated in the study to establish the safety and efficacy of Omniscan (gadodiamide injection) in clinical routine using a standard dose of 0.1 mmol Gd/kg b.w. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seven hundred

Revising the definition of the crustacean seta and setal classification systems based on examinations of the mouthpart setae of seven species of decapods

The crustacean cuticle has numerous projections and some of these projections, the setae, have important mechanical as well as sensory functions. The setae display a wide diversity in their external morphology, which has led to great problems separating setae from other projections in the cuticle and problems in making a consistent classification system. Here, the cuticular projections on the mout